1. The beloveds bent their necks as the ruins were laid waste
What has happened to me was indeed momentous
١. عُوجَا العَنَاجِيجَ حَتَّى تَساَلاَ الطَّلَلاَ
قَد كَان مَا كَانَ بي مِن أمرِهِ جَلَلا
2. They deserted me after the first separation, though they were bent
By the machinations of fading vicissitudes into garments of humility
٢. حَلَّتُه بَعدَ الأُولى حلُّوهُ إِذ ظَعَنُوا
أيدِى الزَّعَازِعِ مِن نَسجِ البِلَى حُلَلا
3. So I was left with barely discernible vestiges
Or an apparition, phantom, or stain covered in patches
٣. فَخِلتُ خَالاً بَقَايَا الآِ طَامِسَةً
أو وَحياً أو وَشياً أو وَشماً عَلاَخِلَلا
4. Stop at it and bewail it, for in me are maladies
From the intensity of my passion for it, so that it may cure my ailments
٤. قِفََا بِه وأَبكِيَاهُ إِنَّ بي عِلَلاَ
مِن فَرطِ وَجدِى بِهِ كَى تُشفِيَا العِلَلا
5. With it, assemblies overwhelmed me at a leisurely pace
With cups of musk, which intoxicated me with them
٥. قَد أنهَلتني بِهِجُملٌ عَلَى مَهَلٍ
خَمرَ التَّصَابي وعَلَّتني بِهَا عَلَلا
6. Ask about his family, for I am charged with them
And the eye of loyalty is to ask, so ask
٦. سَلاَهُ عَن أهلِهِ إني بِهِم كَلِفٌ
وإِنَّ عَينَ الوَفَا أن تَسأَلاَ فَسَلا
7. I stayed with it a time in oblivion
Reveling in the chill of youth, ripe
٧. أقَمتُ فِيهِ زَمَاناً في بُلَهنِيَةٍ
جَذلاَنَ أرفُلُ في بُردِ الصِّبَا ثَمِلا
8. They said, "Do you not ask about the memorials of its times?"
So I said, "The passionate does not profit on the day of asking"
٨. قَالاَ أَلَم تَسلُ عن تِذكَارِ أزمنِهِ
فَقلتُ مَا رَبِحَ المَشغُوفُ يَومَ سَلا
9. The eternal garden is not in the hell of one
Who spends the night raging with passion and is preoccupied
٩. ما جَنَّةُ الخُلدِ في جََحِيمِ صَبَا
بَاتٍ تُشَبُّ لِمَن بِالوَجدِ قَد شُغِلا
10. I do not forget the anguish of the day of separation, their departure
Measured by milestones - the outstretched fingers of the guiding posts
١٠. لا أنسَى لَوعَةَ يَومَ البَينِ ظَعنُهُمُ
تَحدُو الحُدَاةُ بها العَيدِيَّةَ الذُّلَلا
11. They went high above every fanciful illusion and ascended
With litters above them and above the litters, pavilions
١١. عَالَوا عَلَى كُلِّ وَهمٍ هَو دَجاً وعَلَو
هَا بالخُدُورِ وعَالَوا فَوقَهَا الكِلَلا
12. I continued to watch them while the family was beneath them
Until the tears of my eyes overflowed and slipped down
١٢. ما زَلتُ أرمُقُهُم والآلُ دُونَهُمُ
حَتَّى تَرَقرَقَ دَمعُ العَينِ فَأَنهَمَلا
13. My pact with it before their riding-beasts were goaded -
The bangles clinked and the anklets jingled
١٣. عَهدِى بِهَا قَبلُ أَن تُحدََى مَطِيُّهُمُ
نَاءَت فَفَصَّمَتِ الخَلخَالَ والحِجَلا
14. Appearing in the sleeve of the delicate young shoot of nim was
The citron-wood stirring the wine and honey
١٤. تَجلُو أغَرَّ شَتِيتَ النَّبتِ مُرتَشَفاً
عُودُ الأَرَاكَةِ مِنهُ الخَمرَ والعَسَلا
15. In it and in the mouth of the cup are virtues
It covets, like the light of flames and strips of motley cloth
١٥. فِيهِ وفي المَيس مِنهَا مَا تَذُمُّ لَهُ
نَورُ الأَقَاحِى وخُوطَ البَانَةِ الخِضِلا
16. They said, "The herd of mountain goats reminds us when
They bleat," and it reminds if the waving palm tree sways
١٦. قَالُوا تُذَكِّرُنَا جُملُ الظِّبَاءَ إِذَا
نَصَّت وتُذكِرُ إِن تَرنُ المَهَا الهَمَلا
17. So I said, "Their bleating does not resemble this
Nor are they delicate, fine mountain goats or weaklings"
١٧. فَقُلتُ لَم تكنِ الآرَامُ تُشبِهُهُا
ولا المَهَا هَمَلاً جِيداً ولا مُقَلا
18. The blood of its lovers was shed, so they have no
Sense - would one in love with a slain man have any sense?
