1. The specter sailed from Lubna so longing was aroused, and here
The one who waters passion departed, enslaved to passion.
١. سَرَى الطَّيفًُ مِن لُبنَى فَهَاجَ الضَّنَى وَهنَا
وغَادَرَ مَسقِيَّ الهَوَى لِلهَوَى رَهنَا
2. So he spent the night with a pounding heart and with downcast eyes
Brimming over, competing with the weeping of their tears.
٢. فَبَاتَ بِقَلبٍ خَافِقٍ وبِمُقلَةٍ
سَكُوبٍ يُحَاكِى وَدقُ أدمُعِهَا المُزنَا
3. And an eyelid as though the eyeliner in the embrace of his eye
Excites the specter of sleep if it knocks on the eyelid.
٣. وجَفنٍ كَأنَّ الصَّابَ في حِضنِ عَينِهِ
يُهَجهِجُ طَيفَ النَّومِ إِن طَرَقَ الجَفنَا
4. So the palms of ardour spent the night tossing his concerns
When a tear out of disdain accomplishes its role, it drips.
٤. فَبَاتَت أكُفُّ الوَجدِ تَمرِى شُئُونَهُ
إِذَا الدَّمعُ مِن شَانٍ تَقَضَّى امتَرَت شَأنَأ
5. In the morning he was disheveled and neglected after tiring of the specter
And after imagination and sleepiness subsided.
٥. لأشعثَ أغفي بَعدَما سَئِمَ السُّرَى
وانضَى الهِبَلَّ الوَهمَ والعِرمِسَ الوَجنَا
6. With the intoxication of drowsiness in the eye and sleepiness
Through which murkiness refrains from coming to its nestlings.
٦. بِمَوزُونَةِ الوَهدانِ في العينِ والرُّبَى
بِها الكُدرُ عَن إتيَانِ أفرُخِهَا تُثنَى
7. When the lute player repeats a melody with his instrument
Its echoes respond to him with that melody.
٧. إِذَا رَجَّعَ الفَيَّادُ لَحناً بِجَوزِهَا
تُجَاوِبُهُ أصداؤُهَأ ذَلكِ اللَّحنَا
8. So it amazes me that she was guided to our mounts
When the stupid night had clothed the darkness thickly around us.
٨. فَواعَجَباًَ أني اهتَدَت لِرِحَالِنَا
وقَد ألحَفَ اللَّيلَ البَهِيمَ الدُّجىَ رُدنَا
9. And I knew her that if the separation crossed her path
Loneliness would detain her from the house of her neighbor.
٩. وعَهدِى بِهَا إِن تَخطُ صَرَّعَها الوَنَى
فَيَحبِسَهَا عَن بَيتِ جارَتِهَا الأدنَى
10. She blamed me so she undid the prose of my patience and affirmed
The system of longing for Lubna and provoked sorrow.
١٠. أَلَمَّت فَبَتَّت نَظمَ صَبرِى وأحكَمَت
نِظَامَ الجَوَى لُبنَى وهيَّجَتِ الحُزنَا
11. So she spent the night showing me the sun and a ceaseless night
And an endless night whose covers enveloped us.
١١. فَبَاتَت تُرِينِى الشَّمسَ واللَّيلُ أليَلٌ
وأليَلَ قَد غَشَّت غَدَائِرُهث المَتنَا
12. And she brought a smooth charmer who prepared with his sorcery
Superstitions for people's minds that entrap them.
١٢. وأحوَرَ فَتَّاناً أعَدَّ بِسِحرِهِ
خَطَاطِيفَ للأَلبَابِ تَجدِ بها حِجنَا
13. And supple, delicate poem, so smooth to the touch
That every passage in it complains of a passage.
١٣. وجِيدَ خَذُولٍ مُطفِلٍ وتَرَائِباً
يَفُصنَ كَأنَّ جَمرَ الغَضَاهُنَّ إِذ فُصنَا
14. And a string of pure pearls and smooth
Flowing water that once embraced the basin with bliss.
١٤. وألمَى شَتِيتًَ النَّبتِ عَذباً مُؤَشَّراً
كَنورِ أقَاحِى الرَّوضِ مُطلُولَةٍ حُسنَا
15. And an agile, tender branch, soft to the touch, bending
So that every bough in it leaned towards a bough.
