
She played after youth had passed

لعبت بعد ما انقضى الريعان

1. She played after youth had passed,
With my dreams that were most dear.

١. لَعِبَت بَعدَ ما انقَضَى الرَّيعَانُ
مِن شَبَابي بِحِلمِىِّ الأظعَانِ

2. She tempted me one morning then turned away,
Patience gave way and tears began to flow.

٢. فتَنَتني غَدَاةَ وَلَّت فَوَلَّى الص
صَبرُ وانهَلَّ المَدمَعُ المُصطَانُ

3. She left me among the homes - how many
Were perplexed between the dwellings!

٣. غَادَرَتني بَينَ الدِّيَارِ وكَم غُو
دِرَ بَينَ المَنَازِلِ الحَيرَانِ

4. You tried to hide what the white days had afflicted me with,
And for the secret, tears make clear.

٤. رُمتَ إخفَاءَ مَا رَمَانِي بِهِ ال
بَينُ ولِلسِّرِّ بالدُّمُوعِ بَيَانُ

5. In the houses after them my eyes
Became two streams and passion a blaze.

٥. ظَلتُ في الدُّورِ بَعدَهُنَّ لِعَيني
جَرَيَانٌ ولِلحَشَا غَلَيَانُ

6. So it was as if the tears were a lifeblood
Or a wound's purge or purple dye.

٦. فَكَأنَّ الدُّمُوعَ عَندَمٌ أودَم
مُ نَجِيعٌ أووَرسٌ أو أُرجُوانُ

7. Or a torrent when structure was lost
And the dykes were betrayed by order.

٧. أو جُمُانٌ فَالدَّمعُ يَجرِى كَمَا يَر
فَضُّ ِإذَا خَانَهُ النِّظَامُ الجُمَانُ

