1. If these nights have shaped my character
Then my character has strayed far from virtue
١. إِن أخلَقَت هَذِي اللَّيَالِي خِلقَتِي
فَخَلِيقَتِي جَلَّت عَنِ الإخلاَقِ
2. If I were to look back one day and bend down
To reminisce and lament over my bygone youth
٢. إِن أنظُرِ الزُّلُفَاتِ يَوماً أنثَنِي
لِتَألُّمِي بِتَثَلُّمِي ومِحَاقِيد
3. Now that I have reached the zenith of old age
I do not flinch from the trembling of my neck
٣. ولأن بَلَغتُ مِنَ المَشِيبِ عُتِيَّهُ
لَم أنزَجِر وَدَقَاقَةَ الأعنَاقِ
4. Oh what a pity, my roughness and harshness are gone
Along with my obstacles, solutions, and concord
٤. يَا حَسرَةً ذَهبَت جُفَاءً شِرَّتِى
وعَوَائِقِى وبَوَائِقِى بَوَاقِ
5. Was it not time that I return to
A truth that tames my arrogance, defiance and pretense
٥. أفَلَم أكُن قَد آنَ لِىب رُجعَى إِلَى
حَقٍّ يُرَوِّضُ تَشَزُّرِى وإِبَاقِى
6. My affectation, delusion, absurdity
My recklessness, salinity, and discord
٦. وَتشُدقِى وَتَعمُّقِى وَتَفَيهُقِى
وخُشُونَتِى ومُلُوحَتِآ وَزُعَاقِى
7. My idleness, procrastination in all that
I should not indulge in, my concord and discord
٧. وبِطَالَتِى وإِطَالَتِى في كُلِّ مَا
لاَ يَنبَغِى وتَوَافُقِى وشِقَاقِى
8. A soul that defers righteousness
Unlike any other in its destined accord
٨. نَفسٌ تُسَوِّفُ بِالخِلاَفِ خَلِيقَةً
مَا وَافَقَت في الدَّهرِ قَدرَ فُوَاقِ
9. An abomination that cannot be condoned, an ugliness
That spreads anxiety among all tribes
٩. أخِلاَعَةٌ لاَ تُرتَضَى وبَشَاعَةٌ
وإشَاعَةُ الأَعرَاقِ في الأَعرَاقِ
10. And the squandering of deeds, which are merchandise
That cannot be traded in lavish markets
١٠. وإضَاعُةُ الأَعمَالِ وَهَىَ بِضَاعَةٌ
لاَ تُشتَرَى بِكَواسِدِ الأَسوَاقِ
11. Oh how I wish I knew what fate awaits
When my temple perspires by the barber's blade
١١. يَا لَيتَ شِعرِى مَا المَصِيرُ إِذَا عَرَا
عَرَقُ الجَبِينِ لَدَى لُحُوقِ حَلاَقِى
12. Or how I will be when in a forgotten
Ditch, at the mercy of the depths
١٢. أَم كَيفَ حَالِى إِذ اُكُونُ بِحُفرَةٍ
مَهجُورَةٍ بِقَوَاتِمِ الأَعمَاقِ
13. My heart has fluttered away from its dwelling
Frightened like a bird with fluttering wings
١٣. ولقد أَطَارَ القَلبَ عَن سَكَنَاتِهِ
فَرَقاً تَطَايُرُ طَائِرِ الأورَاقِ