
The quarters of Asma when they are intimacy, ever

ربع أسماء إذ هي الأنس آلا

1. The quarters of Asma when they are intimacy, ever
Bare of verses, turns back no question,

١. رَبعُ أسمَاءَ ِإذ هِي الأُنسُ آلا
مُقفِرَ الآيِ لا يُرُدُّ سُؤَالا

2. The prowess of fate did not sport with its youth
A gird in it, and the sides the north and south,

٢. لاَ عَبَت صَولَةُ الدَّبُورِ صَبَاهَا
حِقَباً فِيهِ والجَنُوب الشَّمَالا

3. So it waned and faded but not three
Like partridges in thickets made lawful,

٣. فَانمَحَى واضمَحَلَّ غَيرَ ثَلاَثٍ
كَالقَطَا الجُونِ في التِّلاَعِ حَلاَلا

4. Traveler, stop by it, in my heart indeed
Is one who loved longing and misfortune.

٤. صَاحِ عَرِّج عَلَيهِ إِنَّ بِقَلبي
مَن هَوَاهُ لَلَوعَةً وخَبَالا

5. Betrayal indeed not to stop at its ruins
Or to greet vestiges.

٥. إِنَّ غَدراً أن لاَ تُعَرِّجَ في أطلا
لِهِ أو تُحَيِّىَ الأَطلالا

6. And loyalty is to remain in it and spend
Its short and long days.

٦. والوَفَا أَن تَظَلَّ فِيهِ وأَن تَن
دُبَ أيَامَهُ القِصَارَ الطِّوَالا

7. How much vain joy we gained with it that appeared
A sun and longed for a gazelle.

٧. كَم جَنَينَا بِهِ اللَّهوِ مِن خُو
دٍ تَبَدَّى شَمساً وتَرنُو غَزَالا

8. It bends, smiling, light
From cheeks well-watered and flooding.

٨. تَتَثَنَّى بَاناً وتَبسِمُ نَوراً
مِن أقَاحٍ مَطلُولَةٍ وسَيَالا

9. Your love, O Usayma is sincere though
You did not reciprocate passion.

٩. إِن حُبَيِّكَ يا أُسَيمَا عَلَى الصَّد
دِ وإِن كُنتِ لَم تَصُدِّى دَلالا

10. It settled in my inner self, rather my heart
Increased for you in desire when you cut the ropes

١٠. لَمُرِبٌّ بِالقَلبِ بل زَادَ قَلبي
رَغبَةً فِيكِ أَن صَرَمتِ الحِبَالا

11. And prevented union except in apparitions
And we feared you would even prevent apparitions.

١١. وَمنَعتِ الوِصَالَ إِلاَّ خَيَالاً
وخَشِينَا أَن تَمنَعِيهِ خَيَالا

12. I used to gulp the bitterness of patience with difficulty
Until you quenched me from your bitterness.

١٢. كُنتُ أحجُو تَجَرُّعَ الصّبرِ صَعب ال
مصَبرِ حتى سُقِيتُ مِنكَ الزَّيَالا

13. Sighs welled up in my chest
That tasked me with going and coming.

١٣. فَغَلَت في جَوَانِحِى زَفَرَاتٌ
كَلَّفَتني الإِدبَارَ والإِقبَالا

14. If what he suffered from his love of her struck
Mountains, it would fell mountains.

١٤. لَو أصَابَ الجِبَالَ بَعضَ الذي أَل
قاهُ مِن حُبِّهَا لَهَدَّ الجِبَالا

15. And travel relieved the stranger of my worry
When they marched to travel the cameleers

١٥. وأرَاحَ الرَّحِيلُ عَازِبَ هَمِّى
حِينَ شَدُّوا إِلَى الرَّحِيلِ الرِّحَالا

16. Brought the dromedaries of beauty so they appeared
And covered the surfaces of beauty with beauty.

١٦. قَرَّبُوا بُزَّلَ الجِمَالِ فَبَانُوا
وكَسَوا أظهُرَ الجِمَالِ الجَمَالا

17. So it is as if beauty and dromedaries passing
The sands are covered by them.

١٧. فَكَأنَّ الجِمَالُ والآلُ جَارٍ
تَتَغَشَّى بها الحُدَاةُ الرِّمَالا

18. Ships the guide heads with them to the harbor
And the camels stride with them steadily

١٨. سُفُنُ يَقصُدُ الخِضَمُّ بها المَي
لُ وتَنحُو بها النَّواتِى إعتِدَالا

19. Or the tall palms lofty platforms
Of sweet water when they were watered.

١٩. أَو طِوَالُ النَّخِيلِ عَالَينَ قِنوَا