١٨. قَالُوا لَقَد زَانَ جُملاً جَعلُ لُؤلِئِهَا
حَلياُ فًقُلتُ وأني تَألَفَ العَطَلا
19. If it spoke from the heights of a towering ascent to plead,
Its cooing voice would entice down the doves
١٩. ما زَانَها الحَلىُ بَل زَانَتهُ وَيحَكُمُ
فَجُملُ لِلحَلىِ لَو لم تَجهَلُوهُ حِلَى
20. Saying, "O beloved! You have prolonged absence - enough!
Have you made us equal after us as a substitute?"
٢٠. قَالُوا تُذَكِّرُنَا اللَّيلَ البَهِيمَ إِذَا
مَا أرخَتِ الفَرعَ فَوقَ المَتنِ فَانسَدَلا
21. So I said, "Do not think I have taken
A substitute from you, nor listened to any justice in loving you"
٢١. والشَّمسَ مَهما تُمِط الخِمَارَ سَناً
والدِّعصَ مُرتَكَماً إِن هَزَّتِ الكَفِلا
22. And I have not been consoled for your distance after your remoteness
Nor hesitated in my devotion to you out of boredom
٢٢. فَقُلتُ لَم تَكُ في هَذا مَلاَحَتُهَا
ولاَ تَدَلُّلُها إِن وَصَلَت أُصُلا
23. O beloved! I am one firm in calamities when
The claws of adversities bare themselves against me
٢٣. طُلَّت دِماءُ مُحبِّيها فَلَيسَ لَهُم
عَقلٌ أَيُلفي قَتيلٌ في الهَوى عُقِلا
24. I accomplish momentous affairs when I desire, even if
I venture upon the formidable and the difficult - it becomes easy
٢٤. لَو كَلَّمَت في أَعالِي شاهِقٍ وَعَلا
لاستَنزَلَت بِحُميَّا نَغمَتِها الوِعَلا
25. Threats from enemies do not deter me -
I have been tested before, so I know the brave hero
٢٥. تَقولُ جُملٌ أَطَلتَ الهَجرَ وَيكَ فَهَل
جَعَلتَ مِنَّا سِوانا بَعدَنا بَدَلا
26. But the news came to me that the vile ones have become notorious
For villainy - they boast, "This is really immorality!"
٢٦. فَقُلتُ لا تَحسبينِي آخِذاً بَدَلاً
مِنكُم ولا سامِعاً في حُبِّكُم عَدَلا
27. Boasting is only for one whose birth was pure
And who was nurtured by firmly established ancestry
٢٧. ولا تَسَلَّيتُ عَنكُم بَعدَ بُعدِكُمُ
وَلا تَوَانَيتُ عَن وَصلِي لَكُم مَلَلا
28. Your boasting in corners is nothing but laughable -
You have never been accustomed to knowledge or deeds
٢٨. يَا جُملُ إني لَجَلدٌ في الخُطُوبِ إِذَا
أبدَت نَواجِذَها المُعوَجَّةَ العُصُلا
29. You have corrupted religion until it has become mixed-up
And knowledge until it has tattered remnants
٢٩. سَهلُ السَّجِيّةِ مَرهُوبَ الأَذَيَّةِ مَر
جُوُّ العَطِيَّةِ بَذَّالٌ لِمَن سَأَلا
30. The wares of Iblis thrive because of you, so for you
In the heart of Iblis is a love that does not compare
٣٠. إني كَمِىٌّ قوي الجَأشِ ثَابَتُهُ
عِندَ الشَّدَائِدِ إِن تَلحَق خُصىً بِكُلَى
31. You obeyed him, so you have become his messengers -
Disobedient to his commandments, you messengers!
