1. My heart was captivated by the alluring glance of the maid's eyes,
So tears welled up despite my efforts to restrain them.
١. فَتَّ بَينُ الرَّبَابِ في العين صَابَا
فَجَرَى المَدمع المصونِّ وَصابَا
2. Her cheeks blushed a deeper red than the anemones in the meadows,
While her brows frowned with coquetry, kindling my passion.
٢. وَغَلَت في الحَشَا زَوَافِرُ أنفَا
سٍ تَشَكَّى الإِهابُ منها التِهابَا
3. My heart was spellbound by her glances and I failed to disenchant it
Until the critics rebuked this obsession of mine.
٣. رَابَ بَينُ الربابِ قلبي ولم أَش
عُر إِلَى أن حَدَا الحُداةُ الرَّبَابَا
4. So I avoided the slander of the critics? tongues,
Though slander may make the best of men its target.
٤. فَتَلافَيتُ أُخرَيَاتِ ركابِ الظَع
نِ والظعنُ تَستَحِتُّ الرَّكَابَا
5. When she demurely peered through her veil,
I saw her features give me a secret sign to return.
٥. فَبَدَت لي الربابُ إِذ صِرنَ في وَع
ثِ النَّقى تستميلُ عَنها النِّقَابَا
6. So when she glanced at me with a question in her eyes,
I let my eyebrows give the answer.
٦. رَمَقتني فَأومَأت لِىَ إيَمَا
ءً خَفِيّاً بَأن اؤوبُ إِيابَا
7. Then I noticed her shyly glancing about,
Fearing the spies and the envious gaze.
٧. فَتَلَقيتُ خَاجبي سُؤَالاً
فَرَأت مَسَّ حَاجِبَيهَا جَوابا
8. So I took refuge behind the dunes?
Indeed, the wilderness harbors both unevenness and dunes.
٨. فَتَرَقَّبتُ أنَّها تَختَشِى مِن
رُقَبَاها وحاسدِيهَا إرتِقَابَا
9. She unveiled her face, whose veil
Concealed her cheeks and denied me the vision.
٩. فَتَوَارَيتُ لاَئِذاً بِهِضَابٍ
إنَّ في الحِقفِ رَمَّلَةً وهِضَابَا
10. So I remained perplexed and bewildered,
Wondering if I pitied or envied the passionate youth.
١٠. ورَنَت وِجهَتِى فَمَّ عَلَيهَا
حَاجِبَاهَا وعَاذِلاىَ الحجابَا
11. Indeed, passion holds an excruciating pang
That troubles the calm and brings unrest.
١١. فَبَقِيتُ المُدَلَّهَ الحائِرَ الصَّبب
آسُبُّ امرءاً صباً أو تَصَابى
12. It excites desire in the devout hermit
Until he sees devotion as a stigma.
١٢. إنَّ للعشقِ لَوعَةً مُختَشَاةً
تُكسِبُ الرَّاسِىَ المُنِيفَ اضطِرَابَا
13. It drives away his sanity and leaves him
Weeping with desire in the meadows of youth.
١٣. وتُثيرُ الغرامَ للراهبِ الأش
مَطِ حتى يَرَى التَّرَهُّبَ عَابَا
14. He longs to hear the answer from these meadows,
But the youthful meadows prolong the answer.
١٤. وتَذودُ إرعَوَاءَهُ فتَرَاهُ
مُستَهاماً يبكىِ الرُّبُوعَ اليَبَابَا
15. The first glance of passion is sweet, but prolonged
Sweetness turns into torture for him who tastes it.
١٥. ويريدُ الجوابَ منها اتَحجُو
نَ الربوعَ اليبابَ تُبدِى الجَوابَا
16. If the youth?s passion was for someone else,
He would not be considered violated by the canon of passion.
١٦. أول العشقِ نَظرةٌ عذبةٌ والعَذ
بُ مَن مَدَّهُ استحالَ عَذَابَا
17. My friend reproached me when he realized
My confusion, censuring me with contempt.