ناً مِنَ البُسرِ إِذ رَوِينَ زُلالا

20. Every high concern is powerless over them
From freeing exemplars an exalted model.

٢٠. كُلُّ وَهمٍ عَالِيهِ خِدرٌ عَلَيه
مِن عِتَاقِ الأَنمَاطِ رَقمٌ مُعَالَى

21. It is the right of tears to be copious
And the child of the cradle to have white hair.

٢١. حُقَّ لِلدَّمعِ أن يَكُون مُذَالاً
ولِطفلِ المَهدِ المَشِيبُ قَذَالا

22. The way of the Prophet has become neglected
Rope of passion is pulled by it.

٢٢. أصبَحَت سُنَّةُ النبي مُعَفَّا
ةً يَجُرُّ الهَوَى بِهَا الأَذيَالا

23. The company of guides to God and loud
Remembrance of God became misguidance.

٢٣. أصبَحَت صُحبَةُ الهُداةِ إِلَى الل
هِ وذِكُرُ الإِلهِ جَهراً ضَلاَلا

24. The friends to scholars became prisoners
In the dungeons in lowly stations.

٢٤. أصبَحَ الأَولِيَاءُ عِندَ أُولِى العِل
مِ أُولِى السَّجنِ في الحَضِيضِ مَحَالا

25. And the perspicacious sheikhs, the highest stages
Of spiritual ascent are vilified by them.

٢٥. والشُّيُوخُ الرَّاقُونَ أعلَى مَقَامَا
تِ التَّرَقِى يُرمَون قِيلاً وقَالا

26. They insult them while they are in the mosque
At night vigils obediently.

٢٦. وَيُسبُّونَهُم وهُم في المُصَلَّى
في اللِّيَالِى المُظلِمَاتِ إمتِثَالا

27. And they condemn the best of them for gifts
And say they hoard money.

٢٧. ويَعِيبُونَ أحذَهُم لِلهَدَايَا
وَيقُولُونَ يَجمَعُونَ المَالا

28. They are ignorant the Elect accepted gifts
With his right and left hands.

٢٨. جَهِلُوا أخذَ المُصطفي المُنَحَمِنَّا
لِلهَدِيَّاتِ يَمنةً وشِمَالا

29. Does the Prophet love money when he renounced
To asceticism mountains of detachment?

٢٩. أيُحُبُّ النبي مَالاً وقَد عَف
فَ لِزُهدٍ عَنِ النُّضَارِ جِبَالا

30. Everything they witnessed while ignorant of it
They denied and blamed the ignorant.

٣٠. كُلُّ مَا شَاهَدُوا وهُمُ جَاهِلُوهُ
أنكَرُوُهُ وعَيَّروُا الجُهَّالا

31. They deny divine openings and ecstasy
While the witnesses are composed.

٣١. يُنكِرُونَ الفَتحَ الإلهِىَّ والذَّو
قَ اللَّدني والشُّهودُ إعتدَالا

32. They thought God would not give what
He did not give them so they suffered loss.

٣٢. حَسِبُوا أن لَن يُعَطِىَ الله مَا لَم
يُعطِهُم غَيرَهُم فَحَازُوا النَّكَالا

33. They gathered backbiting, arrogance and ignorance
Befriended these three traits.

٣٣. جَمَعُوا غِيبَةً وعُجباً وجَهلاً
ألِفُوا هَذِهِ الثَّلاَثِ خِصَالا

34. They appointed the masses which some of those
They seduced with seclusion seduced with seclusion.

٣٤. حَكَّمُوا العَامَةَ التى أكسَبَت بَع
ضَ مَن أغرَوا بالإعتِزَالِ اعتِزَالا

35. Do not blame them, denial maintains
In its prohibitors an intransigent disease.

٣٥. لاَ تَلُومَنَّهم فَالإنكَارُ يُبقِي
في نُهَى شَارِبِيهِ دَاءً عُضَالا

36. They are incapable of accepting miracles of
Prophets by their believing sorcerers.

٣٦. إِنَّهُم عَن قَبُولِهِم مُعجِزَاتِ ال
أَنبِيَا بِاعتِقَادِهم لَكُسَالَى

37. They did not know the most worshipping of God among them
Is one God exalts if He takes.

٣٧. ما دَرَوا أنَّ أعبُدَ اللهِ مِنهُم
مَن يَبَرَّ الإلَهُ إِن هُو آلَى

38. O people, denial is difficult
So obey God the Exalted in it.

٣٨. أيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّ الإنكَارَ صَعبٌ
فَأطِيعُوا فِيهِ الإلهَ تَعالَى

