
Death is irrevocable fate condensed to strike

هو الموت صمصامة منتضى

1. Death is irrevocable fate condensed to strike,
Enforcing destiny upon the doomed to die.

١. هُو المَوتُ صَمصَامةٌ مُنتَضَى
يُلَبِّ القَضَاءَ عَلَى مُتَضَى

2. And destiny flows in the way that it must flow;
In flowing thus it follows destiny's decree.

٢. ويَجرِيَ علَى مُقتضى جَريِهِ
فَفِي جَرِيهِ مُقتَضَى المُقتَضَى

3. The beloved master death holds much in thrall,
As though avenging all whom death has claimed.

٣. وبِالسَّيِّدِ المُرتَضَى مُولَعٌ
كَأنَّ لَهُ الثَّأرَ في المُرتَضَى

4. Through all its people time wields savage power,
Its arrows strike, unerring, through the throng.

٤. وللِدَّهرِ في أهلِهِ صَولَةٌ
ورَمىٌ مُصِيبٌ بِسَهمٍ مِضَا

5. So do not trust time's turning, for it grants
No safety, sparing not the high or low.

٥. فَلاَ تَأمَنِ الدَّهرَ في صَرفِهِ
فَلَم يَامنِ الشَّاءُ سِيدَ الغَضَا

6. Often it lures with favor, then betrays,
Once confident, it turns from men and spurns.

٦. فَكَم غَرَّ غِراًّ بِاقِبَالِهِ
فَلَمَّا تَيَقَّنَهُ أعرَضَا

7. Our asset lost his eyesight in his land,
No wonder in his land though it be gone.

٧. قَضَى الحَبرُ عَينِينَا في دَارِهِ
ولاَ غَروَ في دَارِه إِن قَضَى

8. Submission led our Islam, wise of soul,
To walk the path of fate and acquiescence.

٨. وقَد قَادَ لِلصَّبرِ إِسلاَمُنَا
وقَاد لِنهجِ الرِّضَا بِالقَضَا

9. No wailing, tears or wild lament can wrest
The fortunes fixed that inexorably passed.

٩. ولَيسَ يَرُدُّ البُكَا والعَويلُ
وفَرطُ التَّبَارِيحِ خَطباً مَضَى

10. Grey heads once black as jet it forces now,
Although but babes first cradled snowy-fair.

١٠. يُصَيِّرُ مُسوَدَّ رَأسِ الوَلِيدِ
وإِنّ كَانَ في مَهدِهِ أبيَضَا

11. Would you two eyes withhold your streaming tears
While fated judges weep and fate decrees?

١١. وأني تَصُونُ الدُّمُوعَ العُيُونُ
وعَينُ القُضَاةُ وَيبكِى القَضَا

12. Both grove and dew shall weep as fate ordains,
While judges weep, and fate itself doth mourn.

١٢. سَتَبكي النَّوادي وَيَبكي النَّدى
وَتَبكي القُضاةُ وَيَبكي القَضا

13. The Koran weeps; the villages weep on;
The villages weep, meadows weep around.

١٣. ويَبكِى القُرَانُ وَيبكِى القِرَى
وتَبكِى عَلَيهِ القُرَى والفَضَا

14. All knowledge weeps; the rivers weep, the plains;
The oceans weep, horizons weep beyond.

١٤. وتبكِى العُلُوم وتبكِى الحُلُومُ
وتَبكِى البِحَارُ وتَبكِى الإِضَا

15. Let no malicious joy in him be shown,
For his is habitation sweetly graced.

١٥. فلا يَفرَحِ الشَّامِتُ مِن فَقدِهِ
فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَنزِلاً مُرتَضَى

16. The good he had was recompensed with good,
Good for good was given him in place.

١٦. وقَد عوِّضَ الخَيرَ مِن أهلِهِ
وخَيراً مِنَ الدَّارِ قَد عُوِّضَا

17. Hard years will gentle turn for Muslims when
Misfortune strikes or hopes run dry or waste.

١٧. يُلِينُ السَّنِينَ على المُسلِمينَ
إِذَا أجحَفَ الخَطبُ أو أجَهَضَا

18. A youth who gives to all who beg their needs,
Declaring want, or in his bounty blessed.

١٨. فَتًى يَهَبُ الحَاجَ مَن جَاءَهُ
وصَرَّحَ بالحَاجِ أو عَرَّضَا

19. Ransom for him each frowning countenance
Should faces come to him in brightness drest, -

١٩. فِدَاءٌ لَهُ كُلُّ وَجهٍ عَبُوسٍ
إِذَا مَا أتَتهُ الوُجُوهُ الوِضَا

20. The faces of the honored generous elite
Should they meet darkness, and dispel night's shade.

٢٠. وجُوهُ الرِّجَالِ الكِرَامِ الألى
إِذَا مَا تَلَقَّوا ظَلاَماً أضَا

21. For them, their house, God's blessing did descend,
And from God's will they gained the best accolade.

٢١. وبَارَك فِيهِم وفي دارَهِم
ونَالوا من الله حُسنَ القَضَا