١٧. لَم يَكُ الصَّبُ إِن أُصِيبَ بِغَيرش ال
بَينِ في شِرعةِ الصُّبَاةِ مُصَابَا
18. ?O perplexed wanderer,? he said,
?Climb the ladder of guidance and good counsel.
١٨. قَالَ لِى صَاحبي وقد عَلِمَ الحَي
رَةَ مِنِّي وَلجَّ عَذلاً وَعَابَا
19. ?And examine the sublime, gentle law
That can never be matched or duplicated.
١٩. أيُّهَا الحَائِرُ المُدَلَّهُ يَمِّم
سُلَّمَ الهَدىِ والفَخَارَ اللُّبَابَا
20. And avoid misguidance and innovations? paths
That alter and change the fundamentals.
٢٠. وَمَحَكَّ الشَّرِيعَةِ المرتضاةَ السَّم
حَةَ العذبةَ التي لَن تُشَابَا
21. ?And attain mastery of the manifest and hidden knowledge
That answers questions and responds to queries.
٢١. واجتنابَ الضلال والطرقاتِ ال
مُحدثاتِ المُغَيَّرَاتِ اجتنابَا
22. And reach the exalted abode and the firm handhold,
And the refuge of widows held in good esteem.
٢٢. وجلاءَ العوِيصِ في عِلمى الظَّا
هِر والباطِن المُجِيبَ المُجَابَا
23. ?And the abundant oasis with lasting springs
And the spacious hall of hospitality.
٢٣. والمَحَلَّ الأجَلَّ والعروة الوُث
قَى ومأوى الأرامِل المُستَطابَا
24. And the copious rain that dispels distress
And wards off affliction with propitious downpour.
٢٤. والجفانَ الجوابي المُترَعاتِ ال
غُرَّ والمنزلَ الفسيح الرِّحَابَا
25. ?Imitating in word and deed the followers
Who resemble each other like crows resemble crows.
٢٥. والندىَّ المُفَرِّجَ الكُرَبَ الدَّا
فِعَ ما يُختَشَى المصيبَ الصَّوابَا
26. He who ghosts the caravan and contents the bold,
And facilely accomplishes feats of great difficulty.
٢٦. مشبَهَ التابعينَ في القولِ وال
فعلِ كما يُشبِهُ الغُرابُ الغرابا
27. ?A home is but a home, yet when you enter it,
You will not find a doorman barring its gate.
٢٧. مَن أقَامَ الصَّفَا ورَاضَ الحَرونَ الص
صَعبَ وأستسهل الخطوبَ الصِّعابَا
28. And when you enter it, you enter peace and prosperity
And fertile land of hidden treasures.
٢٨. دَارُ دَارٍ إذَا حَلَلتَ بِهَا لَم
تَستَبِن عِندَ بَابِها بَوَّابَا
29. ?Indeed, if you knew the sanctity of that home,
You would wish for no other home but it.
٢٩. وإذَا ما دخلتَ فيها دخلتَ ال
أَمن واليُمنَ والخصيبَ الجَنَابَا
30. It protects a man from snakes? venom,
Wild animals, water, and ravenous wolves.
٣٠. إنَّ للدارِ لو علمتَ حِمًى لَم
يَكُ يَرضَى إلى سواها انقلابا
31. ?With justice, it makes punishment a relief
If it gets severe, and relief a punishment,
٣١. تَأمَنُ الرِّجلُ منهُ سُمَّ الأَفَاعِى
والجُذَا الماءَ والرَّبيضُ الذئابا
32. And rugged boulders into soft sand dunes,
And pure, delicate sand into unbreakable rocks.
٣٢. عَادِلاً يَجعَلُ العُقَابَ بُغَاثاً
إن عَتَت عنهُ والبُغَاثَ عُقَابَا
33. ?Such is a decree and wisdom particular to Him;
With it, one need not fear randomness and severity.
٣٣. والصَّخُورَ الصِّلاَبَ رَملاً كَثِيباً
والكثيبَ النَّقَى الصخورَ الصِّلابَا
34. ?Muhammad had no flaw but that
In obeying God, he was extremely rigorous.