٣١. أُجِلَّ خَطباً حِينَ شِئتُ وإِن
يَمَّمتُ مُستَعظَماً مُستَصعَباً سُهَلا
32. More astray than all who have gone astray
Is he who led you astray from the paths
٣٢. لَيسَ الوَعِيدُ مِنَ الأَعدَا يُنَهنُهني
جُرِّبتُ قَبلُ فَأُلفِيتُ الفَتَى البَطَلا
33. When the intimates gather, your title
Belies you, while the case testifies, altering titles
٣٣. لَكِنني جَاءني أنَّ الأُلَى اشتَهَرُوا
باللُّؤمِ قَد فَخَرُوا هَا إِنَّ ذَا لَبَلا
34. We came to you with a delegation from the Bani Hasan
Whose noses look down on all the high-minded
٣٤. ما الفَخرُ إلاَّ لِمَن طَابَت أرُومَتُهُ
وكَانَ يُنمَى لأصلٍ ثَابِتٍ أَصُلا
35. When we alighted, you disdained us stingily
Though almost your father welcomes all who alight
٣٥. مَا فَخرُكُم في الزَّوَايَا غَيرَ مُضحكَةٍ
لم تألَفُوا أبَدا عِلماً ولاَ عَمَلا
36. You betrayed us and betrayal was your wont
Before, and you prepared infirmities for our lodging
٣٦. أفسَدتُمُ الدِّينَ حَتَّى صَارَ مُختَلِطاً
والعِلمَ حتى تَرَدَّى سابِغاتِ بِلى
37. You harassed us with what your women are accustomed to
The hand of a wretched harassing woman was paralyzed
٣٧. راجَت بِضاعَةُ إِبليسٍ بِكُم فَلَكُم
في قَلبِ إِبليسَ حُبٌّ لَم يَشبِ بِقِلَى
38. Is this what the proud, honorable ones do when
Delegations of honorable, eminent nobles come to them?
٣٨. طَاوَعتُمُوهُ فَأصبَحتُم لَهُ رُسلاً
تَعصُونَ لِمَأمُورَاتِهِ الرُّسلا
39. May Allah fight you from every living thing - damned are you!
In time, none like you has been created possessing faults
٣٩. لاَحَىَّ أجدَرَ بِالمَلحَاةِ أجمِعَهَا
مِنكُم ولاَحَىَّ أغوَى مِنكُمُ سُبُلا
40. Your wickedness and deception and disobedience and cunning have been brought together in you by Allah
If you are mentioned in the regions of Muslims, you show disgust
٤٠. يَكسُو إِذَا اجتمَعَ الأَندَاءُ نَادِيكُم
والحَالُ شَاهِدَةٌ صِرفَ الخَنَا
41. The intellect of the suckling babe among you, while still nursing
Is like the intellect of one whose hair has turned white in his locks
٤١. جِئنَاكُمُ مَعَ وَفدٍ مِن بني حَسَنٍ
شُمِّ الأنُوفِ على كُلِّ العُلاَ اشتَمَلا
42. O my ignoble son! With what were you boasting,
Rendering me ignorant of your dishonorable ancestry?
٤٢. لَمَّا نَزَلَنا تََهَاوَنتُم بِنَا بُخُلاًَ
إِذ ذَا كَدَ أبُكُمُ مَع كُلِّ مَن نَزَلا
43. Do not seek benefit from the Family of Zain,
For they did not raise you up, nor did you attain hopes through them
٤٣. وخُنتُمُونَا وكَانَ الغَدرُ دَيدَنَكُم
قدما وهَيَّأتُمُ العَورَا لَنَا نُزُلا
44. You were disgraced among people and degraded
And you became disgraced among people and degraded
٤٤. وخَاذَفَتنَا بِمَا ألفَت نِسَاؤُكُمُ
شَلَّت يَدُ امرَأةٍ خذَّافَةٍ شَلَلا
45. Whoever seeks elevation through them, his paths are straitened
For they are harsh shepherds, all of them ignorant
٤٥. أهَكَذَا تَفعَلُ الشُّمُّ الكِرَامُ إِذَا
وَافي الوُفُودُ الكِرَامُ السَّادَةَ الفُضُلا
46. As for your cherished support, it is feasible
If not for your poverty and begging for crumbs
٤٦. لَحَاكُمُ اللهُ مِن حَىٍّ فَحَيُّكُمُ
لَم يُلفَ في الدَّهرِ مَعنِياً بِمَا جَمُلا
47. You have continually praised them fulsomely, trailing
The trains of your gown, though the one praised did not give at all
٤٧. تَبًّالَكُم لَم يَكُن مَن جَاءَ نَادِيَكُم
يُلفي بِهِ إمرَأَةً حَسنَا ولاَ رَجُلا
48. The elder, O Ghumr, is only one who ascended in
The degrees of the Hallowed Court and peered downward
٤٨. يُلغِى سَعَالِىَ تجري بَينَ أخبِيَةٍ
تَأوي إِلَيهَا قُرُودٌ مُلِّئَت بُخُلا
49. Love of Him pervaded everything with a living soul