8. Or an unlined Saibian cloak that did
Not trouble to patch any part.

٨. أو شَعِيبٌ مَفرِيةٌ لَم يُخَامِر
كُتَبَ الخُرقِ في كُلاَهَا دِهَانُ

9. And as if in the morning she returned
Her intractable messenger, the wild camels.

٩. وكَأني غَدَاةَ رَدَّت إِلَى البَي
نِ مَرَاسِلَها الهِجَانَ القِيَانُ

10. And swayed like ships when they enter
The green tides' dashing places.

١٠. وتَمَطَّت كَالسُّفُنِ تَجدِ فُهافي
لُحَجِ الخِضرِمِ النَّواتِى الهِجَانُ

11. And my neck bore the onslaught
Of the camels till the sand-dunes collapsed beneath them -

١١. وَرَقَبتُ الهِجَانَ تَعتسِفُ الكُث
بانَ تَنهَارُ تَحتَها الكُثبَانُ

12. A cock-eyed Nahjali, or Babrah amulet,
Or trinket, or having some madness or arousal.

١٢. نَاقِفٌ حنظَلاً أوَ أبلَهُ أو مَا
مُومٌ أو ذُو اختِبَالٍ أو نَشوَانُ

13. And as if the luggage and paraphenalia were
Like mirrors above the plains in their flashing.

١٣. وَكَأَنَّ الحَمُولَ والآلُ كَالمِر
آةِ فَوقَ الصُّوَى لَهُ لَمَعَانُ

14. Ships or sculptures or palm-trees from Shawkan
When their ripening dates were brought to them by the thorns.

١٤. سُفُنٌ أو إٍثلٌ أوِ النَّخلُ مَن شَو
كَانَ إِذ أتَت أُكلَهَا شَوكَانُ

15. And as if the high-stacked litter were a blaze
So above it the birds circled.

١٥. وكَأنَّ الرَّقمَ المُعَالَى نَجِيعٌ
فَهوَ لِلطَّيرِ فَوقَهُ طَيرَانُ

16. And as if the beauties were secluded
In the tents, the ruby and the coral.

١٦. وكَأنَّ الحِسَانَ مُحتَجِبَاتٍ
في الخُدُورِ اليَاقُوتُ والمُرجَانُ

17. Among them one, whose languishing has ensnared
My eyes through his bending, slender and pale.

١٧. إِنَّ فِيهِنَّ شَادِناً أدعَجَ العَي
نَينِ لِي مِنهُ بالرُّنُوِّ افتِتَانُ

18. Black of branch, white of face, gleaming forehead,
His breast pomegranates, his buttocks quinces.

١٨. أسوَدَ الفَرعِ أبلَجَ الوَجهِ بَر
قييَ المُحَيَّا ثُدِيُّهُ الرُّمَانُ

19. Bow-legged, with a Maysan gap-toothed mouth,
Bent as camel's milk bends.

١٩. قَرقفي الرُّصابِ بَاني مَيسٍ
يَتَثَنَّى كَمَا يَمِيسُ أَلبَانُ

20. Wherever the gum showed from his teeth
Like the wormwood - and upon his skin perfume censed.

٢٠. حَيثُمَأ افتَرَّ اُقحُوَانٍ
في لِثَاتٍ كَأَنَّهَا الطَّيلَسَانُ

21. My friend said to me, and tears were flowing down his breast
From the burning anguish of passion:

٢١. قَالَ لِى صَاحبي ولِلدَّمعِ فَوقَ الن
نَحرِ مِن لَوعَةِ النَّوَى جَرَيَانُ

22. "He who was made to drink love is despised,
For in the cup of love there is degradation for its drinkers."

٢٢. هَانَ مَن أُشرِبَ الهَوَى إِنَّ كَأسَ ال
حُبِّ فِيهَا لِشارِبيها إمتِهَانُ

23. I said: "The origin of passion is abasement, unless
There was no abasement in it."

٢٣. قُلتُ أصلُ الهَوَى هَوَانٌ عَلَى أن
لَم يَكن في الهَوَانِ فِيهِ هَوَانُ

24. It's no slight thing to drive the ram to the ruin
Or the white chickens, the delicate boys.

٢٤. لَيسَ هُوناً أن تُنضِىَّ العِيسَ في ال
بيدِ إِلى البِيضِ الخُرَّدِ الفُتيَانُ

