1. My friend, do not reveal my misery to me
And weep over those dwellings and wail
١. خَلِيلِىَّ لاَ لاَ تُبدِيَبا لِىَ التَّلَكِيَا
وَعُوجَا عَلَى تِلكَ المَنَازِلِ وَأبكِيَا
2. And pass gently, with tears hidden in the watering places
And pass by the ruins of the abodes and greet them
٢. وَسُحَّا مَصُونَ الدَّمعِ في عَرصَاتِهَا
وَمُرَّا عَلَى آى الدِّيَارِ وحَيِّيَد
3. If only there remained three everlasting things:
Sleep, a gazelle, and a winding stream
٣. وِإن بَلِيَت إِلاَّ ثَلاَثاً خَوَالِداً
ونُؤياً وآريًّا وَأودَت بِهَا الرِّيَا
4. It changed after life, while we were neighbors
Its landmarks, until the hoary darkness clothed it
٤. وغَيَّرَ بعدَ الحَيِّ إِذ نَحنُ جِيرَةٌ
مَعَالِمَهَا حَتَّى كَسَاهَا البِلَي الحَيَا
5. It has a right to weep over you both
For a quarter of love belonged to shedding tears
٥. فَإِنَّ لَهَا حَقَّ البُكَاءِ عَلَيكُمَا
وَقَد كَانَ رَبعُ الحِبِّ لِلدَّمعِ مُجرِيَا
6. Did you not see the ruins - they are
The heights of longing, the everlasting ruins
٦. ألَم تَرَيَا الأطلالَ مَا هِي إِنَّهَا
طُلُولُ اللِّوَى دَهرَ اللِّوَى المُتَوَلِيَا
7. It is no loyalty in you two to be consoled
By them, nor to ask me for consolation
٧. فَلَيسَ وَفاءً منكما أن تَسَلَّيَا
بِهِنَّ وَلاَ أن تَسألاني التَّسَلِيَا
8. For if you two lived, you rebuilt every square
And its effaced design, and put out
٨. فإِن أنتُمَا حَيِّيتُمَا كُلَّ مَربَعٍ
وأَبنتُمَا مِن رَسمِهَا المُتَعَفِّيَا
9. What was concealed of the blazes of passion
And extinguished the flames of my singing
٩. وأبدَيتُمَا مَا اكتَنَّ مِن لاعِجِ الهَوَى
وأطفأتُمَا الأشجَانَ عَنِّ غَنِّيَا
10. So the ruins revealed what I had kept hidden
And the denial of passion hid what I had revealed
١٠. فَقَد أبدَت الأطلالَ مَا كُنتُ مُخفِياً
وأخفَآ إدِكَارُ اللَّهوِ مَا كُنتُ مُبدِيَا
11. They said, and the weather stirred in me its dormancy
And revealed what had been hidden in me
١١. فَقَالاَ وَقَد أغرَى الجَوَى بي بَرحَهُ
وأبدَى الأسىَ مَا كَانَ مُختَفِياً بِيَا
12. Do you pine while gray hair has appeared on your temples
And the youth and adolescence of your eyelids are bare?
١٢. أتصبُو وَقَد لاَحَت بِفَودِكَ شَيبَةٌ
وَطِرفُ التَّصابي والصَّبَابَةِ عُرِّيَا
13. So I said, the passion with an excuse has afflicted me
Is the passionate blamed for what excites his passion?
١٣. فَقُلتُ الهَوَى العُذرِيُّ مِنهَا أصَابني
أمَا بِالهَوَى العُذِرِيِّ يُقبَلُ عُذريَا
14. And in writing, gray hair resembles a gray hair
And the soul of a youth equals wishes in understanding
١٤. وَتُشبِهُ في الخَطِّ الشَّيبةُ شَيبَةً
ونَفسُ الفَتَى في الفَهمِ تَقفُو التَّمَنِيَا
15. Restore to my cheeks with your glance
Perhaps what has replaced my youth my cheek will restore
١٥. أعِيدَا إِلَى فَودَىِّ مِن نَظَرَيكُمَا
لَعَلَّ الذي حَلَّ الشَّبِِيبَةُ فَودِيَا
16. You blamed me for loving one whose love
My heart exhausted, until I prolonged complaining
١٦. لَقَد لاَمني في حُبِّ مَن تَامَ حُبُّهَا
فُؤَادِىَّ حَتَّى أن أَطَلتُ التَّشَكِيَا
17. A friend, a bosom friend who does not incline toward passion
So I said to him, leave off blaming me and be my comrade
١٧. خَلِيلٌ خَلِىٌّ لاَ يَمِيلُ ِإلَى الهَوَى
فَقُلتُ لَهُ دَع عَنكَ لَومِى وخَلِيَا
18. O you who blame me for ardor, you have provoked me to it
Have you not seen the ardent blamed for provoking ardor?
