1. A drawing of a quarter next to a spring
Stirred what drawings of springtime had not stirred,
١. رَسمُ رَبعٍ بِجَانِبِ اليَنبُوعِ
هَاجَ مَا لَم تَهِج رُسُومُ الرَّبُوعِ
2. And songs of the perfect beloved filled my heart
And tears moistened my eyelids from furtive weeping.
٢. وَمَغَاني التَّامِ تَيَّمنَ قَلبي
وحَمَينَ الجُفُونَ زَورَ الهُجُوعِ
3. In the valley of the road is the song of the breeze
And a song that impeded the breeze.
٣. بِوَادِى الطَّرِيقِ مَغنَى الرِّيعِ
ومَغنَى أحَالَ دُونَ الرِّيعِ
4. With the one of blame and reproach are songs
They are among what makes tears flow.
٤. وبِذِى العُنَّةِ الأضَاةِ مَغَانٍ
هُنَّ مِن مُوجِبَاتِ سَحِّ الدُّمُوعِ
5. And in the environs of Dhi As-Safi are homes
Like the rhyming prose of the compiled and repeated.
٥. وبِأرجَاءِ ذِى السفي مَنزِلاَتٌ
كَالوِشَامِ المُكَفِّفِ التَّرجِيعِ
6. And around them are abodes, one next to the other,
In the open space of scattering.
٦. والأضَيَّانُ في جَوَانِبِهَا دُو
رٌ ودُورٌ بِرِيعَةِ اليَتُّوعِ
7. O springtime zephyrs! You have stirred my passion
And my brooding and my burning and my blazing.
٧. يَا رُبُوعَ الرَّبَابِ هَيَّجتِ شَوقِى
وإِدِّكَارِى ولَوعَتِى وَوُلُوعِى
8. Ah! I am in your zephyr, with a melting heart -
My sighing boils within my ribs.
٨. هَآ أنَا في رُبَاكَ مُنهَمِلَ الأد
مُعِ يغلي الزَّفِيرُ بَينَ ضُلُوعِى
9. I wish for the return of your time but
The past time has no returning.
٩. أتَمَنَّى رُجُوعَ دَهرِكَ لَكِن
سالِفُ الدَّهرِ مَالَهُ مِن رُجُوعِ
10. Do you make me reminisce? I forgot my time
With you in the days of complete union.
١٠. أتَخَالِينني نَسِيتُ زَمَاني
فِيكَ أيَّامَ شَملِكِ المَجمُوعِ
11. Our time when union was sweet
Was not made bitter by fear of parting.
١١. دَهرَنَا باللوي إِذِ الوَصلُ عَذبٌ
لَم تُكَدِّرهُ خَشيَةُ التَّودِيعِ
12. And passion in the flourishing garden was obedient
While sad separation was not obedient.
١٢. والهَوَى يَانِعُ الرِّيَاضِ مُطِيعٌ
والشَّجِىُّ المَلُومُ غَيرُ مُطِيعِ
13. Diversion saved me from a prideful gazelle
Swollen, squint-eyed, nimble, startled.
١٣. نَجتني اللَّهوَ مِن غَزَالٍ أغَنَّ
أدعَجٍ أحوَرٍ كَحِيلٍ مَرُوعِ
14. It bends down at dusk upon the hills,
Lowing the white of a pouring raincloud.
١٤. يَتَثني عَلَى التِّلاَلِ عَشِيًّا
فَنَنَ ألبَانِ غِبَّ غَيثٍ هَمُوعِ
15. And when it appeared, it shone like the full moon
Rising from its rising.
١٥. وإِذَا لاَحَ لاَحَ بَدراً أوَ أبهَى
مَالِبَدرٍ طُلُوعَهُ مِن طُلُوعِ
16. Its mouth contained perfume after distaste
And the fragrance of the garden, the time of spring.
