1. Entrust the camel to go to Sura and leave her
She was built to endure her journey
١. كَلِّفِ العِيسَ بِالسُّرَى فَذرَاهَا
بُنِيَت لأنهَدَامِهَا بِسُرَاهَا
2. She was stripped only to make it easier
For the months ahead of her and behind her
٢. إِنَّما عُرِّيَت شَهُوراً لإِعمَا
لِ شُهُورٍ أمَامَهَا وَوَارَاهَا
3. Stop minding her and let her speed ahead
Shaking off the jostling of her saddlebags
٣. عَدِّ عَن رَعيِهَا وَدعَها تَبَارَى
جَافِلاَتِ مُجَاذِبَاتِ بُرَاهَا
4. Do not pity her, her goal awaits
After she's climbed to the peak of her journey
٤. لاَ تَكُن مُشفِقاً عَلَيهَا أفِيهَا
غَرَضٌ بَعدَ أن وَصَلَت عُلاَهَا
5. Drive her into the heat of the desert until
Her tiredness and resolve peel away
٥. القِهَا في لَظَى المَفَاوِزِ حَتَّى
تَتَشَكَّى كَلاَلَهَا وَوَجَاهَا
6. And eyes will be envious seeing her reduced
To withered hide once you look upon her
٦. وَتَغَارَ العُيُونُ مِنهَا وتُمسِى
ذُبَّلاً كَالقِسِىِّ حِينَ تَرَاهَا
7. A roaming camel whose lead rope ascends
Above a litter that props her burden
٧. جَائِلاَتٍ نُسُوعُهَا تَتَغَالَى
فَوقَ عُوجٍ قَد أُسنِدَت لِقَرَاهَا
8. He did not betray her, nor did she betray him, but
The pulling of the desert and its width did part them
٨. لَم يَخُنهَا ولَم تَخُنهُ ولَكِن
شَفَّهَا جَذبُهَا البُرَى وبَرَاهَا
9. Distract her from every raving madman
From the watering places within her range
٩. أغشِهَا هَولَ كُلِّ يَهمَاءَ يَعيَا
عَن وُرُودِ المِيَاهِ فِيهَا قَطَاهَا
10. The wind destroys its sides, broad and long
To her fearful quaking and clatter
١٠. تَهلَكِ الرِّيحُ في جَوَانِبِهَا عَر
ضاً وطُولاً لِهَولِهَا وصَدَاهَا
11. The wolf has consumed her food and she consumed him
As a hand conceals a book it covers
١١. قَد طَوَى الذِّئبَ قُوتُها وَطَوتهُ
مِثلَ طَىِّ الكِتَابَ كَفٍّ طَوَاهَا
12. So he calls to the camels gone astray there wildly
After losing hope of her and wandering
١٢. فَهو يَدعُو الثُّبُورَ فِيهَا سُحَيراً
طَالَما ضَلَّ في رَجَاهَا وتَاهَا
13. Roaming, feeding on the ruins
Of bygone game, erased and forgotten
١٣. هَائِماً يَقتَرِى طَوَامسَ أثَا
رِ ظِبَاءٍ تَقَادَمَت وَمَهَاهَا
14. In desolate places without friend but
The echo of his moan and his call
١٤. في بَلالِيقَ لاَ أنِيسَ بِها غَي
رَ صَدَى صَوتِ بُومِهَا وصَداهَا
15. Perhaps after her bones are strewn about
And she's shed her flesh down to the marrow
١٥. عَلَّهَا بَعدَ أن تَرَامَت أسَابِي
عَ وَأَلقَت عَنِ العِظَامِ نَقَاهَا
16. She will reach the praiseworthy, brilliant
Eternal dominion, apparent in its light
١٦. تَبلُغِ الحضرَةَ الخَدِيمِيَّةِ السُّن
نِيَّةِ المُستَبَانَ نُورُ سَنَاهَا
17. The dominion of Al-Mustafa the successor laying bare
Mysteries within the veils of darkness
١٧. حَضرَةَ المُصطَفَي الخَلِيفَةِ كَشَّا
فِ العَوِيصَاتِ في حِجَابِ دُجَاهَا
18. The dominion of knowledge, composure, and revival
Of noble deeds and adherence to the Sunnah of Ta-Ha
١٨. حَضرَةَ العِلمِ وَالأَناةِ وَإِحيا
ءِ المَعالِي وَقَفوِ سُنَّةِ طَهَ
19. The dominion of the scholar, the devout, the pure
The generous, who pours forth his bounty
١٩. حَضرَة العَالِمِ التَّقِيِّ النَّقِيِّ ال
عاذِلِ البَاذِلِ السَّكُوبَ نَدَاهَا
20. The dominion that brings joy to one who comes
Or brings woe to one who comes for those who reached it
٢٠. حَضرَةَ مَن أَتَى إِلَيها سَعيدٌ
أَو أَتَى مَن أَتى لِمَن قَد أَتاها
21. A dominion founded on pure, unsullied devotion
Bless it, bless it, ever more blessing it!
