
They told me to forget or beware

هويت فقالوا لي تسل أو ارعو

1. They told me to forget or beware
But how can one who loves forget love after having loved?

١. هَوِيتُ فَقَالُوا لِي تَسَلَّ أَو ارعَوِ
وكَيفُ تسَلِّي ذِي هَوًى بَعدَ أن هَوِي

2. I was burdened with one whose love quenched my heart
My passion was for a beauty and for one who sings

٢. كَلِفتُ بِمَن أسقَى فُؤَادِيَّ حُبُّهَا
غَرَامَينِ بَينِيًّا وآخَرَ مَغنَوِي

3. A gazelle enchanted me, with languid glance and charm
Of two colors in it, one dark and one bright

٣. سَبَاني ظبي سَاحِرُ اللَّحظِ فَاتِرٌ
بِلَونَينِ فِيهِ أسنَوِىٍّ وأَلمَوِي

4. Smooth-cheeked, velvet-thighed, scented breath
Of musk, ruby, and spirits she is redolent

٤. رُكًَامِيُّ أردَافٍ عُقَارِىُّ رِيقَةٍ
عَلَى المِسكِ واليَاقُوتِ والرَّاحِ مُحتَوِ

5. I saw her flirting, wiggling, teasing me
And I who am teased by coquetry am helpless

٥. بَدَا لِيَ مِنهُ في تَدلُّلِهِ اجتِواً
وإني لِمَن هُوَّ اجتَوَاني لُمجتَوِ

6. Without cause he shunned me to please a traitor
Misguided and became the slave of an unguided traitor

٦. جَفَاني بَلا ذَنبٍ لأرضاءِ غَادِرٍ
غَوِيٍّ وَأمسَى خَادِمَ الغَادِرِ الغَوِي

7. I call him by lamplight like a desert traveler lost
But God knows not what he intends

٧. أُنَادِيهِ بِالمصبَاحِ مِثل مَفَازَةٍ
وَلَم يَدر اللهُ مَا هُو مَنتَوِ

8. Inconstant one, do not weary yourself, for you are no poet
So seek a man of taste who feels or composes finest verse

٨. أغَدَّارُ لاَ تَتعَب فَلَستَ بِشَاعِرٍ
فَصاحِب مَذَاقاً وَأحسُ حَيساً أو أدَّوِ

9. You are afflicted with a fatal illness from my biting satire
An illness in you from stupidity ever-flowing

٩. بُلِيتَ بِدَاءٍ مِن هِجَائِىَ مُعضِلٍ
دوي وَدَاءٍ فِيكَ مِن حُمُقٍ دوي

10. Your shoes have slipped and you have fallen headlong
As one of little propriety fell in his swooning

١٠. فَنَعلُكُ قَد زَلَّت وأصبَحَتَ هَاوياً
كَما قَد هَوَى مِن قُلَّةِ النِّيقِ مَنهَوِ

11. So your origin is condemned and your branch disgraced
Your present is vile while your glory is faded

١١. فَأصلُكَ مَذمُومٌ وَفرعُكَ ذِلَّةٌ
وَهُونُكً مُخضَرٌّ ومَجدُكَ قَد ذوي

12. Your belly is filled but your guest is hungry
Your debauchery flourishes but your religion is diminished

١٢. وَبطنُكَ مَملُوءٌ وَضيفُكَ جَائِعٌ
وَفسِقُكَ مَنبي ودِينُكَ قَد خوي

13. Your wealth is hoarded while your honor is lost
Your slander flourishes but praise of you is folded

١٣. ومَالُكُ مَحمىٌّ وعِرضُكُ ضَائِعٌ
وَهَجوُكُ مَنشُورٌ ومَدحُكَ مُنطَوِ

14. If called to a party, you shy away cautiously
But are led by the blind while praise of you is folded

١٤. وَإن تُدعَ لِلجُلَّى انزَوَيتَ مُحَاذِراً
وَتَنقَادُ لِلعَورَاءِ وَمَدحُكَ مُنطُوِ

15. If you were alive when called you'd shy away cautiously
Satire hurts the living and the sound person

١٥. وَلَو كُنتَ حَيًّا مُتَّ انزَويتَ مُحَاذِراً
يَضُرُّ الهِجَاءُ الحَىَّ والبَشَرَ السوي

16. You sought from the deceiver a gift and promotion
So you drowned in an ocean of misguidance and passion

١٦. طَلَبتَ مِنَ الدَّجَّالِ هَدياً وَرِفعَةً
فَأُغرِقتَ في بَحرِ الضَّلاَلاَتِ والهوي

17. A man who came to a worldly or religious matter has lost
Both this world and the next

١٧. وَقَد خَسِرَ الدًّنيَا والآخرَةَ امرُؤٌ
أتَاهُ لأمرٍ دِنيوي أو أُخروي

18. Who gathered inward and outward wickedness
To inward and outward wickedness of origin?

١٨. أمَن ضَمَّ خُبثاً مَعنَوِيًّا وَظَاهِراً
إِلَى خُبثِ أصلٍ ظَاهِرِىٍّ وَمَعنوي

19. And was prevented from the sea of learning, so he recoiled
And was expelled from the path of devotion, and was passionate

١٩. وحُلِّىءَ عَن بَحرِ التَّعَلُّمِ فَانثَنَى
وَطُرِّدَ عَن نَهجِ التَعَبُّدِ واجتوي

20. And was lax in piety until the signs appeared in him
Of disbelief in loyalty. Shun him!

٢٠. وَشُلَّ عَنِ التَّقوي إِلَى أن بَدَت بِ
عَلاَمَاتُ كُفرٍ بِالوِلاَيةِ احروي

21. You are not, though they reckon you an equivalent
For faded weed is not like luxuriant herbage

٢١. فَلَستَ وَإن ظَنُّوكَ كٌفئاً مُكَافِئاً
فَلَيسَ النَّضِيرُ الغَضُّ كَالكَلأِ اللوي

22. A man, his blindness does not deceive
Is not to be blamed for lies he does voice

٢٢. وِإنَّ امرَءاً لَم يَغشَ مُقلَتَه العَمَى
ولَيسَ عَلَى المَذمُومِ مِن كَذِبٍ طوي

23. He sees the master in his coarse mantle
With the lion in his den, though unequal

٢٣. يَرى السِّيدَ في بَيدَائِهِ مُتضَوِّراً
مَعَ اللَّيثِ في عَرِّيسِهِ غَيرُ مُستوي