
A lightning flash whose glimmer I glimpsed

أبرق ما لمحت له ائتلاقا

1. A lightning flash whose glimmer I glimpsed
As if the fair one had pierced the corridor

١. أبَرقٌ مَا لَمِحتُ له ائتِلاَقَا
أمِ الحَسنَاءُ ثَقَّبتِ الرِّوَاقَا

2. I became lovesick for him, though he pained me
And burdened me with a love that cannot be borne

٢. أرِقتُ أشِيمُهُ ولقد شجَاني
وحَمَّلني غَرَاماً لَن يُطَاقَا

3. If he is a young man, then I
Long for him and for his neighbor

٣. وِإن يَكُنِ البَتُول فَإنَّ عِندِى
لها ولِمَن يُجَاوِرُهَا إشتِيَاقَا

4. I was burdened by him, and he ignited
My yearning for him into burning and inflammation

٤. كَلِفتُ بَهَا وأوقَدَ في فُؤَادِى
تَشَوُّقُها إضطِرَاماً واحتِرَاقاً

5. I stay up when I notice the flash of lightning
To watch it pleading and trembling

٥. أبِيتُ إِذَا رَمقتُ وَمِيضَ بَرقٍ
أُراقِبُهُ استِجَاراً وارتِفَاقَا

6. And I block the path if the companions appear
To ask about the place I suspect she frequents

٦. واعتِرُضَ الرِّفَاقَ إِذَا تَبَدَّت
لأسأَلَ عَن مَظنَّتِهَا الرِّفَاقَا

7. I quenched your thirst, oh maiden, with the essence of my love
And its most sincere embrace and attachment

٧. سَقَيتُكِ يَا بَتُولُ لُبَابَ وِدِّى
وأَصدَقَه إصطِبَاحاً واغتِبَاقَا

8. Yet you left me, though my tears run down
Do you not see my streaming, flooding tears?

٨. وقَد فَارَقتني وأرَقتِ دَمعِى
أَمَا تَرَيِنَّ مَدمَعِىَ المُرَاقَا

9. Will you not shelter me? For your love
Has made me drink a cup of bitter sorrow

٩. أَمَا تَأوِينَ لِى فَلَقَد سَقَاني
غَرَامُكِ كَأسَ لَوعَتِهِ دِهَاقَا

10. I did not feel the pain of our separation until
The callers called for our final parting

١٠. فِرَاقُكِ ما شَعَرتُ بِهِ إِلَى أن
دَعَا الدَّاعُونَ أزَمَعَتِ الفِرَاقَا

11. So I came to bid farewell, but you turned away
Turning harshly, paining me, so difficult

١١. فَجِئتُ مُوَدِّعاً فَصَددتِ عني
صُدُوداً شَقَّ بي ألَماً وشَاقا

12. And you said, do you not wake up? I said no,
Can one in love wake when parted?

١٢. وقُلتِ أمَا أفَقتَ فَقُلتُ كَلاَّ
أيَصدُقُ ذُو المَحَبَّةِ إِن أفَاقَا

13. You shone like the sun and musk
So my heart met the most difficult of trials

١٣. ولُحتِ وفَحتِ في شَمسٍ ومِسكٍ
فَلاَقَى القَلبُ أصعَبَ ما يُلاَقَى

14. As if you were a gazelle, with eyes and voice
Yet no gazelle in flank and leg

١٤. كَأنَّكِ ظَبيَةٌ عَيناً وجِيجاً
ولَستِ بِظَبيَةٍ كَفِلاً وسَاقَا

15. So I said I would pardon those who blamed you
When the blamer provoked you with insult

١٥. فَقُلتُ لأَعذُرَ الوَاشِينَ لَمَّا
حَدَا الحَادِى المُغِذُّ بِكِ النِّيَاقَا

16. And I could not bid farewell save with a tearful glance
I had stolen in longing

١٦. ولَم أسطَع وَدَاعاً غَيرَ وَمءٍ
بِطَرفٍ قَد رَمَيتُ بِهِ إستِرَاقَا

17. Yours is what you hope from me
In reward for your loyalty to me

١٧. آلِك ولَكَ الذي تَرجُوه مني
جَزَاءً لإِصطِنَاعِكَ لِى وِفَاقاً

18. From me to the noble gathering of Abdullah
Greetings of interwoven subtlety

١٨. ِإلَى حَضَرَاتِ عَبداللهِ مني
سَلاَماً رَقَّ شِنشِنَةً ورَاقَا

19. Surpassing musk and spring's fragrance
