
O time, with it we stand in safety

يالدهر قمنا به في أمان

1. O time, with it we stand in safety
From the vicissitudes of time, every instant

١. يَالَدَهرٍ قُمنَا بِهِ في أَمَانِ
مِن صُرُوفِ الزَّمَانِ في كُل آنِ

2. With a beauty who gives her intimacy to none
Other than the pourers of the pure wine, at times

٢. مَعَ جَيدَاءَ لا تُذِيقُ حَمِيماً
غَيرَهُ مِن صَابِ الصَّرِيمَةِ آنِ

3. Have those who blame despaired of us, because we
Are safe from the loss of some safety

٣. أيَأَسَ العَاذِلُونَ مِنَّا لأنَّا
في أَمَانِ مِن فَقدِ بَعضِ الأمَانِ

4. So both of us are in a garden of intimacy
And the harvest of the two gardens is intimate companionship

٤. فَكِلانَا في جَنَّةٍ بالتَّدَاني
وجَنَى الجَنَّتَينِ باللَّهوِ دَانِ

5. So he took from the wine long draughts
Tempered by chastity, far from wildness

٥. فَتَعَاطَى مِنَ المُجُونِ مُداماً
شَوبُه بِالعَفَافِ دُونَ الدِّنَانِ

6. Then he intended the words of books for a while
That we may experience through them strange meanings

٦. ثُمَّ نَاوي لِمَنطِقِ الكُتبِ آناً
كَى نَعاني بِهِ غَرِيبَ المَعاني

7. And clarify obscurities that were hidden
In issues we explain the magic of rhetoric

٧. ونُجَلِّى غَوَامِضاً قَد خَفَاهَا
في القَضَايَا نُبِينُ سِحرَ البَيَانِ

8. If I want other than my religion it appears
Its cheek from it a rose like paint

٨. إِن أَرُم غَيرَ دِى الاُمُورِ تَبَدَّى
خَدُّهَا مِنهُ وَردَةٌ كالدِّهَانِ

9. I do not loosen the rein towards other than it
From its passion and I have no second to it

٩. لَستُ أثني العِنَانَ نَحوَ سِوَاهَا
عَن هَوَاهَا ولَيسَ لِى فِيهِ ثَانِ

10. What I have heard of it suffices me instead
Of my hearing from the singers beating timber

١٠. قَد كَفَاني مِنهَا إستِمَاعٌ قَلِيلٌ
عَن سَمَاعِى مِن ضَارِبَاتِ العِيدَانِ