
I rejoiced at the presence of the noble Sheikh,

طربت لحضرة الشيخ الخديم

1. I rejoiced at the presence of the noble Sheikh,
And his generous Caliph who manages his affairs,

١. طَرِبتُ لِحَضرةِ الشَّيخِ الخَدِيمِ
وَسَائِسِها خَلِيفَتِه الكَرِيمِ

2. Organizing his matters in this world and the next
With the wisdom and piety of a knowledgeable and virtuous man.

٢. مُدَبِّرِ أمرِهَا دُنياً وأخرَى
سَيَاسَةَ حَاذِقٍ وَرَعٍ عَلِيمِ

3. He shows it the straight path,
That leads to the straight path.

٣. يُبِينُ لَهَا صِرَاطاً مُستَقِيماً
يَقُودُ ِإلَى الصِّرَاطِ المُستَقِيمِ

4. He constantly adheres to the way of the Guide,
With his pure and unblemished heart.

٤. يُلاَحِظُ سُنَّةَ الهَادِى دَوَاماً
بِمُقلَةِ قَلبِه الصَّافي السَّلِيمِ

5. He spreads the cool breeze of religious knowledge,
Abundantly to the resident and the traveller.

٥. وُينشُرُ مِن عُلُومِ الدينِ بُرداً
عَرِيضاً لِلمُسَافِرِ والمُقِيمِ

6. I rejoiced at a presence that gives life and growth,
And that heals the illnesses of the sick through his blessings.

٦. طَرٍبتُ لِحَضَرةِ تُروَى وتَرقَى
ويُبرِىءُ يُمنُهَا عِلَلَ السَّقِيمِ

7. I rejoiced at what it contains of noble qualities,
And the generous and protective hospitality it provides.

٧. طَرِبتُ لِمَا حَوَتهُ مِن المَعَالِى
ومَا تَحوِيهِ مِن كَرَمٍ وخِيمِ

8. It contains the excellent traditions,
And the magnificent Quran and Sunnah.

٨. ومَا تَحوِيهِ مِن سَنَنٍ سَنيٍّ
ومِن سُنَنٍ وقرُآنٍ عَظِيمِ

9. It brings together wisdom, knowledge,
Manners, dignity and glory.

٩. وَمَا جَمَعَتهُ مِن حِلمٍ وعِلمٍ
ومِن أدَبٍ ومِن قَدرٍ فَخِيمِ

10. It reveals subtle, beautiful, eloquent metaphors,
Grand in their symbolism.

١٠. وَمضا تُبدِيهِ مِن مَعنًى لَطِيفٍ
بَدِيعٍ في إستِعَارَتِهِ جَسِيمِ

11. It composes strands of abundant prose,
And scatters precious gems of verse.

١١. وَمَا نََظَمتهُ مِن دُرٍّ نَثِيرٍ
ومَا نَثَرَتهُ مِن دُرِّ نَظِيمِ

12. It shelters righteous men and generous hosts,
And shares wealth fairly.

١٢. وَمَا تَؤوِيهِ مِن عَافٍ وجَارٍ
وَمَا تُولِيهِ مِن مَالٍ قَسِيمِ

13. It gathers honor, stature,
And a graceful bearing.

١٣. ومَا جَلَبَتهُ مِن عِزٍّ وَجَاهٍ
ومَا جَمَعَتهُ مِن وَجهٍ وِسيمِ

14. I delighted in a presence with beacons,
And flags of the upright religion.

١٤. طَرِبتُ لِحَضرَةِ فِيهَا مَنَارٌ
وأعلاَمٌ مِنَ الدينِ القَوِيمِ

15. It contains a pillar of God-consciousness,
Dear to the soul and protective of sanctity.

١٥. وفِيها مِن تُقَاةِ اللهِ رُكنٌ
عَزِيزُ النَّفسِ مَحمِىُّ الحَرِيمِ

16. A lighthouse for the lost, guidance for the astray,
A reminder to the heedless and advancement for the righteous.

١٦. مَنَارَةٌ حَائِرٍ وهُدَى غَوَىٍّ
وذِكرَةُ غَافِلٍ ورُقَى سَلِيمِ

17. And relief for the distressed bearing sorrows,
A refuge for the troubled and wealth for the destitute.

١٧. وَتنفِيسُ لِكُربَةٍ ذي كُرُوبٍ
وَملجأ مُزعَجٍ وغِنَى عَدِيمِ

18. The glorious Sunnah is preserved within it,
Safe from violating that which is sacrosanct.

١٨. تُحَأطُ السُّنُةُ الغَرَّاءُ فِيهَا
وتُكلَؤُ مِن مُقَارَفَةِ الحَرِيمِ

19. The Chosen One (Muhammad) is no cheat leaving an unfair inheritance,
Avoiding the law of the unjust cheat.

١٩. فَلَيسَ المُصطفي خَلفاً مَضِيماً
تَجَنَّبَ شِرعَةَ الخَلَفِ المَضِيمِ

20. But he bore the caliphate and carried it,
