
The lightning flashed and sorrows arose,

لمعان البروق هاج الهموما

1. The lightning flashed and sorrows arose,
And tears flowed copiously from the eyes.

١. لَمَعَانُ البُرُوقِ هَاجَ الهُمُومَا
ومَرَى م العُيُونِ دَمعاً جَمُومَا

2. It provoked desire until overabundance.
The lightning rouses desire with its flashing.

٢. وَاستَفَزَّ الحُلُومَ حتى ازدَهَاهَا
وسنَا البَرقِ يَستَفِرُّ الحُلُومَا

3. My enemy gloated all night long,
Stirring up grief and igniting sorrow's blaze.

٣. شِمتُهُ بِالطَّوِيلِ لَيلاً طَوِيلاً
فَأثَارَ الأسَى وأغَلَى الحَزِيمَا

4. No place was safe from his thieving and raiding,
He ransacked and pillaged without shame.

٤. لاَحَ لِى في حَرِيمٌ غَانِبَ أو غُو
رَ أَو السِّلكِ فَاستَبَاحَ الحَرِيَما

5. I spent the night in anguish, should it have returned,
My anguish would have intensified still more.

٥. بِتُّ إِن لاَحَ شِمتُهُ وجَدِيرٌ
ذُو هَوىً رَاءَ بَارِقاً أن يَشِيمَا

6. He hid and emerged through the night,
Laden with overflowing buckets, a disgraceful burden.

٦. بَاتَ يَخبُو ويَستَنِيرُ وَيحدُو
دُلَّحاً مِن دَوَالِحِ الدَّلوِ شِيمَا

7. He watered the road and its crossings, even the rivulet,
Until they all became a muddy, turbid flow.

٧. فَسَقَى السَّلكَ والمَلاَقِىَّ والرِّف
قَة حتى غَدَت خِضَمًّا طَمُومُا

8. He circled the barren plain, emerging
Like a lion from its den, submissive and humbled.

٨. وانتَحَى سَاحَةَ الأُوَيجِنِ يُهدَى
أسَدِيّاً مِن نَوئِهِ مَركُومَا

9. With his mischief, tales spread about him,
Until he was given to drink his fill of infamy.

٩. وبِذِى الأثلةِ استَهَلَّت رَوَايَا
مِنهُ حتى سَقَتهُ سَقياً عَمِيمَا

10. He watered the palms till they flourished,
Refreshing the earth and slaking the thirst of the desolate place.

١٠. وَسَقَى الغَرسَ ذَا النَّخِيلِ فَعَمَّا
رَ فَرَوَّى الثَّرَى ورَوَى الهِيمَا

11. He watered the whole valley, transgressing,
Stirring up torrents and floods in his wake.

١١. وَسَقى الخَطَّ كُلَّه وَتَخَطَّى
يَستَحِثُّ الرُّكُومُ مِنهُ السَّجوما

12. It sounded like the clash of armies,
Battalions meeting opposing battalions.

١٢. تُحسَبُ الرَّعدَ فِيه هَزمَ قُرُومٍ
لَقيَت في حِيَالَ ذَود قُرُومَا

13. Then he turned to the wells until he filled them,
Pouring down a flood that overwhelmed the cisterns.

١٣. فَتَوَّخَى البِئَارَ حتى سَقَاهَا
غَدَقاً صَيِّبَ الصِّبِير هزيما

14. He watered the hill's slopes, then the crossings,
Then the meadows, then the well-known rivulet.

١٤. فَسَقى تِلعَةَ المَلاقِي فَالمَل
قَى فَذَا المَيس فاللِّوى المَعلُومَا

15. Then the turtles, then Al-Quwaysi, then Al-Tayyib,
Then Al-Qass, then the old donkey.

١٥. فَالسُّلحَفَاةَ فَالقُوَيسِى فالطّي
بِ فَالقَصَّ فالحِمَارَ القَدِيمَا

16. From him the North was set flowing,
Until every place was left soggy and drowned.

١٦. واستَهلَّ الشَّمَالَ مِنهُ فَرَوَّى
وغَدَا كُلُّ مَوضِع مِنهُ مَطمُومَا

17. He inundated the wide plain,
And the White Land, and Al-Mudayyir, and the ruined village.

١٧. فَسَقَى القَارَةَ العَرِيضَةَ
فالبَيضَاءَ فَالمُستَدِيرَ فالمَدرُومَا

18. The hillsides became like flooded marshes,
Adorned with the necklaces of blooming gardens.

١٨. فغدت غِبَّهُ التِّلالُ تِلاعاً
واكتَسَت مِن حُلُى الرِّيَاضِ نَعِيمَا

19. Then he came to Al-'Uqul while it overflowed with distress,
And spent the night submerging its lands.

١٩. فَأتَى العُقلَ وهو مُنبَجِسُ ألمَا
ءِ فَأمسَى بِأرضِهِنَّ مُقِيمَا

20. The meadows smelled of perfume, diffusing it
Whenever the breeze blew gently through.

٢٠. فَغَدَا الرَّوضُ بَاسِمَ الثَّغرِ يَحكِى ال
مِسكَ إِن مَسَّهُ النَّسِيمُ شَمِيمَا