And His knowledge encompassed all who sought refuge in Him
٤٩. قَد أورَثَتكُم وأَولَتكُم أوَائلُكُم
اللُّؤمَ والمَكرَ والعِصيَان والحِيلا
50. And the development of knowledge in Him quenched the thirst
Of gnosis - all who dwelt in His protection became devoted
٥٠. فَجَمَّعَ اللهُ فِيكُم كُلَّ مَلأَمَةٍ
إِن تُذكَرُوا بِنَواحِىِ مُسلِمٍ تَفَلا
51. And every trace of hesitation in Him was avoided
And the veil of vain desire was removed from Him and united
٥١. فَعَقلُ ذِى المَهدِ مِنكُم وَهوَ مُرتَضِعٌ
كَعَقلِ مَن شَيبُهُ في فَودِهِ اشتَعَلا
52. Holding fast to the bond of submission, avoiding
Caprice, directing with the hand of empowerment, compliant
٥٢. يَا نَجلَ بي بِمَاذَا كُنتَ مُفتَخِراً
أخِلتني جَاهِلاَ آبَاءَكَ الأُوُلا
53. As for the one who was concealed in baseness
Passions and fantasies coursed through his heart
٥٣. لا تَحجُ في آلِ زَينٍ نَيلَ مُنفَعَةٍ
لَم يَرفَعُوكَ وَلَم تَبلُغ بِهِم أمَلا
54. Engrossed with people's faults, filled up
If God is mentioned, he mentions sheep or camels
٥٤. قَد كُنتَ مُمتَهَناً في النَّاسِ مُبتَذَلاً
وصِرتَ مُمتَهناً في النَّاسِ مُبتَذَلا
55. So he is not an elder, and whoever takes him as his authority
To the path of disobedience, vain desire and arrival
٥٥. مَن رَامَ رَفعاً بِهِم ضَاقَت مَذَاهِبُهُ
فَهُم رُعاةٌ جُفَاةٌ كُلُّهُم جُهَلا
56. And your being the son of Jalaa requires proof
Since the truth with us is that you are the son of emptiness
٥٦. أمَّا إعَانتُكَ المَلهُوفَ مُمَكِنِةٌ
لَولاَ إفتِقَارُكَ وإستِطعَامُكَ الُخَلا
57. You were a sponging foundling, and grew up just as
You were a child, and were not occupied with attaining nobility
٥٧. ما زِلتَ تطرِيهُم مَدحاً تُجَرِّرُ مِن
أَذيَالِ مِينِكَ والمَمدُوحَ مَا بَذَلا
58. If they present you for composing poetry, then
Chaff may be fed when no food can be found
٥٨. مَا الشَّيخُ يَا غُمرُ إِلا مَن تَصَعَّدَ في
مَرَاتِبِ الحَضَرَاتِ الغُرِّ وأنسَفَلا
59. As for your pretense of piety, it is pure treason -
You did not intend by it the face of God, Most High
٥٩. وخَامَرَ الحُبُّ مِنهُ كُلَّ مَا نَفَسٍ
وعَمَّ مِنهُ جَمِيعَ العَالمِينَ إِلَى
60. Rather, it was hypocrisy from you for the flock, so that
You may hunt from them when they swarm to gifts like bees
٦٠. وجُرِّبَ العِلمُ فِيهِ بَاطِنَاً وَسَقَى
عِرفَانُهُ كُلَّ مَن آوَى إِلَيهِ وِلَى
61. And that your mother never straightened her spine denies
What you said, indicating that she was not honored with reason
٦١. وجَانَبَت كُلَّ مَومُوقٍ قُرُونُتُهُ
وُدكَّ عَنهُ حِجَابُ الغَىِّ فأتَّصَلا
62. It does not enter one's heart that you could disparage me
When I am a branch of the towering tree of language
٦٢. مُستَمسِكاً بِعُرَى التَّسلِيمِ مُجتنِباً
مُصِّرفاً بِيدِ التَّمكِينِ مُمتَثِلا
63. I practiced composing poetry before you and did not
Recite it to them without it pleasing their hearing and dissolving
٦٣. أمَّا الذي كَانَ في السُّفلِىِّ مُحتَجِباً
رَانَت عَلَى قَلبِهِ الأهوَاءُ والخُيُلا
64. And they admired it, and were satisfied with my discourse while you - when
You were absent from it, it only increased with me in elevation and ascent
٦٤. مُكردَساً بِعُيُوبِ النَّاسِ مُمتَلِئاً
إِن يُذكَرِ اللهُ يَذكُر شَاءً أو إِبِلا
65. How many feeble poets I have left routed in adversity
When the wounds of satire became congealed
٦٥. فَلَيسَ شَيخاً ومَن يَجعَلهُ حُجَّتَهُ
ِإلَى طَرِيقِ المَعَاصِى والهَوَى وَصَلا
66. So here is a pearl of poetry not contrived
That will give you a drink if you understand its essence, O dolt!
