
O exalted one, exalted above all

يا عاليا كل عال

1. O exalted one, exalted above all
Rejoicing in sublime stature

١. يا عَالِياً كُلَّ عالِ
مستانساً بِعَلاَةِ

2. No wonder if you surpass in understanding
The sum of all gatherings

٢. لاَ غَرو إِن حُزتَ فَهماً
عَن جُملَةِ الحَلَقَاتِ

3. For you have inherited the virtues
Of our chosen one in his grace

٣. فَقَد وَرِثتَ مَعالِى
مختارِنَا في الأَنَاةِ

4. Both in the weaving of rhymes
And in the disciplines of languages

٤. وفي نَسَيجِ القَوَافي
وفي فُنُونِ اللُّغَاتِ

5. No gathering today in my view
Adorned with vigor

٥. لاَ حلقَةَ اليومَ عِندِى
مُوشِيَهَ الجَنبَاتِ

6. Was ever a gathering like
A gathering in wilderness

٦. وَلم تَكُن حَلقَةً في
كَحلقَةٍ في فَلاَةِ