25. And to excel in poetry, refined like pearls,
Adorned for them in shells.

٢٥. وتُجِيدَ الشِّعرَ المُهَذَّبَ كَالدُّر
رِ لَهُ بالأصدَافِ اكتِنَانُ

26. She deserted me in public and my reason slipped away
As endurance was overcome by separation.

٢٦. هَجَرَتني أمَامُ فَأَختُلِبَ ال
عَقلُ وذَادَ التَّصبُّرَ الهِجرَانُ

27. She promised then failed to keep the time,
And instead her promises were filled with treachery.

٢٧. وَعَدتني فَمَا وَقَت وَبَدالِى
أنَّ عُقبَى عِدَاتِهَا الرَّوغَانُ

28. Then she said: "Do you blame me for breaking faith?
The ways of girls are breaking faith and reversals."

٢٨. ثُمَّ قَالَت ألَمتَ إِذ رُمتَ إنجَا
زَ وُعُودٍ مِن قَبلُ دَأباً تُخَانُ

29. So the fires of regret blazed in my heart
And I said: "Loss has afflicted me!"

٢٩. لاَ تَلُم في الإخلاَفِ إِنَّ الغَواني
دَأبُهُنَّ الإِخلاَفُ واللَّيَّانُ

30. But praise be to God, I hold to belief
And that is safety.

٣٠. فتَلَظَّت جُدَا النَّدَامَةِ في قَلبي
وقُلتُ ارتَمَى بي الخُسرَانُ

31. I am certain that the pure prophets
Cannot conceal what they were ordered to convey,

٣١. غَيرَ أني والحَمدُ للَّهِ بالإِيمَا
نِ مُستَمسِكٌ وذَاكَ أمَانُ

32. Nor did they hide anything they were commanded
Or forget anything they were entrusted with.

٣٢. جَازِمٌ أنَّ الأنبَيَاءَ الطًّهَارَى
مُستَحِيلُ عَلَيهِمُ الكِتمَانُ

33. I do not restrict my pool, inadequate as it may be before me,
Perhaps the Qur'an will make up for it.

٣٣. بَلَّغُوا كُلَّ مَابِهِ أُمِرُوا مَأ
كَتَمُوهُ ومَانَسُوا مَا خَانُوا

34. And I take the Shaykh Ahmad Qutb* as my chief support,
He whose affair partakes of the Divine.

٣٤. لَستُ أحجُو وِردِى وإن حَلَّ عِندِى
قَاصِراً عسى إدرَاكِهِ القُرَآنُ

35. The nights of his coming were for hopes
And joys and bliss the heading.

٣٥. وَبشيخي أستَمسَكتُ أحمَدَ قُطبِ ال
أَرضِ مَن شَأنُه الإِلَهِىُّ شَانُ

36. Sorrows and gloom have recoiled from him
And the possessors of prohibition have been silenced before him.

٣٦. مَن لَيَالِى قُدُومِهِ لِلأمَاني
والمَسَرَّاتِ والهَنَا عُنوَانُ

37. Before his hands the evildoers and the corrupt
And my family have the protection of his neighbourhood.

٣٧. مَن تَنآءى عَنَّابِهِ الهَمُّ والغم
مُ وشِيفَت عَن ذِى النُّهَى الأَدرَانُ

38. O censurer, assailing the Shaykh! Are you
Awake or asleep, toothless or ready to bite?

٣٨. لِيَدَيهِ عَلَى العُفَاةِ والأَضيا
فِ وأهلِى جِوَارِهِ هَطلاَنُ

39. You ventured the ocean depths and touched the sun,
And returned when the testing was done.

٣٩. أيُّهَا الرَّائمُ التَّصَدِّيَ لِلش
شَيخِ أيَقظَانٌ أنتَ أم وَسنَانُ

40. So my Shaykh turned away from personal goals,
And time turned away from him.

٤٠. رُمتَ غَرفَ البَحرِ المُحِيطِ ولَمسَ الش
شَمسِ والهُونَ حَيثُ كَانَ امتِحَانُ

41. He was not of the men of that field, my Shaykh,
For that field to fault him.

٤١. اتّئِدوَانِيًّا فشيخي وَنَى عَن
أولَيَاتِ الهِمَّاتِ مِنهُ الزَّمَانُ

42. Rather, you attacked a group that had turned away before
And when they recoiled, they showed their decline,

٤٢. لَم تَكُن مِن رِجَالِ مَيدَانِ ذَاكَ الش
شَيخِ يُعيِبكَ ذَلِكَ المَيدانُ

43. Then professed allegiance and sought the protection
Of the Shaykh from what the young ones would bring.

٤٣. إِنَّمَا رُمتَ رَامَهُ قَبلُ أقَوا
مٌ ولَمَّا انثَنَوا خَزَايَا استَكَانُوا

44. And they refrained from opposing him, turned away,
And abandoned what they had been.

٤٤. ثُمَّ دَانُوا واستعصَمُوا بِجوَارِ الش
شَيخِ مِمَّا يَأتِي بِه الحدثَانُ

45. If the waves have continued in singing his excellence,
Then the sun has rivalled his light, and so the blind!

٤٥. وَتوَانَوا عَن شَاوِهِ وتَوَلَّوا
وتَخَلَّوا عَنِ الذي فِيهِ كَانُوا

46. No idle wind made light of his wisdom.
Who cares for the passing of the winds of youth?

٤٦. إِن تَمَارَ في فَضلِهِ الغُمرُ فَالش
شَمسُ تَمَارَى في ضَوئِهَا العميَانُ

47. He attained the utmost attainment, thus he inherits
Those whom the heights of glory embraced.

٤٧. مَا استَخَفَّ حِلمَهُ رِيحُ طَيشٍ
لاَ يُبَالِى مَرَّ الصَّبَا ثَهلاَنُ

٤٨. نَالَ مَانَالَ فَهوَ وَارِثُ مَن نَا
لَت بِهِ مُنتَهى العُلاَ عَدنَانُ