
You will be insulted and insults befit you

ستهجى والهجاء له تليق

1. You will be insulted and insults befit you,
Because you are worthy of insults, you wretch.

١. سُتُهجَى والهِجَاءُ لَهُ تَلِيقُ
لأنَّكَ بالهِجَاءِ حَرٍ خَلِيقُ

2. So you have come from a distant land,
Led by stupidity or driven by it.

٢. فَقَد وَافَيتَ مِن بَلَدٍ بَعِيدٍ
تَقُودُ بِكَ الحَمَاقَةُ أو تَسُوقُ

3. Debauchery befits you, you man,
Worthy for debauchery to befit.

٣. يُزَجِّيكَ الفُسُوقُ وأنتَ مَرؤٌ
جَدِيرٌ أَن يُزَجِّيهِ الفُسُوقُ

4. You attempt to leave me blind,
With no path for what you attempt.

٤. تُحَاوِلُ أَن تُغَادَرني عَيِيًّا
ولَيسَ لِمَا تُحَاوِلُهُ طَرِيقُ

5. For you are spineless or tired,
So how dare you oppose me, you wretch?

٥. فَإِنَّكَ بَاقِلٌ أو أنتَ أعيا
فَكَيفَ لأن تُعَارِضني تَتَوقُ

6. And you claim your poetry is like mine,
Say "No way! No way!, O carnelian!"

٦. وتَزعُمُ أَنَّ شِعرَكَ مثل شِعرى
فَقُل هَيهَاتَ هَيهَاتَ العَقِيقُ

7. I can, if I one day want poetry,
Do what you cannot endure.

٧. أطِيقُ إِذَا أرَدتُ الشِّعرَ يَوماً
عَلَى عِلاَّتِهِ مَالاَ تَطِيقُ

8. For I was tried in it before you
Until it was clear I was the pioneering expert.

٨. فَقَد جُرِّبتُ قَبلَكَ فِيهِ حتى
بَدَا أني البَصِيرُ بِهِ السَّبُوقُ

9. Your poetry was not old poetry.
And the best poetry is the old.

٩. فَشِعرُكَ لَم يَكُن شِعراً عَتِيقاً
وإِنَّ الشِّعرَ أحسُنُه العَتِيقُ

10. And you were not established in its veins,
While I am established in its veins.

١٠. ولَم تَكُ في مَعَادِنِه عَرِيقاً
وإني في مَعَادِنِهِ عَرِيقُ

11. Had you met me, you would have touched fire
When you said its path was treacherous.

١١. فَلَو لاَقَيتني لَصَليتَ نَاراً
لَمَّا أَن قُلتَ خَائِنَهُ طَرِيقُ

12. But al-Jurdani pulled you from me
To where partridges whitened with pomade turn.

١٢. ولَكِن جَرَّكَ الجُدَرِىٌّ عني
بِحَيثُ تَبِيضُ بِالقُنَنِ الأُنُوقُ

13. So either make peace, as a caring brother is
Caring to him, and he will be caring to you,

١٣. فَكُن إِمَّا سَلِمتَ أخاً شَفِيقاً
عَلَيه فَهُو عَلَيكَ أخٌ شَفِيقُ

14. Or it seemed to me your mind was disturbed
And you do not please or excel,

١٤. بَدَا لِى أنَّ عَقلَكَ في إختِلاَلٍ
وأَنَّك لاَ تَرُوقُ ولاَ تَفُوقُ

15. And you are an ignorant man who knew nothing
And your trait is braying and neighing,

١٥. وأَنَّكَ جَاهِلٌ لَم تَدرِ شَيئاً
وشِيمَتُكَ المَنَاكِرُ والنَّهِيقُ

16. And inform me that you do not pray
And were not a fasting, trustworthy, honest man,

١٦. وأخبَرني بِأنَّكَ لاَ تُصَلِّى
وَلَم تَكُ صَائِماً ثِقَةٌ صَدُوقُ

17. You were wicked in origin and race.
Thus the origin is followed by branches.

١٧. خَبُثتَ أصَالَةً وخَبُثتَ عِرقاً
كَذَاكَ الأصلُ تَتبَعُهُ العُرُوقُ