21. In Al-'Uqul I have an unfulfilled desire,
That has not ceased since I yearned for it.

٢١. إِنَّ في العُقلِ لِى لَحَاجةَ نَفسٍ
لَم تَرِم حِينَ رُمتُهَا أن تَرِيمَا

22. Whenever I turned away, restraining my passion,
It burdened me with torment beyond any before.

٢٢. كَلَّمَا رُمتُ عَن هَواهَا إرعِوَاءً
حَمَّلَتني مَا لَم تُحَمِّل أرِيمَا

23. And when I thought I'd awakened cured
Of the pain of love, I found I was not cured.

٢٣. وإِذَا خِلتُ أَن غَدَوتُ سَلِيمَا
مِنَ أَلِيمِ الغَرامِ صِرتُ سَلِيمَا

24. And when I wished to pine away in passion,
My soul refused to allow me to pine.

٢٤. وِإذَا شِئتُ أن أُهَوِّمَ في الدَّو
وِ أبَى لِى إدِّكَارُها التَّهوِيمَا

25. I am afflicted by a maiden who captivated me
And clothed me in delightful, painful love.

٢٥. إِنَّ مَأ بي لِمن فَتَاةٍ سَبتني
وكَستني هَوىً لَذِيذاً أَلِيمَا

26. She is my life's core, and my remedy -
If she would love me with sincere affection.

٢٦. فَهيَ دَائِى الصَّمِيمُ وَهى دَوَائِى
لَو حَبَتني مِنها الوِدَادَ الصَّمِيمَا

27. My friend and confidante asked "And who is she,
Worthy for me to answer the confidante?"

٢٧. قَالِ لِى صَاحبي النديم ومَن هِى
وجَدِيرٌ بِأن أُجِيبَ النَّدِيمَا

28. I said "She is the chaste maiden." He replied "Why
Have you not asked about her?" I said "You have spoken gravely."

٢٨. قُلتُ هِى البَتُولُ قَالَ أَلَمَّا
تَسلُ عَنها فَقُلتُ قُلتَ عَظِيمَا

29. Do not ask me about the chaste maiden,
Loyalty is not to divulge affection.

٢٩. لا تَرِم لِى عن البَتولُ سُلُوّاً
إِنَّ حِفظَ الوِدَادِ أَن لاتَرُومَا

30. How many men have been blamed for their passion, yet found no
Fault in asking, wishing they had not been blamed.

٣٠. كَم فَتًى لامَ في هَوَاهَا ولم يُج
دِ سُلُوَّاً فَوَدَّ أن لَن يَلُومَا

31. With the maiden is a gentle musical air,
That leaves no heart untouched within the chests.

٣١. إِنَّ عِندَ البَتُولِ نَغماً رَخِيماً
لم يَدَع في القُلُوبِ قَلباً سَلِيمَا

32. Scattered and outspread, bubbling,
Kindling the flames of passion and flashing lightning.

٣٢. وشَتِيتاً مُنصَباً قَرقَفِياً
إِثمُدِىَّ اللَّمَى وبَرقاً مَشِيمَا

33. Delicate build, slender waist, rippling curls,
Bracelets and armbands engraved.

٣٣. وَبنَاناً رَخصاً وغيلاَ نَقِيًّا
وَوِشَاحاً ومِعصَماً مَوسُومَا

34. A slender form, swaying, undulating gait,
Swiveling hips, petite feet.

٣٤. ونَقىً رَاجِحاً وخُوطاً مَرُوحاً
وطَلاَناعِساً ورِيماً مَرُومَا

35. Such as confounds the minds of poets,
Wandering perplexed, their wills broken.

٣٥. وَموَامٍ يَحَارُ فيها القَطَا الكُد
رِىُّ حتى تُفلَّ مِنهُ العَزِيمَا

36. You would hear only the winds' voices within it,
Except for the cooing ringdove and the whistling gale.

٣٦. وتني الرِّيحُ بِالجَرَاثِيمِ فِيهَا
إِن أبَانَت بِتِيهِهَا جَرثُومَا

37. You hear the owl lamenting its desolation,
And the echo answering the owl.

٣٧. وطَوَى ذِيبَها الطَّوَى فَهو يَدعُو ال
وَيلَ في البيدِ حَائِراً مَكظُومَا

38. It is frightening yet perplexingly enchanting,
Leading astray the steps of one who would prove it true.

٣٨. لَم تَكُن سَامِعاً مِنَ الصَّوتِ فِيهَا
غَيرَ صَوتش الرِّيَاحِ إِلاَّ النَّئِيمَا

