1. A pitcher with a luster in it, alluring
In its depiction, beautifully decorated
١. وإبرِيقٍ بِهىٍّ فِيهِ شَىُّ
مِنَ التَّصوِيرِ مَومُوقٌ بَهِيُّ
2. Its clarity makes you see it as lightning
Dazzling in its brilliance, luminescent
٢. لِفَرطِ بَرِيقِهِ تَحجُوهُ بَرقاً
تَأَلَّقَ في تَأَلُّقِهِ وَنِيُّ
3. You can see the drinking companions and the cups in it
Yet there are no cups in it, nor drinking companions
٣. تَرَى النَّادِى والكَاسَاتُ فِيهِ
ومَا الكَاسَاتُ فِيهِ وَلاَ النَّدِيَّ
4. Its draught has quenched me, making me a stately king
The dew of the palm is more wondrous, more fragrant
٤. سَقَاني رِيقَهُ شَاهاً شَهِيًّا
نَدِىُّ الكَفِّ أروَعٌ أريَحِيُّ
5. On the sides of its cups are splashes
As the pure honey oozes freely
٥. عَلَى جَنَبَاتِ أَكؤُسِهِ رَشَاشٌ
كَمَا رَشَحت مِنَ العَسَلِ النَّحِيُّ