39. None denies but the accomplished who unlocked
Secrets of sciences leaving no ambiguity.

٣٩. إِنَّمَا يُنكِرُ البَصِيرُ بِغيضَا
تِ الفُنُونِ المُفَتِّحُ الأقفَالا

40. He mastered seventy arts
Leaving in their difficulty no complexity.

٤٠. بَعدَ إتقانِهِ لِسَبعِينَ فَنًّا
لَم يَدَع في عَوِيصِهَا إشكالا

41. So one whose religion inclined or one who
In religion is upright has not deviated.

٤١. فِعلَ مَن مَالَ دِينُهُ أصلاً أو مَن
كَانَ في الدِّينِ مُستَقِيماً فَمَالا

42. The upright one is innocent, the right of reality
To state clearly is deserving to be stated.

٤٢. لَيسَ إلا فالمُستَقِيمُ بَرىءٌ
حُقَّ لِلحَقِّ وَاضِحاً أَن يُقَالا

43. And among the deniers are those who said this
Squandered religion by what was stated in it.

٤٣. ومَنِ المُنكِرِينَ مَن قَالَ هَذَا
ضَيعَ الدِّينَ بالذي فِيهِ قَالا

44. The place of condemnation, if it is said this
Was worthy of it, and difficult is attainment.

٤٤. وَمحلُّ الأنكَارِ إِن قِيلَ هَذَا
كَانَ أهلاً لَهُ وعَزَّ مَنَالا

45. Is to see the action in prohibition explicitly
Finding no interpretation allowing lawfulness in it

٤٥. أن يَرَى الفِعلَ في المُحَرَّمِ نَصًّا
لَم يَجِد فِيهِ لِلحَلاَلِ إحتِمَالا

46. Or to see the statement opposing the remembrance or opposing
Of the Trustworthy Prophet an utterance

٤٦. أو يَرَى القَولَ صَادَمَ الذِّكرَ أو صَا
دَمَ لِلمُصطفي الأمِينِ مَقَالا

47. Finding no understanding though the denouncers pondered principles
But the ostriches did not look with scrutiny.

٤٧. لَم تَفُق لَو تَأمَّلَ المُنكِرُ الأثقَا
لَ لَكِن لَم يَنظُرِ الأَنقَالا

48. The call of a scholar making the lawful prohibited
And the call of an ignorant making prohibited lawful.

٤٨. دَعوَةُ العَالِمِ الحَلاَلَ حَرَاماً
دَعوَةَ الجَاهِلِ الحَرَامَ حَلاَلا

49. O people, one who said about a sheikh a statement
Not intending reverence

٤٩. أيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّ مَن قَالَ في الشَّي
خِ مَقَالاً لم يَقصُدِ الإِجلالا

50. Has provoked war against us for we are charges of the sheikh
We disavow having dependents.

٥٠. حَشَّ مِنَّا حَرباً فَنَحنُ عِيَالُ الشَّي
خِ نَبأى بِأن نَكُونَ عِيَالا

51. One who came arguing with us about him we stuffed
A boulder leaving in him no dispute.

٥١. مَن أتَانَا مُجَادِلاً فِيهِ ألقَمنَا
هُ صَخراً لَم يُبقِ فِيهِ جِدَالا

52. And when one came pure of heart asking
We answered the question truthfully.

٥٢. وإذَا جَاءَ سَائِلاً صَافي القَل
بِ أَجَبنا بِالحَقِّ مِنهُ السُّؤالا

53. Avoid talk about him, do not attract what
You cannot repel when it turns intense.

٥٣. جَنِّبُوا القَولَ فِيهِ لا تَجلِبُوا مَا
لَم تُطِيقُوا دَفعاً لَهُ حِينَ صَالا

54. Who says about him I spoke and aimed
At him from vilification arrows.

٥٤. مَن يَقُل فِيهِ قُلتُ فِيهِ وسَدَّد
تُ إِلَيهِ مِنَ الهِجَاءِ النِّبَالا

55. And when he refuses to refrain from it
I refuse to refrain from fighting him.

٥٥. وإذَا مَا أبَى عَنِ الكَفِّ عَنهُ
قَد أبَى أن أكُفَّ عَنهُ القِتَالا

56. He is Sheikh Ahmed al-Mutahhari
Following the Messenger vigilantly.

٥٦. فَهوَ الشَّيخُ أَحمَدُ المُتَحَلِّى
بِاتِّبَاعِ الرُّسُولِ صَحواً وحَالا

57. May God bless what he gained from grace
And ennobled and prolonged his survival,

٥٧. بَارَكَ اللهُ في الذي حَازَ مِن فَض
لٍ وأرقَاهُ والبَقَاءَ أطَالا

58. Bestowed on him the delight of the eye that satisfies him
In a blessed state and wealth.

٥٨. وَحَباهُ مِن قُرَّةِ العَينِ مَا يُر
ضِيهِ حَالاَ مُبَارَكاً ومَالا

59. And bestowed approval and blessed the one who gained
Perfection from the Perfecter of men.

٥٩. وحَبَاهُ الرِّضَا وَصلَّى عَلَى مَن
حَازَ عَن كُمِّل الأنَامِ الكَمَالا