1. My passion remains unending, undying
For the memory of the chaste maiden.
١. أقَلبٌ لاَ يَزَالُ ولَن يَزُولاَ
مُعَنًّى مِن تَذَكُّرِهِ البَتُولا
2. If the coquettish one is aloof, my longing
And infatuation only increase, unrestrained by aloofness.
٢. إذا عذل العذول ازداد شوقا
وتهياما فلم يطع العذولا
3. When she is remembered, I recall a tattoo
On a slender arm and a refractory, fickle mother.
٣. وإن ذُكرَت تَذَكَّرَ خَوطَ بَانٍ
عَلَى دِعصٍ وأُمَّ طَلاً خَذُولا
4. And a fleeting glance, the darkness of night
Like the night of a lovesick, sleepless one.
٤. ولَمحَةً بَارِقٍ وسَوادَ لَيلٍ
كَلَيلِ المُغرَمِ المُهتَاجِ طُولا
5. And cheeks soft as velvet, a delicate neck
Bathed gently by her ringlets.
٥. وَأحوَى شَادِناً رَشاً رَبِيباً
يُزِلُّ رَخِيمُ نَعمتِهِ الوُعُولا
6. She is willowy as a branch, smooth of skin
Purer than any branch.
٦. وكَشحاً كَالجَدِيلِ لَطِيفَ جَسٍّ
غَرِيرٌ مَن يُشبِّهُهُ جَدِيلا
7. And she sways like a lance, slender like a stalk
Sheltered amidst thorns and torrents.
٧. وألمَى كَالسَّدُوسِ وكَالأقَاحِى
تَبَطَّنَتِ الأجارِعَ والسُّيُولا
8. Sweet her kiss, green her youth
Her kisser craves her sweet kiss.
٨. لذِيذَ مُقَبَّلٍ خَضَراً شَمُولاً
يَذُمُّ لَهَا مُقّبلُهَا الشَّمُولاَ
9. As if musk were exuding from her essence, enchantingly
Were I to kiss her, she would cure all my pain.
٩. كَأنَّ المِسكَ نَكهَتُه سُحَيراً
ولَو قَبَّلتُه لَشفي الغَلِيلا
10. But though I know she is meant for me
I cannot find a way to reach her.
١٠. ولَكني على أني مُعني
بها ما إِن وَجَدتُ لَهَا سَبِيلا
11. I seek union but she refuses,
Allowing only a little.
١١. أحَاوِلُ الوِصَالَ وَأدَّرِيهَا
وتَمَنَعُ وَصلَها إِلاَّ قَلِيلا
12. I remembered the chaste one but know not
If she was called chaste or deadly.
١٢. تَذَكَّرتُ البَتُولَ ولَستُ أدرِى
أسَّمَّوهَا البَتُولَ أمِ القَتُولا
13. Tears streamed from my eyes copiously
I feared the minarets would crumble.
١٣. فَسَالَ الدَّمعُ مِن عَيني حتَّى
خَشِيتُ على الشَّوامِخِ أَن تَزُولا
14. I dried my cheeks completely
I feared my bones would waste away in sorrow.
١٤. وَنَشَّفتُ الزَّوافِرَ منهُ حَتّى
خَشِيتُ على الزَّواخِيرِ الذُّبُولا
15. I remembered you, O chaste one, while cooing
And in the yard, a dove called sadly.
١٥. ذَكرتُكِ يَا بَتُولُ على تَنَاءٍ
وفي الأيكِ الحَمَامُ دَعَا هَدِيلا
16. The guide said to me, “You have come misguided,”
But I said “Nay, misguided was my intent.”
١٦. فَقَالَ لِىَ الدَّلِيلُ أتَيتَ صُولاً
فَقُلتُ لَهُ أكُنتُ أُرِيدُ صُولا
17. By your life, I've not forgotten the pact between us
When we used to meet intimately.