١٦. فُوهُ فِيهِ العُقَارُ بَعدَ كَرَاهُ
وعَبِيرُ الرِّيَاضِ دَهرَ الرَّبيعِ
17. So it was like the night, the morning, and the midafternoon,
And the spear, the hot wind, and the piercing.
١٧. فَهوَ كَاللَّيلِ والصَّباحِ وكالدِّعصِ
وكَالرُّمحِ والرَّبِيبِ الصَّرِيعِ
18. And the devilish, timid she-camel, the trials of the Ghadhfadh,
And the thorns of the Siyak and the swift.
١٨. والمَهَاةِ الخَذُولِ والفَنَنِ الغَضضِ
وشَوكِ السَّيَاكِ والأَسرُوعِ
19. It glanced at me, so it glanced me into
The agony of passion, and burning misery.
١٩. قَد رَمَاني بِلَحظِهِ فَرَمَى بي
في لَظَى الوَجدِ والغَرَامِ الوَجِيعِ
20. While I drew nearer to it, and union with it
Is the most difficult union in an inaccessible inviolable place.
٢٠. بَينَمَا ادَّرِيهِ والوَصلُ مِنهُ
أصعَبُ الوَصلِ في حَرِيمٍ مَنِيعِ
21. When it came to me that the damned one claimed
Superiority in poetry, and considered it, in totality.
٢١. إِذ أتَاني أَنَّ الرَّجِيمَ أدَّعَى في الششِعرِ
فَخراً وَعَدَّهُ في المَجمُوعِ
22. How amazing! After having done a despicable deed
He claimed superiority, when he was not capable!
٢٢. عَجَباً مِنهُ كَيفَ أمَّ افتِخَاراً
بَعدَمَا أمَّ فِعلٍ شَنِيعِ
23. He followed deviance and desire, and turned away
From the path of the legitimate, divinely revealed way.
٢٣. قَلَّدَ الزَّيغَ والهَوَى وتَجَافي
عَن سَبِيلِ الشَّرِيعَةِ المَشرُوعِ
24. He left the Islamic nation forsaken, humiliated
It is in isolation, in loss, neglected.
٢٤. تَرَكَ الاُمَّ فَقعَةَ القَاعِ ذُلاًّ
فَهىَ في غُربَةٍ وقَدرٍ وَضِيعِ
25. He disowned it, though he had no building upon it
Except a fragmented, torn-up structure.
٢٥. بَانَ عَنهَا ومَا عَلَيهَا بِنَاءٌ
غَيرَ شِبرٍ مُمَزَّقٍ مَرقُوعِ
26. It asks people for meager, stingy charity,
Evil, disappointing charity, vanishing.
٢٦. تَسألُ النَّاسَ في جِوَارٍ شَحِيحٍ
مُعدِمٍ سَىءِ الجِوَارِ هَلُوعِ
27. A transgressor who abandoned the prayer, persisting
Upon indecency and magic in the lands, greedy.
٢٧. فَاجِرٌ تَرَكَ الصَّلاَةَ مُدِيمُ
المَينِ والسِّحرِ في البِلاَدِ طَمُوعِ
28. Violating the honor of every person covered
In the sphere of misguidance, never content.
٢٨. مُستَبِيحُ حَرِيمِ كُلِّ قَنَاعٍ
في مَجَالِ الضَّلاَلِ غَيرُ قَنُوعِ
29. It remained naked an epoch, or more than that
It acquired no covering other than its skin, like an infant.
٢٩. عُرِّيَت حَقَبَةً أو أكثَرَ مِنها
مَا اَكتَسَت غَيرَ جِلدِهَا كَالرَّضِيعِ
30. It sought clothing from him, so he came to it
And clothed it in a garment of fear and hunger.
٣٠. طَلَبَت مِنهُ كسوةً فَأتَاهَا
وكَسَاهَا لِبَاسَ خَوفٍ وجُوِع
31. So it became in disgrace and humiliation
And despondency, wishing to extend estrangement.