39. Perils unknown hide within it,
Should the intimate friend be exposed to suspicion.

٣٩. تَسمَعُ البُومُ وَهوَ يَنأَمُ وهناً
ونَئِيمُ الصَّدَى يُجِيبُ البُومَا

40. I left it with lingering sorrow, compressed -
If I returned its sorrow would disperse.

٤٠. هو لُها يُختَشَى وفِيهَا إشتِبَاهٌ
مُعقِبٌ في حِجَا الدِّليلِ غُمُومَا

41. It crosses the waste like a dread specter,
Rustling, hissing, and wailing in the night.

٤١. قد تَبَطَّنَتها أَمُوناً سَبندَا
ةً إِذَا جَرَّتِ العِتَاقَ الحَمِيمَا

42. And it circles the plain softly, lightly,
Pivoting and pacing measured steps.

٤٢. واستَزيَدَت فَلَم تَزِد وتَشَكَّت
وَبرَت جَذبَةُ الخَشَاشِ الكُومَا

43. This is for one experienced with ordeals,
Capable of stringing the thread when it breaks.

٤٣. خِلتُهَا خَاضِباً أسَكَّ ظَلِيماً
لَو عَدَت بَذَّت الأسَكَّ الظَّلِيمَا

44. And if I wished to compose verse
For the disreputable one who befriends the disreputable.

٤٤. تَقطَعُ البِيدَ كَالجَهَامِ إنسِلاَلاً
وَزَفِيفاً وَغلوَةً ورَسِيمَا

45. She carried it to him, then came to him
And saw some of the perversions of the depraved.

٤٥. وَتُولِى الصَّفَاةَ خفَّا خَفِيفاً
مُستَدِيراً ومَنسَماً مَثلُومَا

46. He is the traitor, the cheat, the villain, the thief,
The fraud, who mimics the pigs in nature.

٤٦. تِلكَ لِلصَّرمِ إِن أَلَمَّ عَتَادِى
تَصِلَ الحَبلَ الوَاهِنَ المَصرُومَا

47. The lands are weary of him, east and west,
And he has become to its people an ill omen.

٤٧. وإذَا شِئتُ أن أُزَفِّفَ شِعراً
لِلزَّنَيمِ الذي تَقفي الزَّنِيمَا

48. All who see him conceal themselves,
And hide from him, and are wary of his evil.

٤٨. حَمَلَتهُ إِلَيهِ ثُمَّ أتَتهُ
ورَأت بَعضَ مَا أجَنَّ الأَنِيمَا

49. The people have experienced his misfortune, so they shunned him,
Reviled him, and labeled him disgraced.

٤٩. فهو الخَائِنُ الغَدُورُ الخِبِيثُ الس
سارِقُ المُشبِهُ الخَنَازِيرَ شِيمَا

50. And called him the despicable, the base, the ignorant fool,
The good-for-nothing, the degenerate, the condemned.

٥٠. سَئَمَتهُ البِلاَدُ شَرقاً وغَرباً
وغَدا عِندَ أهلِهَا مَشئُومَا

51. The defective, the foul-mouthed, the corrupt, the coward,
The brute, the flawed, the sinful wretch.

٥١. كُلُّ مَن رَاءَهُ تَسَتًَّرَ عَنهُ
واختفي عَنهُ واَختَشَى مِنهُ شُومَا

52. O ally of adultery, O son of a dog,
You barked at the stars when you howled.

٥٢. جَرَّبَ النَّاسُ شُؤمَهُ فَجَفَوهُ
وَقَلَوهُ ولَقَّبُوهُ الدَّمِيمَا

53. You were not of human form or nature
Until you were assumed to be of noble origin.

٥٣. والذَّمِيمَ اللِّئِيمَ والجَاهِلَ الجِب
سَ العُتِلَّ المُمَاذِقَ المَذمُومَا

54. You and the state you are in bear witness,
And the proof of your state convicts you.

٥٤. والنَّمُومَ الشَّتِيمَ والفَاسِقَ الخِب
بَ الجَبَانَ الجَمَّ العُيُوبَ الاَثِيمَا