And the wine's clear taste

١٩. وَفَاقَ المِسكَ والجَادِىَّ عَرفاً
وفَاقَ الخَمرَ صَافِيَةً مَذَاقَا

20. To the charming blossoms who were never
Equaled by their counterparts in union

٢٠. إلى الغُرِّ الاُلَى مَا نَالَ يَوماً
مُعَارِضُهُم بِشَاوِهِمُ لِحَاقَا

21. Guides of the lost with enlightening guidance
Not fearing any darkness or confusion

٢١. هُداةِ الحَائِرِينَ بِنُورِ هَدىٍ
مُنِيرٍ لَيسَ مُختَشِياً مُحَاقَا

22. Servers of the guided, traveling far
And the party of the misguided noisy throng

٢٢. سُقَاةِ المُهتَدِينَ الرَّاحَ صِرفاً
وحِزبَ أئِمَّةِ البِدَعِ الزُّعَاقَا

23. Protectors of the faith, who take it as their purpose
When the horizon narrows around them

٢٣. حُمَاةِ الدِّينِ مُتَّخِذِيهِ نُصباً
لأعيُنِهم إِذَا مَا الرَّحبُ ضَاقَا

24. Greetings befitting the status of a spiritual guide
An imam who climbed the highest summits

٢٤. سَلاَماً لاَئِقاً بِمَقَامٍ حَبرٍ
إِمَامٍ بَذَّ في العَليَا وفَاقَا

25. A gallant who was foremost in virtues
When the racetracks summoned the racers

٢٥. فَتىً قَد كَانَ أَسبَقَ في المَعَالِى
إِذَا الحَلَبَاتُ يُمِّمَتِ السِّباقَا

26. He emulated his fathers in manners and ethics
So he is gentle with every praiseworthy one

٢٦. قَفَا آبَاءَهُ خَلقاً وخُلقاً
فَلذَّ لِكُلِّ مَحمَدةٍ وَلاَقَا

27. And hands of virtue granted him the highest goals
While the free birds scattered in every direction

٢٧. وَقَد جَمَعَت له الأيدِى المَعَالِى
وفَرَّقَتِ المَجَالِيحَ العِتَاقَا

28. And faith kindled his heart until
The lightning of his cheeks shone radiantly

٢٨. وخَامَرَ قَلبهُ الإِيمَانَ حَتَّى
تَألَّقَ بَرقُ وَجنَتِهِ إئتِلاَفَا

29. And a glance from him captured hearts
Who had drunk forgetting for eras

٢٩. وأهدَت نَظرَةٌ مِنهُ قُلُوباً
شَرِبنَ الغَىَّ أزمِنَةً فُوَاقَا

30. I say to our envious enemies, shame!
He who tried to secretly emulate him

٣٠. أقُولُ لِحَاسِدنَا وَاهُ جَهلاً
وحَاوَلَ أن يُحَاكِيَهُ إستَراقَا

31. You intended the most knowledgeable of them
And the most devout, the furthest from sin

٣١. لَقَد نَاوَيتَ أغزَرَهُم عُلُوماً
وأتقَاهُم وأبعَدَهُم مَتَاقَا

32. The most generous, constantly bestowing
Without reproach, the most beneficial company

٣٢. وأقرَبَهُم وأكثرهُم عَطَايَا
بِلاَ منٍّ وأنفَعُهم خَلاقَا

33. The most patient when faced with the foolish
When the foolish one provoked and opposed

٣٣. وأصبَرَهُم عَلَى الهَيجَاءِ صَبراً
إِذَا نَصَبتَ لَهُ الهَيجَاءُ سَاقَا

34. The sweetest in friendship and affection
The most difficult and exhausting in conflict

٣٤. وأعذَبَهُم مُخَالَلَةً وَوِدًّا
وأصعَبَهُم وأتعَبَهُم شِقَاقَا

35. Greetings from a loving friend, no hypocrite
Who avoided hypocrisy in his devotion to you

٣٥. سَلامٌ مِن مُحِبٍّ غَيرِ خِبٍّ
تَجَنَّبَ في مَوَدَّتِكَ النِّفَاقَا

36. And spent his mornings devoted to you, bound
Restrained when seeking to break free

٣٦. وأصبَحَ في جَنَابِكَ في وَثُاقٍ
يُثَبِّطُهُ إِذَا رَامَ إنطِلاَقَا

37. So unbind his ties, for he is confident
You will unbind the ties that restrain him

٣٧. فَفكَّ وَثَاقَهُ فَلَهُ وُثُوقٌ
بِفَكِّكَ عَن مَعَاصِمِهِ الوَثَاقَا