
With smoky ruins and abandoned dwellings

بذات الدخن أدورة بوال

1. With smoky ruins and abandoned dwellings
Where tears are guarded and sorrow concealed

١. بِذَاتِ الدُّخنِ أدوِرَةٌ بَوَالِ
مَصُونُ الدَّمعِ فِيهَا ذُو إنهمَالِ

2. A home abandoned by its dwellers retains its honor
While south and north winds battle

٢. دَيَارٌ بَعدَ سَاكِنِهَا عَفَتهَا
مُسَاجَلَةُ الجُنُوبُ مَعَ الشَّمَالِ

3. And predawn songbirds depart
From the starry sky at dawn's first light

٣. ومَرُّ الرَّامِسَاتِ وكُلٌ جَونٍ
من الجَوزَاءِ مُنطَلِقَ العَزَالِى

4. Of its vestiges remains
Only ashes like kohl on the eye's rim

٤. بِهَا مَن آيِهَا لَم يَبقَ إِلاَّ
رَمَادٌ مِثلُ كُحلِ العَينِ بَالِ

5. And a trace like the lasting marks of doves
On their nesting places and crescent dunes

٥. وَسفعٌ كَالحَمَائِمِ خَالِدَاتٍ
مُنَاخَاتٍ ونُؤىٌ كَالهِلاَلِ

6. A home compensated for its consoling friends
With threads of ephemeral visions

٦. دَيَارٌ عَافِيَاتٌ عُوِّضَت مِن
أوَانِسِ عِينِهَا خَيطَ الرِّئَالِ

7. And the train of gazelles compensated
With the tails of lionesses on the prowl

٧. وأذيَالُ الرَّوَامِسِ عُوِّضَتهَا
مِن أذيَالٍب لِرَبَّاتِ الحِجَالِ

8. A home whose names have faded
And whose beauty has shed the adornment of freshness

٨. دِيَارٌ بُعدَ أسمَاءَ اضمَحَلَّت
وأمسَ لَهُوُهَا رَنقَ الزُّلاَلِ

9. Where the dusk resembles in its redness
The thorns of the siyaal

٩. عَرُوبٌ تَستِيكَ بِذِى غَرُوبٍ
يَحَاكِى لَونُهُ شَوكَ السَّيَالِ

10. An Arab of arresting beauty
With a face whose light shames the two moons

١٠. وَوَجهٍ يُخجِلُ القَمَرَينِ نُوراً
وفَرعٍ فَاحِمٍ وَحفٍ جَفَالِ

11. And intense dark eyes and a delicate neck
That the most elegant gazelle cannot describe

١١. فَمَا يَحكِى الغَزَالُ الجِيدَ مَنهَا
وعَينَيهَا ولاَ أُمُّ الغَزَالِ

12. So cease remembering homes and names
And praise those who have attained glory

١٢. فَدَع ذِكرَ الدِّيَارِ وذِكرَ أسمَا
وَيمِّم مَدحَ مَن حَازُوا المَعَالِى

13. They are the luminous moons in dark nights
Bringing light when calamities befall people

١٣. هُمُ الأسيَادُ أقمَارُ الدَّيَاجِى
إِضَاضُ النَّاسِ في الأُزُمِ الطِّوَالِ

14. They are in times of distress rains for the people
And shields against overwhelming adversities

١٤. وهُم في المَحلِ لِلأنَامِ غَيثٌ
وهُم تِرسُ المُلِمَّاتِ الثِّقَألِ

15. They are the refuge of widows and orphans
And the goal of distant travelers

١٥. وهُم مَأوَى الأرَامِلِ واليَتَامَى
وهُم مُلقَى وَلِيَّاتِ الرِّحَالِ

16. They are the asylum of offenders, never
Turning away from those seeking respite

١٦. وهَم مَأوَى الجَنَاةِ فَمَا تَرَاهُم
عَنِ الجَانِينِ مَالُوا مِن مُمَالِ

17. A troop of riders on starving camels
Whose emaciation betrays enduring hardship

١٧. وَرَكبٌ فَوقَ أنضَاءٍ عِجَافٍ
بَرَاهَا النَّىَّ إدمَانُ التَّغَالِي

18. You see them swimming in the sands
Joining the smooth expanse of dunes

١٨. تَرَاهَا في الحَنَادِسِ سَابِحَاتٍ
بِهُم لُجَّ الصَّفَا صِفِ والرِّمَالِ

19. They roamed the deserts ceaselessly
Until I feared that I would be one of the wretched

١٩. فَمَا بَرِحَت تَجُوبُ البِيدَ حَتَّى
أنَا خُوهَأ كأَمثَالِ السَّعَالِى

20. Visit them apprehensively and you will be safe
When dire poverty befalls you, you will be aided

٢٠. فَزُرهُم خَائِفاً تَأمَن وزُرهُم
لِفَقرٍ دَاهِمٍ تُسعَف بِمَالِ

21. How often has their rope been cast to save
Those who lost their way and almost perished

٢١. فَكَم عَوصَاءَ قَد حَلَّت وأعيَت
أتَتهُم فَأنثَنَت شَمسَ زَوَالِ

22. They surmounted the storms of life
As mountain peaks rise above dwellings

٢٢. عَلَوا أعصَارَ ذِى الأرضِينَ طُرًّا
كَمَا عَلَتِ الصُّوَى شُمُّ الجِبَالِ

23. How often they passed nights reciting poetry
And nights studying and chanting verse

٢٣. فَكَم سَهِرُوا اللَّيَالِى بِالغَواني
وكَم بِالدَّرسِ قَد سَهِرُوا اللَّيَالِى

24. How often they passed nights drinking wine
The color of gazelles' blood

٢٤. وكَم سَهِرُوا بِإنشَادِ القَوافي
وكَأسَاتٍ كَلَونِ دَمِ الغَزَالِ

25. How often they roamed the arid plains
To hunt prey amidst the mountains

٢٥. وكَم بَيدَاءَ في المَشتَاةِ جَابُوا
لِتَر ئِيبِ الرِّمَامِ مِنَ الجِبَالِ

26. How often they traversed the meadows
On steeds racing like antelopes

٢٦. وكَم جَابُوا التَّنَائِفَ فَوقَ نُوقٍ
يَحَاكِى عَدوُهَا عَدوَ الرِّئَالِ

27. How often when destiny pained
They joined to console the hearts of camels

٢٧. وكَم ضَرَبُوا إِذَا الأُرَبَى أَلَمَّت
لِوَصلِ الرُّودِ أكبَادَ الجِمَالِ

28. Their wealth became the spoils of people
As they sold it for their lost honor

٢٨. غَدَت أموَالُهُم في النَّاسِ نَهباً
وَبَاعُوهَا بِأعرَاضٍ صِقَالِ

29. How many lives they sustained, how many they took
With words scattered like gemstones

٢٩. وكَم أحيَوا وكَم قَتَلُوا نُفُوساً
بِأشعَارٍ كَمَنثُورِ اللاَّلِى

30. Blessings upon the Guide who never ceased
Pursuing the most lofty aspirations

٣٠. عَلَى الهَادِى صَلاَةٌ مَا تَسَامَوا
إِلَى دَركِ المُهَمَّاتِ العَوَالِى