1. O how strange for the Able One
Whether from a tent or dwelling
١. يَا عَجَباً لِقَادِرٍ
مِن خَادٍ أو مِن خَادِرِ
2. He was not pleased with giving favors
To the servant of the Able One
٢. لَم يَرضَ بَذَلَ فِفتَنٍ
ذَاتاً لِعَبدِ القَادِرِ
3. Whoever did not embody his wish
The generosity of a willing man
٣. مَن لَم يُجسد لَوُبِه
جُودَ امرِئٍ مُبادِرِ
4. So he is a spring that flows
What springs from a spring?
٤. فَهوَ عَينٌ صَادِرٍ
مَا مَادِرٌ بِمَادِرِ
5. An obligatory gift
In an exceptionally rare right
٥. هَدِيَّةٌ مَحتُومَةٌ
في غَيرِ حَقٍّ نَادِرِ
6. So if you want to be content
With the pleasure of the Able God
٦. فَإِن أرَدتَ مُتَضًَى
رِضَى الإلهِ القَادِرِ
7. Hasten to give it
Every month of the early-risers
٧. بَادِر إلَى إعطَائِهَا
في كُلِّ شَهرِ بَادِرِ
8. For the family of the Chosen One
Are givers and takers
٨. فإِنَّ آلَ المُصطفي
مِن وَارِدٍ وصَادِرِ
9. None refused to revere them
Except a deviant deserter
٩. لَم يَأبَ عَن تَبجِيلِهِم
غَيرُ غوي غَادِرِ