٣١. فَغَدَت في مَذَلَّةٍ وهَوَانٍ
وإكتِئَابٍ تَوَدُّ مَدَّ النُّطُوعِ
32. Whenever it desired sinfully to reach union
Fear of scandal prevented it.
٣٢. كُلَّمَا رَامَ مِن بَغِىٍّ وِصَالاً
مَنَعَتهُ مَخَافَةَ التَّشِنِيعِ
33. It carried to him by cunning, and loved him for that
That forbidden thing.
٣٣. حَمَلَتهَا بِإحتِيَالٍ إِليهِ
وحَبَتهُ بِذَلِكَ المَمنُوعِ
34. How, O you who lost your manliness, do you seek
To contend with me when you are not capable!
٣٤. كَيفَ يَا فَاقِدَ المُرُوءَةِ تَسعَى
في سِجَالِى ولَستَ بِالمُستَطِيعِ
35. You claim knowledge, eloquence and poetry
And the science of prosody and verse.
٣٥. تَدَّعِى العِلمَ والفَصَاحَةَ والشِّعرَ
وعِلمَ الأوقَافِ والتَّرِبيعِ
36. Despite your ignorance of rhetoric, sentence structure and grammar
And ignorance of language and the details.
٣٦. مَعَ جَهلِ البَيَانِ والعَقدِ والنَّحوِ
وَجهلٍ لِلُّغَى وجَهلِ الفُرُوعِ
37. Verily, an idea is not complete for a person
Without the knowledge of subject and predicate.
٣٧. إِنَّهُ لاَ يَتِمُّ لِلمَرءِ فِكرٌ
دُونَ عِلمِ المَحمُولِ والمَوضُوعِ
38. And the idioms of each art and its intentions
In narrowing and expanding.
٣٨. واصطلاَحَاتِ كُلِّ فَنٍّ وَحَالَى
قَصدِهِ في التَّضِييقِ والتَّوسِيعِ
39. Do not blame me for glory and honor
For slowness is not like speed.
٣٩. لاَ تَقِسني عَلَيكَ في العِزِّ والمَجدِ
فَلَيسَ البطىءُ مِثلًُ السَّرِيعِ
40. And the purebred steed is not the same as the weak
Who competes with him on a miserable hack.
٤٠. والجَوَادُ السَّبُوحُ غَيرَ عِقيلٍ
مَن يُجَارِيهِ بِالهَجِينِ الظَّلِيعِ
41. Do not assume every spoken thing is a poem
The babbling of a continuous weaving.
٤١. لا تُظُنَّ القَرِيضَ كُلَّ مَقُولٍ
هَلهَلِ النَّسجِ مُستَدَامِ الوُقُوعِ
42. The occurrence of meanings and words
Was not with imposition or apportioning.
٤٢. لَم يَكُن وَاقِعَ المَعَاني
والألفَاظِ بِذِى التَّكلِيفِ والتَّقطِيعِ
43. Accustomed to lampooning with repugnant
Speech, not delightful with every despicable word.
٤٣. مُترَعٍ بِالهِجَاءِ في سَنَنٍ
غَيرِ لَذِيذٍ بِكُلِّ لَفظٍ بَشِيعِ
44. If a hearing person desired the pleasure of listening
He would not be guided by you to pleasure in listening.
٤٤. إن يَرُم لَذَّةَ السَّمَاعِ سميعٌ
مِنهُ لَم يُهدِ لَذَّةً لِلسَّمِيعِ
45. You have lost balance in the poem with meter
And weakness, and you are not preserving.
٤٥. قد أضَعتَ القَرِيضَ باللَّحنِ
والضَّعفِ إِتِّزَاناً وَأنتَ غَيرُ مُضِيعِ
46. The one who lampooned you did not lampoon a person
Rather, you are an image of filth.
٤٦. لَم يَكُن مَن هَجَاكَ هَاجِىَ شَخصٍ
إِنَّمَا أنتَ صُورَةٌ مِن رَجِيعِ
47. Defiled! If you touched the garment of one praying
It would be invalidated in the frequented temple.
