1. Jawiriyah reproached me with abandonment,
Not from my own people, but from others.
١. هَبَّت جُوَيرِيَّةٌ عَذلاَ تُجَارِيني
مِن أهلِ دَارِى لاَمِن أهلِ دَارِينِ
2. She reproached and blamed my slowness, so I said to her,
"I was slow, but do not blame me."
٢. هَبّت تَلُومُ عَلَى بُطئِي فَقُلتُ لها
ِإني بَطِئتُ ولَكِن لاَ تَلُومِيني
3. After you, I lived alongside those whose company
Gladdens me at all times and in all states.
٣. جَاوَرتُ بَعدِكِ مَن يحلُو جِاوَرُهُمُ
في كُلِّ حِينٍ عَلَى مَرِّ الأحَايِينِ
4. The people of virtues, the family of our Master the Shaykh,
The gate of chivalry, glory and religion.
٤. أهلَ المَكَارِمِ آل الشَّيخِ سَيِّدِنَا
بَابَ المُرُوءَةِ والعَليَاءِ والدِّينِ
5. Bearers of all the tribulations of fate when they strike,
Racers to the farthest goals in arenas.
٥. حَمَّالِ كُلِّ خُطُوبِ الدَّهرِ إِن هَجَمَت
سُبَّاقِ حَلبَاتِ غَايَاتِ المَيَادِينِ
6. Spenders of their wealth to protect their honor,
Travelers on the path lit by the torch of mankind.
٦. هُلاَّكِ مَالِهُمُ في صَونِ عِرضِهُمُ
سُلاَّكِ شِرعَةِ نِبرَاسِ الأنَاسِينِ
7. Revivers of sciences whose marks had vanished,
Recording them in writing and codification.
٧. مُحيِى عُلُومٍ تَعَفَّت آىُ أرسُمِهَا
مُدَوِّنِيهَا بِتَحرِيرِ وتَدوِينِ
8. It suffices me, from making the pilgrimage, that I am
In their fortress of might, support and safety.
٨. يَكفي مِنَ الحَاجِ أني بَينَ حضرَتِهِم
في حُصنِ عِزٍّ وتَأيِيدٍ وتَأمِينِ
9. When I look upon the lights of their faces,
My cheeks flush and pillars rise up for me.
٩. إِذَا نَظرتُ ِإلَى أنوَارِ أوجُهِهِم
شِيفَت رُيُوني وشِيدَت لِى أسَأطِينِ
10. And if I shake the gardens of praising them,
Fruits rain down from the orchards.
١٠. وإن هَزَزتُ بَسَاتِينَ إمتِدَاحهم
يَسَّاقِطِ البَذلُ مِن دَوحِ البَسَاتِينِ
11. So pick them for me without coyness or boredom,
Gently, kindly and smoothly.
١١. فَأجتِنِيهِ بِلاَ مَنٍّ ولاَ مَلَلٍ
عَلَى دُنُوٍّ عَلَى رِفقٍ عَلى لِينِ
12. And I have chosen from them the sun of their morning,
'Abdullah, famed of name in China,
١٢. وقَد تَخَيَّرتُ مِنهُم شَمسَ صَحوِهِمُ
عَبدَ الإلهِ الشَّهِيرِ الصِّيتِ في الصِّينِ
13. The successor of the Shaykh in knowledge and deed,
And in caring for the needs of the poor,
١٣. خَلِيفَةِ الشَّيخِ في عِلمٍ وفي عَملٍ
وفي رَعَايَاتِ حَاجَاتِ المَسَاكِينِ
14. And in defending the precious ones, striking
With proofs and arguments, guest or resident.
١٤. وفي دِفَاعٍ عن الغَرَّاءِ رَائِمَهَا
خَسفاً وضَيفاً بِصُولاتِ البراهين ِ
15. If you ask me to return to the calls
Of others than them, or between them and me,
١٥. إن كُنتِ طَالِبَةً مني الرُّجُوعَ إِلَى
أندَاءِ غَيرِهِمُ أو بَينِهم بَيني
16. If you had lived alongside them you would not blame me.
So live alongside them, and blame me or reproach me!
١٦. لو كُنتِ جَاوَرتِهم مَا كُنتِ لاَئِمَتِى
فَجَاوِرِيهم ولِيني أو فَلُومِيني