١٧. لَعمرُكِ مَا نَسِيتُ العَهدَ بَيني
وبَينِكِ إِذ تَلاَقَينَا أصِيلا
18. No whit has diminished of the passion
That consumes me for your love.
١٨. ولم يَنقُص مِنَ الوَاشِينَ وَاشٍ
نَقِيراً مِن هَوَاكِ ولاَ فَتِيلا
19. Indeed, though the chaste one is aloof
And feigns to abandon me for a long time,
١٩. ألاَ إِنَّ البَتُولَ وإن تَنَاءَت
وأظهَرَ تَركُهَا زَمَناً طَوِيلا
20. Within the darkness of my heart is a love
From which I have not recovered.
٢٠. لفي سَودَاءِ قَلبي مِن هَوَاهَا
غَرَامٌ ما بَرحتُ بِهِ عَلِيلا
21. Her memory keeps me awake at night
And disturbs me when I rest.
٢١. يُؤرِّقني تَذَكُّرُهَا مَبِيتاً
ويُقلقني تَذَكُّرُهَا مَقِيلا
22. Whatever news comes fills my mind
If she laughs, she leaves me confused.
٢٢. وَمهمَا حَدَّثَت مُلِّئتُ عَقلاً
وإِن ضَحِكَت تُمَلِّؤني ذُهُولا
23. And a whisperer told me that tomorrow
He will attempt to be her lover.
٢٣. وأَنبَأني المُنبِئُ أنَّ وَغداً
يُحَاوِلُ أن يَكُونَ لَهَا حَلِيلا
24. I said if she accepts him as worthy
I will take the remnants as my guide.
٢٤. فَقلتُ لَهُ إِذَا رَضِيَتهُ كُفئاً
تَخِذتُ غُرَازَ إِثرَهُمُ دَلِيلا
25. But the proud one in the bloom of youth
Would not tolerate a worthless man.
٢٥. وما تَرضَ العَزِيزَةُ في شَبَابٍ
أنِيقٍ أن تَضُمَّ لَهَا ذَلِيلا
26. Nor would the chaste one except a noble one,
And soon she may find a noble man.
٢٦. ومَا تَرضَى البَتُولُ سِوَى جَلِيلٍ
ويُوشِكُ أن تَنَالَ فَتًى جَلِيلا
27. Nor would the shepherd girls leave me be
Without some shame or remorse for their beauty.
٢٧. ومَا هَدَأت رِعَاءُ الشَّاءِ عَنِّي
وما استحيَت ومَا أدَّكَرَت جَمِيلا
28. Nor did I fear the consequences of my fiery passion
When I composed satire against their tribe.
٢٨. وَما خَشيت عَواقِبَ نارَ هَجوِي
إِذا حُضِئت مُيمِّمةً قَبيلا
29. They don't know that if we went before a judge
I would leave them paralyzed and subdued.
٢٩. وَمَا عَلِمُوا بِأنَّا لَو دَخلَنَا
على حَكَمٍ أشُلُّهُم شَليلا
30. You made your old sheikh a sheikh
When you misguided him from the path.
٣٠. جَعَلتُم شَيخَكُم في الله شَيخاً
أضَلتهُ جَهَالَتُه السَّبِيلا
31. When you dispute grammar some day
Confusion spreads between speaker and speech.
٣١. إِذَا مَا جُلتُمُ في النحو يوماً
تَبَلَّدَ بَينَ قَائِلَةٍ وقِيلا
32. Nor is he considered a jurist
Until he grasps the principles completely.
٣٢. ولَم يُعدَد مِنَ الفُقَهَاءِ حَتَّى
يَصِحَّ لَهُ تَطَلَّبُهُ الوُصُولا
33. You set upon the weak a treacherous dog
That cannot be trusted lest he attacks.
٣٣. وسوَّدتُم على الضُّعَفَاءِ كَلباً
غَدُوراً لَيس يُؤمَنُ أن يَصُولا
34. When the old man comes to him, he looks down on him
So he is driven away, corrupt and ignorant.
