
O door of the house of knowledge, you are most knowing of it

أيا باب بيت العلم أنت به أدرى

1. O door of the house of knowledge, you are most knowing of it
And your knowledge brings coolness to the chest

١. أيَا بَابُ بيتُ العِلم أنتَ بِه أدرَى
ويُثلِجُ ما تُبدِيهِ مِن عِلمِكَ الصَّدرَا

2. May God grant you a bright full moon when the dark nights of hardship fall
You were a full moon lighting those difficult nights

٢. لَكَ اللهُ مِن بَدرٍ منير إذا دَجَت
لَيَالى العويص اللِّيل كُنتَ لَها بَدرَا

3. For a problem that exhausted and was most complex
You made it clear in prose and lucid in verse

٣. ومشكلةٍ أَعيَت وَعَزَّت أبَنتَها
وأوضَحتَها نَظماً وأوقَعتَهَا نَثرَا

4. May the God of the throne reward you with the best of rewards
And grant you continuous victory through His aid

٤. جَزاكَ إلَهُ العَرشِ خَيرَ جَزَائِهِ
وأولاَكَ أني سِرتَ مِن نَصرِهِ نَصرَا