Subduing it through his firm resolve.

٢٠. فَأومَا لِلخِلاَفِةِ وامتَطَاهَا
فَذَلَّلَهَا بِإِمضَاءِ العَزِيمِ

21. He assumed his father's position as was right,
And built upon the glory of his ancient abode.

٢١. تَخَلَّفَ في مَقَامِ أبِيهِ حَقًّا
وزَادَ بِنَاءَ مَفخَرِه القَدِيمِ

22. And he said to every supporter of Muhammad,
"Rise to your place and be upright.

٢٢. وقَالَ لِكُلِّ مَحمَدَةٍ تَعَالَى
وقَرِّى في مَكَانِكِ واَستَقِيمِى

23. You will be content with this position so incline not,
To what the despicable outcast group dictates."

٢٣. سَتَرضَينَ المُقَامَ فَلاَ تَمِيلِى
بِمَا تُملِيهِ طَائِفَةُ الرَّجِيمِ

24. For the miracle of our wisdom did not cease,
Nor did the wisdom of the All-Wise ever cease.

٢٤. فَمَا إعجَازُ حِكمَتِنَا تَنَاهَى
فَلَم تَكُ تَنتَهِى حِكَمُ الحَكِيمِ

25. For the Sheikh inspired me with this,
And that I should be his guarantor and keeper,

٢٥. فَإِنَّ الشَّيخَ قَلَّجدني بِهذَا
وأني بِالكَفَيلِ بِهِ الزَّعِيمِ

26. By resolving problematic issues,
And caring for widows and orphans.

٢٦. بِتَحرِيرِ المَسائِلِ وهىَ عُوصٌ
وإيَوَاءِ الأرَامِلِ واليَتِيمِ

27. Distributing money and livestock,
And good naturedly forgiving the slights of the blameworthy.

٢٧. وتَفرِيقِ الدَّرَاهِمِ والمَوَاشِى
وحُسنش الصَّفحِ عَن زَلَلِ المَلِيمِ

28. Staying up nights regularly with true intention,
In it lies success.

٢٨. وإحيَاءِ اللَّيَالِى اللِّيَلِ دَاباً
بِصَادقِ نِيَّةٍ فِيهَا تَمِيمِ

29. And reciting the Book attentively,
Comprehending with understanding from one who understands.

٢٩. وتَرتِيلِ الكِتَابِ عَلَى إتئَادٍ
بإِمعَانِ التَّفَهُّمِ مِن فَهِيمِ

30. And reviving the commands by receiving them,
With joy in the core of this religion.

٣٠. وإحيَاءِ الأوَامِرِ بالتَّلَقِى
لَهَا بِمَسَرَّةش الدِّينِ الصَّمِيمِ

31. To what it comprises of pleasant qualities,
More delightful to the boon companion than wine.

٣١. إلَى مَا ضَمَّ مِن شِيَمٍ لِذَاذٍ
ألَذَّ مِنَ المُدَامَةِ لِلنَّدِيمِ

32. So after their hardness they softened,
And attained what the obstinate seek.

٣٢. فَذلَّت بَعدَ قَسوَتِهَا ولاَنَت
وَنالَت مَا تُحَاوِلُ في الأنِيمِ

33. A young man traveled from afar,
Blown by your kindness, O breeze of the zephyr.

٣٣. أفَاقَ فَتًى تَنَقَّلَ مِن بَعِيدٍ
رَمَتهُ بِعَرفِكُم نَسَمُ النَّسِيمِ

34. Seeking a scent from it,
And how much the hopeful attains through a scent.

٣٤. وأقبَلَ طَالِباًَ مِنه شَمِيماً
وكَم كَمُلَ المُؤَمَّلُ بِالشَّمِيمِ

35. Imposing, he reached out to you openly,
With a hand empty of resentment and blame.

٣٥. تَعَسَّفَ نَحوَكُم بِيداً عِرَاضاً
خَلَت مِن غَير مازَعِلٍ ورِيمِ

36. Until he came to your gathering in good fortune,
And circled around the garden of the noble Sheikh.

٣٦. إلَى أن جَاءَ جَامِعَكُم بِطوبَى
وَطافَ بِرَوضَةِ الشَّيخِ الخَدِيمِ

37. The Chosen One has no equal, nor does
Any other hand contain what his generous hand contains.

٣٧. فَمَا لِلمصطفي شَبَهٌ ومَا إِن
حَوتَ مَا قَد حَوَاهُ يَدَا أرِيمِ

38. Blessed is his Lord in him, who granted him
The life of joy and bounty.

٣٨. تبَارَكَ رَبُّه فِيهِ وأجرَى
عَلَيهِ حَيَا المَسَّرَةِ والنَّعِيمِ

39. Upon him prayers from the Merciful, his Helper,
As he chose them from the Compassionate.

٣٩. عَلَيهِ كما تَخَيَّرَها صَلاةَ
من الرحمنِ ناصِرِه الرحيمِ