
Indeed, the mother of virtue is Salma, Abu Bakr,

ألا إن أم الخير سلمى أبوبكر

1. Indeed, the mother of virtue is Salma, Abu Bakr,
She has a son, and the mother of virtue is protected all the way to Sakhir.

١. ألاَ إِنَّ أُمَّ الخَيرِ سَلَمى أُبُوبَكرِ
لَهَا إبنٌ و أُمُّ الخَيرِ ثُنَمن ِإلَى صَخرِ

2. She is the daughter of the uncle of the Hashemite, Muhammad,
And she is from Banu Taym, the Ghatrifah, the flowers.

٢. وَهِي بِنتُ عَمِّ الهَاشِمِيّ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَهِي مِن بني تَيمٍ الغَطَارِفَةٍ الزُّهرِ

3. And Khantamah, son of Mughirah, Hashim,
Her father is her son, al-Farooq, the one with glory and pride.

٣. وَحنتَمَةٌ نَجلُ المُغِيرِة هَاشِمٌ
أبُوهَا ابنُها الفَارُوقُ ذُو المَجدش والفَخرِ

4. And she is from Banu Makhzum, the most noble lineage back
To Quraysh, and Uthman her son, the keeper of tradition.

٤. وَهِي مِن بني مَخزُومٍ أروَى أُنسُبَن ِإلَى
كُرَيزٍ وعُثمَانُ ابنُها ضَابطُ الذِّكرِ

5. Her father is the beloved of Abd Shams, an exemplar of
And Abd Manaf, the other exemplar in tradition.

٥. أبُوهُ حَبِيبُ عَبدُ شَمسٍ آبٌ لِذَا
وعَبدُ مَنَافٍ آبُّ الآخِرِ في الذِّكرِ

6. And Fatimah traced back to Asad and also
To Hashim, and her son Ali the conqueror.

٦. وفَاطِمَةٌ تُنمَى إِلى أسَدٍ وذَا
إِلى هَاشِمٍ يُنمَى عَلِيُّ ابنُهَا فَادرِ

7. And Sa'bah daughter of Hadhrami, mother of Tal'ah
And she is from Qahtan, the people of beauty and fecundity.

٧. وصَعبَةُ بِنتُ الحَضرَمِي أُمُّ طَلعَةٍ
وَهِي مِن بني قَحطَانَ أهلِ القَنَا السُّمرِ

8. Safiyya daughter of Abd al-Muttalib, her father her son al-Zubayr
And from the aunts of the best of creation, the full moon.

٨. صَفَيَّةُ عَبدُ المُطَلِب أبُّهَا ابنُهَا الز
زبَيرُ وَمِن عَمَّاتِ خَيرِ الوَرَى البَدِرِي

9. And Hamnah, Sufyan her father, son of Umayyah
And Sa'd her son, generous in ease and unease.

٩. وحَمنةُ سُفيَانُ أبُّهَا ابنُ أمَيَةٍ
وَسَعدُ ابنُها ذُو البَذلِ في اليُسرِ والعُسرِ

10. And Fatimah daughter of Khuza'i, Ba'jah,
Said her son, virtuous in private and public.

١٠. وفَاطِمَةٌ بِنتُ الخُزَاعي بَعجَةٍ
سَعِيدُ ابنُهَا ذُو الفَضلِ في السِّرِّ والجَهرِ

11. And the worshipper of the Merciful, if you wish her mother
She is well-being, her father Auf, without blemish.

١١. وذَا عَابِدُ الرَّحمَنِ إِن شِئت أُمَّهُ
فَهِىَّ الشِّفَا عَوفٌ أبُوهَا بِلاَ نُكرِ

12. Ummaymah of Ghunm, her father, and her son Abu
Ubaydah, the two noblest lineage back to Banu Fahm.

١٢. أُمَيمَةُ غُنمٍ أبُّهَا وابنُها أُبُو
عُبَيدَةَ ذَانِ أنسُبهُمَا لِبني فَهرِ