55. Evil qualities took form and came in
The shape of an ape, then copied its features.

٥٥. يَا حليفَ الزِّنَاءَ أيَا إبنَ
كَلبُ مَاضَرَّ أَن نَبحتَ النُّجُومَا

56. Your religion is blasphemy and your nature is greed,
You are not of goodness and guidance, not honorable.

٥٦. لَم تَكُ الآدِميَّ شَكلاً ولاَ طَب
عَاً ِإلى أن تُظَنَّ أصلاً كَرِيمَا

57. It is difficult to satirize you, when you yourself
Are satire - to satirize satire suits you well.

٥٧. أنتَ والحَالُ شَاهِدٌ وشُهودُ ال
حالِ أحرَى بِأَن تَبُتَّ الخُصُومَا

58. You said you made a clear mistake
In referring to the crescent as an amulet.

٥٨. سَيِّئَاتٌ تَجَسَّمَت فَأَتَت في
صُورَةِ القِردِ ثم حَاكَتهُ سِيمَا

59. But the crescent amulet is no mistake
If you had looked into language and understood.

٥٩. دِينُكَ الكُفرُ والسَّرِيرَةُ حِرصٌ
لَستَ بِالخَيرِ والهُدَى مَوسُومَا

60. It is you, you who have made mistakes again and again,
And you have always been a leader in mistakes.

٦٠. عَسُرَ الهَجوُ مِنكَ إِذ أنتَ هَجوٌ
وهِجَاءُ الهِجَاءِ أن بِكَ سِيمَا

61. You were neither a reader nor a scholar,
Chewing rags and eating dried hides.

٦١. قًلتَ ِإني لَحَنتُ لَحناً جَلِيًّا
وجَعَلتَ اللَّحنَ الهِلاَلَ التَّمِيمَا

62. Rather, you habitually chewed almonds,
Ignorance trained your speech to babble.

٦٢. والهِلاَلُ التَّميمُ لَيسَ بِلَحنٍ
لَو نَظَرتَ اللُّغَى وكُنتَ فِهِيمَا

63. I said, when you intended a subtle melody,
You made the lute into an intimate companion -

٦٣. أنتَ أنتَ الذي لَحنتَ مِرَاراً
ولَقد كُنتَ بِاللُّحُونِ زَعِيمَا

64. We never knew the lute to be a companion before!
Your ignorance in the melody sufficed as subversion.

٦٤. لَم تَكُن قَارِئاً ولَم تَكُ قُحًّا
مَضَغَ الشِّيحَ واجتني القَيصُومَا

65. If you are unschooled, you cannot be blamed,
You are not to be blamed in all you undertake.

٦٥. إِنَّمَأ كُنتَ مَاضِغَ اللَّوزِ دَأباً
عَوَّدَ الجَهلُ نُطقَكَ التَّعجِيمَا

66. You are misguided, and the origin of your origin misguided,
Misguided too - is that not enough misguidance!

٦٦. قُلتُ إِذ رُمتَ في القَرِيضِ نَسِيباً
كُنتَ أحجُو نَعِيمَه مُستَدِيمَا

67. There is in your wretched poem a brief
Provocation that endures for all time.

٦٧. وجَعَلتَ الرَّبَابَ فِيهِ نَدِيماً
مَا عِهِدنَا الرَّبَابَ قَبلُ نَدِيما

68. You made the rhyme letter meem - my response
Will make your rhyme letter meem as well!

٦٨. وَكفي سُبَّةً سَوَامِىَ هِيماً
وظَهَرَ اللَّحنُ في سَوامِىَ هِيَما

69. And beware of affectation and absurdity,
And forced meaning - consider well your meaning.

٦٩. إِن تَكُن لاَحِناً فَلَستَ مَلُوماً
لَستَ في كُلِّ مَايِشِينُ مَلُومَا

70. And beware of inclination, of support, of implied censure,
Of magical charms and amulets.

٧٠. أنتَ لُؤمٌ وأصلُ أصلِكَ لُؤمٌ
وَهوَ لُؤمٌ أما كفي اللّومُ لُومَا

٧١. هَاكَ في لَحنِكَ السَّقِيمِ قَرِيضَا
صَحَّ إِذَا أصبَحَ القَرِيضُ سَقِيمَا

٧٢. فِيهِ مِن هَجوِكَ اختِصَارُ مُثِيرٌ
في الحَشَا دَائِمَ الزَّمَانِ كُلُومَا

٧٣. وجَعَلتَ الروي مِيماً فإِنَّ رُم
تَ جَوَابي إجعَلَن رَوِيَّكَ مِيمَا

٧٤. وَاحتَرِس من تَكَلًّفٍ واعتِسَافٍ
وانعِقَادِ مَعنًى ورَاعِ مَعنًى جَسِيمَا

٧٥. وَاحذَرِ المَيلَ والسِّنِادَ وتَش
ويشَ النُّهى والتَّضمِينُ والتَّمِيمَا