1. The leaves of doves have hung, since they sang in the branches
Of a weeping willow, passionately in love with a daughter of Albans
١. وُرقُ الحَمَائِمِ مُذ غَنَّت بِأغصَانِ
بَانٍ تَعَلَّقت وجداً بِابنَةِ ألبَانِ
2. So if you see a willow, downcast and humbled,
Its bending reminds me of the bending of Albans
٢. فَإن تَبَيَّنتَ بَاناً مَائِساً خَضِلاً
غَضًّا تُذَكِّرُنِيهَا مَيسَةُ ألبَانِ
3. Albans demolished my patience and built
My fervent love - so for God is this demolisher and builder
٣. ألبَانُ هَدَّمَ صَبرِى مَيسٌهٌ وَبَنَى
شَجوِ فِلِلَّهِ هذَا الهَادِمُ البَاني
4. My heart is not for singing to any songstress
Unless I have at the time two hearts
٤. قَلبي لِعُمرَانَ لا أصبُو لِغَانِيَةٍ
ِإِلا ِإذَا كَانَ لِي في الحَالِ قلبَانِ
5. Two hearts in her bracelets stirred my sorrow
No wonder if two hearts stirred passions
٥. قُلبَانِ في مَعصَمَيهَا هَيَّجَا شَجني
لاَ غَروَ ِإن هَيَّجَ الأشجَانَ قُلبَانِ