٦٦. وكَونُكَ إبنَ جَلاَ يَحتَاجُ بَيِّنَةً
إِذِ الصَّوابُ عِندَنَا أنَّكَ إبنُ خَلا
67. Respond quickly - do not prolong it for me
For I was not one to prolong it for you
٦٧. قَد كُنتَ طِفلاً طُفَيلِيًّا وشِبتَ كَمَا
قَد كُنتَ طِفلاً فَلَم تُشغَل بِنَيلِ عُلا
٦٨. إِن قَدَّمُوكَ لإنشاءِ القَرِيضِ فَقَد
يُرعَى الهَشِيمُ إِذَا لَم يُوَجَدنَّ كَلا
٦٩. أمَّا إِدِّعَاؤُكَ لِلتَّقُوَى فَمَحضُ خَنًى
لَم تَقصُدنَّ بِهِ وَجهَ الإلَه عَلا
٧٠. بل كَانَ مِنكَ رِيَاءً لِلرَّعِيةِ كَى
تَصطَادَ مِنهُم إِذَا أمُّوا العَطَا نِحَلا
٧١. وَكَونُ أُمِّكَ ما عَقَّت يُكَذِّبُهُ
ما عاشَ بَيٌّ مُهاناً جائِعاً وَجِلا
٧٢. وكَونُ بي أبِيكََ القدمِ شِيمَتهُ
بَينَ الوَرَى أَخذُهُ في كَفِّهِ أُكُلا
٧٣. مَا زَالَ يَرفُلُ في عُرىٍ ومَسغَبةٍ
يَجُرُّ أَذيَالَ ذُلٍّ بَينَ كُلِّ مَلا
٧٤. لِم لاَ تَكَن كَاسِيًّا بَيًّا ومُطعِمَهُ
وأنتَ نَجلٌ لبي بِئسَ مَا نَجَلا
٧٥. عَيَّرتَ بِالجَهلِ أصلِى غَيرَ مُدَّكِرٍ
بَيًّا وبي طَالَمَا جَهِلا
٧٦. وإِنَّ نَانَا التى قَد قُلتَ مُشعِرَةٌ
مِن كُلِّ وجهٍ بِأن لَم تُعزَ لِلعُقَلا
٧٧. ولَيسَ يَدخُلُ قَلباً أَن تُلَحَنني
وقَد تَفَرَّعتُ مِن طَودِ اللُّغَى القُلَلا
٧٨. مَارَستُ قَبلَكَ إنشَاءَ القَرِيضِ وَمَا
أنشَدتُهُم لَذَّ في آذِنِهِم وحَلا
٧٩. واستَحسَنُوا وأرتَضوا حَوكِى وأَنتَ إِذَا
ما غِبتَهُ ازدَادَ عِندِى رِفعَةً وعَلا
٨٠. كَم شَاعِرٍ ذَرِبٍ غَادَرتُ في كُرَبٍ
إِذ صَارَ بالهَجوِ القُرحُ مُندَمِلا
٨١. فَهَاكَ دُرَّ قَرِيضٍ غَيرِ مُعتَسَفِ
يَسقِيكَ إِن تَدرِ مَعنَى كُنهِهِ خَبَلا
٨٢. أجِب عَلَى عَجَلٍ لاَ تَرخِ لِى طِوَلاً
فَإِنني لَم أكُن أرخِى لَكَ الطِّوَلا