١٥. وكَشحاً طِوَاءً لَيِّنَ اللَّمسِ مُونِقاً
غَدَا كُلُّ عُكنٍ مِنهُ مُشتَكِياً عُكنَا
16. When its twigs bent with the greenish whiteness
I said to her, "Do not leave me prone,
١٦. وَرِدفاً كَمَمطُورِ النَّقَى ومُذَالاً
سَقِيًّا كَانَ لِلحِجلِ مُستَبطِنٌ ضِغنَا
17. A pillar, my heart filled with passion, confused, O Lubna!"
She blamed me so the riders turned away from the strike of destiny
١٧. إِذَا مَا تَثَنَّت في الخَرَائِدِ خِلتُهَا
مِنَ ألبَانَةِ الخَضرَاءِ مَيَّادَها اللَّدنَا
18. And when she turned away, she destroyed its pillar of patience.
So she said to me, "Make your destination favorable
١٨. فَقُلتُ لَهَا لا تَتركِينِي مُسَهَّداً
عَمِيداً مَشُوقَ القَلبِ حَيرَانَ آي لُبنَى
19. Where you find prosperity, justice, and safety."
I said, "His lips are blocked from our blood
١٩. ألَمَّت فَهَبَّ الرَّكبُ مِن سِنَةِ الكَرَى
وَوَلَّت فَهَدَّت مِن تَصَبُّرِهِ الرُّكنَا
20. And I fear him - he did not stop blaming whenever we came."
So she said, "You are ignorant in this matter, may you be spared, he
٢٠. فَقَالَت لِى إجعَل مَا لامِينَ مُيَمَّماً
تُصَادِف لدَيهِ اليُمنَ والعَدلَ والأمنَا
21. Is frightened of the feathers of snakes, so quench their thirst."
And we pity the absence of their mothers
٢١. فَقُلتُ وافَاه وَفدٌ بِذَمِّنَا
وأحجُوهُ لَم يَبرَح يُعَنِّفُ إِن جِئنَا
22. For he is the most just, kind, and merciful leader.
We will go with him in every land we desire
٢٢. فَقَالَت جَهِلتَ الأمرَ وَيحَكَ إِنَّهُ
خًذُوفٌ لِتَرفِيشِ الأُلَى أُشرِبُوا الشَّحنَا
23. And we will return from it safe when we want.
And he was a glorious, ascending leader
٢٣. وأحنَآ على الغِيابِ مِن أُمَّهَأتِهِم
فَهُوَّ الإِمَامُ الأَعدَلُ الأرأفُ الأحنَى
24. Ascending the glory - hard to ascend, elevating us.
He ascended to the highest peaks by the nobility of his determination
٢٤. نَسِيرُ بِهِ في كُلِّ أرضٍ نَؤُمُّهَا
ونَرجِعُ مِنهَا آمنين إِذَا أُبنَا
25. And suffering through reaching them on easy and rugged roads.
So he did not stop answering every faint call
٢٥. وكَانَ إِمَاماً مَاجِداً مُتَرَقِيًّا
مِنَ المَجدِ صَعبَ المُرتَقَى مُشرِفاً رَعَنا
26. To it until he attained it and quenched the thirst.
As though the heated rumors that destiny brewed
٢٦. تَرَقَّى ِإلَى العَليَا عَلَى نُجبِ عَزمِهِ
وقَاسِي عَلَى إِدرَاكِهَا السَّهلَ والحَزنَا
27. To glory were words, yet it was their meaning.
A desperate, staunch, determined Hatim
٢٧. فَمَا بَرِحَ الجَوَّابَ كُلَّ تَنُوفَةٍ
إلَيهَا إلى أن نَالَهَا أستَعذبَ المَهنَا
28. So he did not fear preceding in the heights or cheating.
O What is the trusted, glorious sword an Indian sword
٢٨. كَأنَّ السُّعَاةَ المَجتوي قَرقَفَ الكَرَى
إلَى المَجدِ ألفَاظٌ وهوَ لهَا مَعنَى
29. And it has no scabbard, and you were a scabbard for it.
Your generosity has spent everything you earned
٢٩. إيَاسِىُّ مَقلٍ حَاتِمِىُّ نَوَافِلٍ
فَلَم يَخشَى سَبقاً في المَعَالِى ولاَ غَبنَا
30. But it kept immortal praises that do not perish.
Praises that made tongues tired counting some of them
٣٠. أيَا ما الأمِينُ المَجدُ سَيفٌ مُهَنّدٌ
ولَيسَ لَهُ جَفنٌ وكُنتَ لَهُ جَفنَا
31. And no wonder if your praises made tongues tired.
For you were a magnet for every pleasure
٣١. سَخَاؤُكَ أفنَى كُلَّ مَا أنتَ كَاسِبٌ
ولَكِنَّهُ أبقَى مَحَامِدَ لاَ تفَنَى
32. And a fortress against everything that calls for murkiness.
And you were Galen for every malady
٣٢. مَحَامِدَ أعيَا اللُّسنَ إحصَاءُ بَعضِهَا
ولاَ غَروَ إِن أعيَت مَحَامِدَكَ اللُّسنَا
33. That the healers could adorn with a remedy.
And our refuge during adversities if they were confused
٣٣. فَقَد كُنتَ مَغنَاطِيسَ كُلِّ مَسَرَّةٍ
ومن كُلِّ مَا يَدعُو إِلَى كَدَرٍ حُصنَا
34. And our safe haven during fears if we were afraid.
So many a man whose worries you relieved for him
٣٤. وقَد كُنتَ جَالَينُوس كُلِّ مُلِمِّةٍ
مِنَ الدَّاءِمَا اسطَاعَ الأُسَاةُ لَهَا زَينَا
35. And whom you released after deserving torture.
And many a naked person whose thirst clouds you quenched
٣٥. ومَلجَأنَا عِندَ الشَّدَائِدِ إِن دَهَت
ومَأمَنَنَا عند المَخَاوِفِ إن خُفنا
36. So you clothed him in silk, headbands, and cotton.
And how much prosperity your good fortune gave in thousands
٣٦. فَرُبَّ امرِىءٍ فَرَّجتَ عَنهُ هُمَومَهُ
واطلَقتَهُ مِن بَعدِ ما استَوجَبَ السَّحنَا
37. And how many sacrifices you made in bodies!
From it good fortune's prosperity was derived for your good fortune
٣٧. ورُبَّ عُرَاةٍ كُنتَ غَيثَ جُسُومِهَا
فَأمرَعتَها الدِّيبَاجَ والعَصبَ والقُطنَا
38. And your ease from it was ease for you like the right hand.
٣٨. وكًم وَهَبَت يُمنَاكَ ألفاً مُصَتَّماً
وكَم أعمَلتَ لُدناً وكَم نَحَرتَ بُدنَا
٣٩. فَيُمنَاكَ مِنهَا اليُمنُ كَانَ إشتِقَاقهُ
ويُسرَاكَ مِنها اليُسرُ يُسرَاكَ كَاليُمنَى