٤٧. نَجِسٌ إِن مَسَتَ ثَوبَ مُصَلٍّ
بَطِلت في المَعبَدِ المَتبُوعِ
48. Your origin is wickedness and it is your branch, derived
From wicked roots and branches!
٤٨. أصلُكَ الخُبثُ وهو فَرعكُ آتٍ
مِن أُصُولٍ خَبِيثَةٍ وفُرُوعِ
49. It is no dishonor upon you if you came dishonored
It would be attributed to you before undertaking.
٤٩. لَيسَ عَاراً عَليكَ إِن جِئتَ عَاراً
كَانَ يُعزَى إِلَيكَ قَبلَ الشُّرُوعِ
50. You are not free in that, you are neither harmful
To whom you hated, nor beneficial.
٥٠. لَستَ حُرّاً لِذَلِكَ لَستَ بِضَرَّا
رٍ لِمَن شِئتَهُ ولاَ بِنَفُوعِ
51. Lampoon me if you lampoon me with rhymes
Like the delicious, well-organized rhymes.
٥١. هَاجني إِن تُهَاجني بِقَوَافٍ
كَقَوَافي اللذِيذَةِ التَّرجِيعِ
52. Do not take my style tediously
For the excellent one is not tedious.
٥٢. لاَ تَكُن آخِذاً رَوِيِّىِ تَبُوعاً
فِيهِ لِى فالمُجِيدُ غَيرُ تَبُوعِ
53. And appreciate, if you are able, a subtle meaning
And refined, well-listened-to composure.
٥٣. وَاغتَنِم إِن قَدِرتَ نُكتَةَ مَعنًى
ولُزُومٍ مُهَذَّبٍ مَسمُوعِ
54. The poem is not valid without clarity
And meanings that are innovative and innovating.
٥٤. لاَ يَصِحُّ القًَرِيضُ دُونَ بَيَانٍ
ومَعَانٍ بَدِيعَةٍ وبَدِيعِ
55. Like a fully interlocked paronomasia or hint
Of paronomasia, or a touch of intimation.
٥٥. كَجِنَاسٍ مُلَفَّقٍ أَو جِنَاسٍ
تَمَّ أو لَمحةٍ مِنَ التَّوشِيعِ
56. Or a antithesis, or reversal of publication, or pun
Innovative in glitter and tailoring,
٥٦. أو طِبَاقٍ أو لَفِّ نَشرٍ أو إرصَا
دٍ بَدِيعِ التَّلمِب والتَّنوِيعِ
57. Or other than that, of an innovating innovation
Good in composition and signing.
٥٧. أو سِوَى ذَاكَ مِن بَدِيعٍ بَدِيعٍ
حَسَنٍ في التَّسجِيعِ والتَّوقِيعِ
58. You tried fault, so you increased my status loftily
And the betrayal of your submission shot arrows.
٥٨. رُمتَ نَقصِ فَزِدتَ قَدرِى عُلُوًّا
ورَمى الغَدرَ مِنكَ سَهمُ الخُضُوعِ
59. And God and destiny refused, proceeding
By the choice of the Hearing, Knowledgeable.
٥٩. وأبَى اللهُ والمَقَادِيرُ تجري
بِاختِيَارِ العَلِيمِ فِيهَا السَّمِيعِ
60. That the disgraced one be other than disgraced
Or the noble one be other than noble.
٦٠. أن يَكُونَ الذَّلِيلُ غَيرَ ذَلِيلٍ
أَو يَكُونَ الرَّفِيعُ غَيرَ رَفِيعِ
61. And greetings like the breeze of the meadow from Him
And prayers upon the interceding Prophet.
٦١. وسَلاَمٌ كَنَفحَةِ الرَّوضِ مِنهُ
وصَلاًةٌ عَلَى النبي الشَّفِيعِ