
To the son of the mother, the Imam of nomads and settlers

إلى ابن أما إمام البدو والحضر

1. To the son of the mother, the Imam of nomads and settlers
The generous, righteous, pure from murkiness

١. إِلى ابنِ أُمَّا إِمَام البَدوِ والحَضرِ
جُودَ الجَدَا المُجتَدَى الصَّافي مِنَ الكَدَرِ

2. The pearl of the age, above the throat its necklace
A human whose homeland is the refuge of the elite

٢. جُمَانَةِ الدَّهرِ فَوقَ النَّحرِ غُرَّتِه
إنسَانِ مُقلَتِهِ مَاوَى ذَوِى الوَطَرِ

3. The lantern of the religion of guidance, protector of its truth
Diver of its seas,usamah of its remembrance

٣. ِنِبرَاسِ دِينِ الهُدَى حَامِى حَقَيقِته
غَوَّاصِ أَبحُرِهِ صَمصَامِهِ الذَّكَرِ

4. Succor of the distressed, shelter of the shuddering from cold
Refuge of the troubled, fortress of burdens

٤. غَوثِ البَرَايَا ثِمَالِ المُرمِلينِ إِضَا
ضِ المُزعَجِينَ العَتَادِ المَعقِلِ الوَزَرِ

5. Provision of travelers, reliever of adversities, rain
Of the supplicating when they need the rain

٥. زَادِ المُسَافِرِ فَرَّاجِ الشَّدَائِدِ غَيثِ
المُسنِتِينِ إِذَا احتَاجُوا إلَى المَطَرِ

6. Reviver of justice after death, its challenger
In the guise of a chaste maiden, alluring and wonderful

٦. مُحيِى العدالةَ بعد الموت مُبرِزَها
في زَىِّ عَذرَاء في دَلٍّ وفي حَوَرِ

7. Rising to glory, proceeding and beginning early
To God belongs praise from a proceder and beginner

٧. يسمو ألى المجدِ غَادِياً ومُبتكِراً
لله أحمدُ مِن غَادٍ ومُبتَكِرِ

8. Of goodly greeting, its redolence from his traits
And from extolling him the crescent moon is eclipsed

٨. أسنَى سَلاَمٍ شَذَاهُ مِن شَمَائِلِهِ
وَمِن سَنَاهُ سَنَاهُ الكَاسِفُ القَمَرِ

9. And what makes it obligatory, wherever you are distant
My passion's watering place, my heart and magic are smitten

٩. هَذَا ومُوجِبُهُ أَنَّى بِبعدِكَ مَسقِىُّ
الغَرَامِ مُصَابُ القَلبِ والسُّحُرِ

10. I have become accustomed by your absence to a groan igniting
The fires of its passions in the intestines by remembrance

١٠. تَعتَادني مِن جَواكُم زَفرَةٌ سَفَعَت
نِيرَانُ أشجَانِهَا الأحشاءَ بالذَّكَرِ

11. If one impassioned were to refuse his passion, then I
Of your love, long without refusing, am impassioned

١١. إن يَزدَجِر عَن هَوَاهُ ذُو هُوىً فَأَنَا
عن حُبِّكُم طُولَ غَيرُ مُزدجِرِ

12. I yearn to meet you, and if you come near I startle as
The intoxicated starts at the dizzy swoon

١٢. أهوِى لِقَاكُم وإِن تَدنُوا أهُشُّ كَمَا
هَشَّ المُدَوِّخُ لِلمَفتُولِ والسُّكَرِ