٣٤. إِذَا جَاءَ الكُهُولَ بِهِ استَخَفُّوا
فَطُرِّدَ فَاسِقاً فَجًّا جَهُولا
35. You hoped for justice from him
But witnessed only injustice from him.
٣٥. وكُنتُم تَرتَجُونَ العَدلَ مِنهُ
فَعَايَنتُم عَنِ العدلِ العُدُولا
36. He was as though just among you
So you found excuses for his wounds.
٣٦. وكَانَ كأنَّهُ عَدلٌ لَديكُم
فألفَيتُم لِجَرحَتِهِ عُدُولا
37. He responds to messages at all times
Like one who knows the messages or their meaning.
٣٧. يُخَاطبُ بِالرِّسَالةِ كُلَّ آنٍ
كَمَن عَرَفَ الرِّسَالَة أو خَلِيلا
38. How many times did his obscenity disgrace him before the club
Dragging behind it disgrace and scorn.
٣٨. وكَم فَضَحَتهُ في النَّادِى لُحُونٌ
فَجَرَّرَ مِن مَذَمَّتِهَا ذُيُولا
39. By night he seeks corruption, governed by desire
Would you equate your master with the likes of him?
٣٩. يَبِيتُ يُقَادُ يَطَّلِبُ المَعَاصِى
أألفَيتُم لِسيَِدِكُم مَثِيلا
40. He sends a messenger to a licentious woman,
If the messenger finds complaisance in this,
٤٠. ويُرسِلُ نَحوَ فَاجِرَةٍ رَسُولاً
فَإِن وَجَدَ الرَّسُولُ لِذَاكَ سُولا
41. He comes in compliance with the messenger
Though he follows not the guidance of messenger.
٤١. أتَى فَيَسِيرُ مُتَّبِعاً رَسُولاً
وكَانَ ولَيسَ يَتِّبِعُ الرَّسُولا
42. You did not agree on an opinion nor
Did you plant any trees.
٤٢. فَمَا وُفِّقتُمُ رَأياً ومَا ِإن
غَرَستُم في مَنَابِتِهَا النَّخِيلا
43. O my eminent brothers, if you consider
With an eye that is not bleary,
٤٣. أَإِخوَاني الأجِلَّةَ لَو نَظرتُم
بِطَرفٍ لَم يَكُن طَرفاً كَلِيلا
44. You would know that you were once my comrades
And I clung fast to the rope of your pact.
٤٤. عَلِمتُم أنَّكُم كُنتُم عُهُودِى
وكُنتُ لِحَبلِ عَهدِكُمُ وَصُولا
45. Leave off this bigotry! It would be better
To avoid it than to let in dissension.
٤٥. دَعُو هَذَا التَّعَصُّبَ إِنَّ خَيراً
من الإِدخَالِ أن تَدَعُوا الذُّحُولا
46. I excuse you, for you have made
Branches into roots.
٤٦. وإني عَاذِرٌ لَكُمُ فَأنتُم
جَعَلتُم مِن فُرُوعِكِمُ أُصُولا
47. Had you regarded him as blessed
And he smelled with his snout every glory,
٤٧. ولَو سَوَّدتُمُوهُ مُبَارَكِيًّا
أشَمَّ بِكُلِّ مَحمَدَةٍ كَفِيلا
48. Insightful, sound in opinion
Trustworthy, neither inclining nor swaying.
٤٨. بَصِيراً بالأُمُورِ سَدِيدَ رَاىٍ
أَميناً لَن يَمِينَ ولَن يَمِيلا
49. He would have managed your affairs with care
Pursuing the course of a careful kinsman.
٤٩. لَدَبَّرَ أمرَكُم تَدبِيرَ نَدبٍ
عَقِيلٍ يَقتفي نَدباً عَقِيلا
50. You would have remained as you were before
And the perfection of your pillars intact.
٥٠. وكُنتُم مِثلَ مَا كُنتُم قَدِيمَا
وكَانَ كَمَالُ سُؤدَدِكُم كَمِيلا