
When the slaughterer raises the blade out of necessity

إذا رفع الموسى المذكي ضرورة

1. When the slaughterer raises the blade out of necessity
It is permitted for them unconditionally due to his coercion

١. إذَا رَفَعَ المُوسَى المُذَكِّي ضَرُورَةً
أُبِيحَت لَديهم مُطلَقاً لاِضطِرَارِهِ

2. And if he is willful and it is prolonged, it is carrion
Due to his negligence in raising it and in his abode

٢. وَإِن يَكُ مُختَاراً وَطَالت فَمَيتَةٌ
لِتَقصِيرِهِ في رَفعِهِ وبِدَارِهِ

3. And if he refrains from closeness, there are five sayings
Eating it is permissible for him and his neighbor

٣. وإن رَدَّ عَن قُربٍ فَالأقَوالُ خَمسَةٌ
فَالأكلُ بِإطلاَقٍ لَهُ ولِجَارِهِ

4. Equally, whether he intended to raise it by compulsion or certainty
Completing the slaughter of the sacrifice or by his choice

٤. سَوَاءً تَوَخَّى الرِّفعَ جَرّاً يَقَينِهِ
تَمَام ذَكَاةِ الذِّبحِ أو لاختِيَارِهِ

5. And its opposite saying, but I did not see a proponent
Weakening it from him, nor by its publication

٥. وذَا عَكسُهُ قَولٌ وَلَم أرَ قَائِلاً
بِتَضعِيفِهِ عَنهُ وَلاَ بِإشتِهَارِهِ

6. And the third is detailing, and eating was not said
When raising it by his choice not coerced

٦. وَثَالِثُهَا التَّفصِيلُ والأَكلُ لَم يُقَل
إِذَا الرَّفعُ بِإختِيَارِهِ غَيرَ كَارِهِ

7. And if it is completing the slaughter certainly
When raising it, it is permitted for him not fooled

٧. وإن يَكُ إتمَامُ الذَّكَاةِ يَقِينَهُ
لَدَى رَفعِهِ حلَّت لَهُ لاِغتِرَارِهِ

8. And fourth is opposite the latter, and fifth
His dislike at the time of his choice became clear

٨. وَرَابِعُهَا عَكسُ الأخِيرِ وخَامِسٌ
تَبَيَّنَ مِنهُ الكُرهُ عِندَ اختِيَارِهِ

9. So this beloved scholar Al-Tana'i is the confluence
Of the disciplines of jurisprudential knowledge and its sea

٩. فَذَا لاَحِبُ الحَبرِ التَّنَائِي مُلتَقَى
شُوارِدِ عِلمِ الفِقهِ فُلكِ بِحَارِهِ

10. For his love does not guide the perplexed, his lighthouse
And how many loves do not guide by their lighthouse

١٠. فَلا حِبُهُ يُهدِي الحَيَارَى مَنَارُهُ
وَكَم لاحِبٍ لاَ يُهتَدَى بِمَنَارِهِ