٣٤. ذَاكَ حُكمٌ وحكمةٌ خَصَّهُ الل
هُ بِها لَن يَهابَ فيها الجِذَابَا
35. ?A scholar, practitioner, man of letters and taste,
A poet whose discourse holds all rhetoric spellbound.
٣٥. لم يكنَّ في مُحمدٍّ عيبٌ إلاَّ
أنَّهُ في إطَاعةِ اللهِ شابا
36. Poetry draws nearby meanings and distant ones
Whenever it calls them, they dutifully respond.
٣٦. عالمٍ عاملٍ أديبٍ ظريفٍ
شاعرٍ يمنع الخطبَ الخِطَابا
37. Would that I attain what I wish,
And replace old-age that white hair has claimed with youth!
٣٧. يَأخذ الشعرُ مِن معانٍ قَرِيبَا
تٍ بَعِيداتٍ إِن دَعَاهُ أَجَابَا
38. ?If he is a youth, then pride lies prostrate
At the soles of his feet in submission.
٣٨. لَيتني نِلتُ مَا أوَدَّ فَأب
دَلت مَشِيباً قَد اعتَرَاهُ شَبَابَا
39. Without him today the gate to all glory is closed;
Without him we have no access to glorious deeds.
٣٩. إِن يَكُن شَابَ فالمَفَاخِرُ مَدَّت
خَاضِعاتٍ لأَخمُصَيهِ الرِّقَابَا
40. ?He differed from people regarding alms,
But such difference only brought him greater reward.
٤٠. فَهوَبَابُ المكارِمِ اليوم لَولاَ
هُ عَدِمنَا إلى المكارم بَابَا
41. He made every season a year for almsgiving,
Finding in each amount of wealth a due portion.
٤١. خَالَفَ الناسَ في الزَّكاةِ ولَكِن
زَادَهُ ذَلِكَ الخلاف ثَوَابَا
42. ?O people, he was a mother to you all,
Never did he reproach or rebuke you.
٤٢. جَعلَ الحولَ كُلَّ آنٍ وفي كُل
لِ نِصابٍ يرى الزكاةَ نِصَابا
43. He followed the flawless Sunna in upholding
Your rights, mindful of Scripture and human dignity.
٤٣. أيُّها الناسُ إنَّهُ كان أُمّاً
لكُمُ لم تُثر عليكم عِتَابا
44. ?So pray earnestly for an extended lifetime for him
In serving the Sublime Scripture!
٤٤. يَقتفي السنةَ القويمةَ في حَق
قِ مراعاة حقكم والكتابا
45. ?O fleeting world, if you reflected on your evanescence,
You would lament your disappearance.
٤٥. فَانفُضُوا في الدُّعَا له بامتداد ال
عُمرِ في خدمة الكتابِ العِيَابا
46. ?You would waver, abandon your amusements,
Estrange your friends and loved ones.
٤٦. أيها الدهر لو تفكرتَ في دَه
رٍ بِلاَهُ انتحبَت منهُ انتِحَابا
47. ?You would implore the Giver to grant longevity
To that virtuous, handsome youth of generosity.
٤٧. وَتلَكَّيتَ واجتَويتَ الملاهي
وجَفَوتَ الإخوانَ والأحبَابَأ
48. ?And you would plead through the Prophet and those
Who in his defense fought many battles as his comrades
٤٨. وسالتَ الوهابَ أن يَهَبَ العُم
رَ الطويلَ الفتَى الرِّضا الوَهابا
49. ?That he be showered with perpetual blessings from his Lord
Which time can never fail to bring forth in abundance."
٤٩. وتوسلَّتَ بالنبي ومَن كَا
نُوا له في المُرَابطاتِ صِحَابا
٥٠. يَمَّمتُهُ مِن رَبِّهِ صلواتٌ
لَم تَنِ الدَّهرَ فَائِحَاتٍ مَلاَبَا