
Convey my greetings to Muhammad the Imam

ألا أبلغ محمدا الإماما

1. Convey my greetings to Muhammad the Imam
And pay no heed to his envious detractors

١. ألاَ أبلِغ مُحمداً الإِمَامَا
ولا تَعبَأ بِحَاسِدِهِ السَّلاَمَا

2. Give him glad tidings of the lofty station
That has humbled all the eminent personages

٢. وبَشِّرهُ بِأَنَّ له مَقَاماً
عَظِيماً أعجَزَ الناسَ العِظَامَا

3. God has endowed him with honor among people
And support that knows no end and will never cease

٣. حَبَاهُ اللهُ بَينَ النَّاسِ عِزّاً
ونَصراً لا يسَامُ ولَن يُسَامَى

4. And granted him leadership in assemblies
And empowered him with the reins and authority

٤. وأولاَهُ السَّيَادَةَ في النَّوَادِى
ومَلَّكَهُ الأعِنَّةَ والزِّمَامَا

5. He has become the prince through his rule
Protecting from the tyranny of oppressors

٥. وأمسَى في إِمَارَتِه أمِيراً
حَمَى مِن صَولَةِ الشِّدَدِ الأنَامَا

6. A shepherd of his flock whom he pastures
With his staff, their interests his lasting concern

٦. رَفِيقاً بالرَّعِية فَهوَ يَرعَى
بِمُقلَتِهِ مَصَالِحَها دَوَامَا

7. He's become a refuge for every expatriate
And a stronghold for all the distressed

٧. فَصَارَ لِكُلِّ مُغتَرِبٍ مَلاَذاً
وصَارَ لِكُلِّ مُزعَجٍ إعتِصَامَا

8. And through his generosity, a loving father
And a mother to widows and orphans

٨. وصَارَ مِنَ السَّخَاءِ أباً شَفِيقاً
وأُمًّا لِلأرَامِلِ واليَتَامَى

9. He performed the pilgrimage, adhering to its ways
Circling round, then visiting Zamzam and its sites

٩. وحَجَّ البيتَ مُمتَثِلاً ولبي
وطَافَ وزارَ زَمزَمَ والمُقَامَا

10. May God reward him with the finest requital
To parallel his stature among the honorable

١٠. جَزَاهُ اللهُ أحسَنَ مَا يُجَارِى
بِه مِن يُمنِ جَنَّتِهِ الكِرَامَا

11. And protect him from the arrows of every foe
And from humiliation and blame

١١. وَجنَّبه دَوَاهِمَ كُلَّ دَاهٍ
وجنَّبَهُ المَذَّلَةَ والمَلاَمَا

12. By the sanctity of the Hashimite
Upon him from me prayers that know no end

١٢. بِجَاهِ الهاشِمِىِّ عَلَيهِ مني
صلاةٌ لا أُرِيدَ لَهَا خِتَامَا