٢١. حَضرَةً أُسِّسَت عَلَى مَحضِ تَقوَى ال
لَهِ طُوبَى لَهَا وَوَاهاً وَوَاهَا
22. A paradise for servants not chasing worldly desires
A paradise for sinners in it found redemption
٢٢. جُنَّةٌ لِلعِبَادِ دُونَ الدَّوَاهِى
جَنَّةٌ لِلجَُنَاةِ دَانٍ جَنَاهَا
23. A institution that quenched the land until
The flood in the land reached its shores
٢٣. مُزنَةٌ أسقَت البَلاَدَ إِلَى أن
بَلَغَ السَّيلُ في البِلاَدِ زُبَاهَا
24. A wisdom in sciences, profound beyond
What the minds can ever fully comprehend
٢٤. حِكمَةٌ في العُلُومِ بَالٍغَةٌ مَا
بَلَغَت يُبهِرُ العُقُولَ مَدَاهَا
25. O Mustafa, make us intimate with you
That we obey Allah through serving you
٢٥. أَيُّهَا المُصطفي أعِرنَا أنِيًّا
مِنكَ حَتَّى نُطِيعَ فِيكَ الإِلَهَ
26. Allah decreed you be held in utmost esteem
Chosen, not vaunted in empty display
٢٦. فَرَضَ اللهُ أن تُعَظَّمَ تَعظي
مَاً وأن تُرتَضَى وأن لا تُبَاهَى
27. You remain a thorn in envious hearts
As long as you live, their harm does not wane
٢٧. أنتَ في مُقلَةِ الحَسُودِ قَذَاةٌ
لَم يُفَارِقهُ ما حَيِيتَ أذَاهَا
28. They desired the worst but you did not stoop to their ignorance
You opposed them with prostration in darkened night
٢٨. رَامَ مَارَامُه سَفَاهَا ومَا قَد
رُمتُه أنتَ لَم تَرُمهُ سَفَاهَا
29. With wisdom divinely guided and prayer
Answered that tames the soul and its whims
٢٩. رُمتَهُ بِالسُّجُودِ واللَّيلُ دَاجٍ
بَعدَمَا مَلاَّ العُيُونَ كَرَاهَا
30. May Allah bless you, you obtained nobility
And acceptance among peoples and prestige
٣٠. وبِرَأىٍ مُوَفَّقٍ ودُعَاءٍ
مُستَجَابٍ يُزَايِلُ النَّفسَ دَاهَا
31. May Allah increase you until Muslims in you
Their aspirations are fulfilled, their journey complete
٣١. بَارَكَ اللهُ فِيكَ نِلتَ أرتِقَاءً
وقَبُولاً بَينَ الأنَامِ وَجَاهَا
32. And peace upon the Intercessor Ta-Ha
Never-ending peace upon him forever more
٣٢. زَادَكَ اللهُ زَادَكَ الله حَتَّى
تَبلُغَ المُسلِمُونَ فِيكَ مُنَاهَا
٣٣. وَصَلاَةٌ عَلَى المُشَفَّعِ طَهَ
وسَلامٌ عَلَيهِ لاَ يَتَنَاهَى