
My God, make the new village a precious spring,

إلهى إجعلن مغيا الجديدة منهلا

1. My God, make the new village a precious spring,
Great in worth, easy and facilitated,

١. إلَهِى إجعَلن مُغيَا الجَدِيدَةَ مَنهَلاً
عَزِيزاً عَظِيمَ القدرِ سَهلاً مُسَهَّلا

2. Abundant, bounding, pure cool water,
Much runnels that muddiness does not disturb,

٢. جَمُوماً طَمُوماً صَافي المَاءِ عَذبَهُ
كثِيرَ دِلاَءٍ لا تُكَدِّرُهُ الدِّلا

3. And bring forth springs of goodness in plenty,
With it, and ward off harms and afflictions from it,

٣. وأَجر يَنَابِيعاً مِنَ الخَيرِ جَمَّةً
بِهِ وأزِح عَنهُ المَكَارِهَ والبَلا

4. And bless its inhabitants and aid their ruler,
And complete for it victory, ease and exaltation,

٤. وبَارِك لأهلِيهِ وأيِّد أمِيرَهُم
وتَمِّم عَلَيهِ النَّصرَ واليُسرَ والعُلا

5. By the status of the Chosen Prophet and his companions,
Upon him the prayers of God, first and last.

٥. بِجَاهِ النبي المُصطفي وصِحَابِهٍِ
عَلَيهِ صَلاَةُ اللهِ خَتماً وأَوَّلا