
The Eid prayer is not like other prayers

ليست صلاة العيد كالصلاة

1. The Eid prayer is not like other prayers
In all its states and conditions

١. لَيسَت صَلاةُ العِيدِ كالصَّلاةِ
في كُلِّ مَا لَها مِنَ الحَالاتِ

2. No call to prayer or announcement
For those who gather under its banners

٢. فَلا إقَامَةَ ولا إعلامَا
فِيهَا لِمَن فِيهَا قَفَا الأعلامَا

3. You recite openly at dawn
The Opening Chapter of the Book without objection

٣. تَقرأُ فِيهَا دُونَمَا عِتَاب
جَهراً ضُحًى فَاتِحَةَ الكِتَاب

4. Glorify the name of your Most High Lord
Who created the sun and the likes thereof

٤. وَسَبِّح اِسمَ رَبِّكَ الأعلَى الذي
والشَّمسَ أَو مِثلَهَا في المأخذ

5. Before you start, say Allahu Akbar seven times
In the first rak'ah, then five without pause

٥. وَقَبلَ أن تَقرَأَ كَبِّر سَبعَا
في الرَّكعَةِ الأُولَى والغِ الرَّفعَا

6. Apart from the opening Allahu Akbar
From which you gain provision and purpose

٦. فِيمَا سَوَى تَكبِيرَةِ الإِحرَامِ
مِنها تَفُز بِالذُّخرِ والمَرَامِ

7. And in the next rak'ah say Allahu Akbar
Five times, not counting as before

٧. وكَبِّرن في التى تَلِيهَا
خَمساً ولَم تَكُن تُعَدُّ فِيهَا

8. The opening Allahu Akbar and prostration
In all of it, our familiar prostration

٨. تَكبيرَةُ الإحرَامِ والسُّجُودُ
في كُلِّهَا سُجُودُنَا المَعهُودُ

9. Likewise the greetings, tashahhud, and listening
Attentively to the sermon, an essential thing

٩. كَذَا السَّلاَمُ والتَّشُهدُ وفي
خُطبَتِهَا الإنصَاتُ حَتمُهُ نفي