١٨. أيَا لاَئِمِى في الوَجدِ أغرَيتني بِهِ
ألَم تَرَ لَومَ الصِّبِّ لِلصَّبِّ مُغرِيَا
19. When I refrain from love of the beloved I precisely
Cannot, the days of passion do not allow refraining
١٩. إِذَا رُمُتُ مِن حُبِّ الرَّبَابِ تَفَصِّياً
أبَت لِىَ أيَّامُ اللّوَى تَفَصِّيَا
20. One day a neighbor appeared to me, bidding farewell
To her, and she was appearing in the most splendid adornment
٢٠. تَبَدَّت لَنَا يَوماً تُشَيِّعُ جَارَةً
لَهَا وَهىَ في أَبهَى الحُلِىِّ تَبَدِّيَا
21. So I was fascinated with her until I stumbled into a passion
Encompassing me, ardent love, and I began to stumble
٢١. فَهِمتُ بِهَا حَتَّى تَرَدَّيتُ في هُوىً
حَوَالِىَّ وَجداً وَاستَطبَتُ التَّرَدِيَا
22. So when she saw me, the pain of love recognized me
And I had nothing but adolescence to lean upon
٢٢. فَلَمَّا رَأتني شَفني ألَمُ الهَوَى
وَلَم أكُ ِإلاَّ بِالصَّبَابَةِ مُدلِيَا
23. And the streams of my tears flowed down my breast, adolescently
Behind my tears, flowing down
٢٣. ومُصطَانُ دَمعِى قَد تَدَلَّى صَبَابَةً
بِنَحرِى وَرَاءَت دَمعِىَ المُتَدَلِّيَا
24. She swayed with a subtly bending branch above a branch, so I imagined her
A tender, bending bough of saplings
٢٤. تَثَنَّت بِدِعصٍ فَوقَ دِعصٍ فَخِلتُهَا
مِنَ ألبَانِ غُصناً نَاعِماً مُتَثَنَيَا
25. And the full moon of her face appeared, radiance
While the full moon has no such radiance
٢٥. وَلاَحَت فَخِلتُ البَدرَ غُرَّةَ وَجهِها
ضِيَاءً وَمَا لِلبَدرِ ذَاكَ مِنَ الضِّيَا
26. She glanced, and revealed the cheek of Umm Jiday's mother
So I said, is she deluded or is she mother of a lost one?
٢٦. وَنَصَّت فَأَبدَت جِيدَ أُمِّ جِدايَةٍ
فَقُلتُ مَهَاةٌ هِى أم أُمُّ طَلاً هِيَا
27. And the stealing of her smile revealed
Meadows of chamomile and slopes of basil
٢٧. وَأبدَى ثَنَايَاهَأ إختِلاَسُ ابتِسَامِهَا
أَقَاحِى رَوضٍ واللَّثَاتِ رُوَيزِيَا
28. Another faced her, rivaling her
And the onlookers rejected her facing thus
٢٨. تَصَدَّت لَهَا أُخرَى مُنَاوِيَةً لَهَا
وقَد أنكَرَ الرَّاءُونَ مِنهَا التَّصَدِيَا
29. As a despised rival faced me
Who aspires in poetry circles to rival me
٢٩. كَمَا تَصَدَّى لِى زَنِيمٌ مُذَمَّمٌ
يُحَاوِلُ في حَولِ القَصَائِدِ شَأوِيَا
30. And claims I am, like the camels, one of his she-camels
And his peers in the craft of poetry load me
٣٠. ويَزعُمني مِثلَ الأُلَى أَحدَ قُوابِه
وَخَالُوهُ في شَأوِ القَرِيضِ مُحَلِّيَا
31. Tomorrow do not boast, for you are no poet
And have never been adorned with eloquence
٣١. أيَا وَغدُ لا تَفخَر فَلَستَ بِشَاعِرٍ
وَلَم تَكُ مِمَّن بِالجَزَالَةِ حُلِّيَا
32. Leave poetry, for you are not one of its people
And cannot face the challenge if challenged
٣٢. دَعِ الشِّعرَ إِنَّ الشِّعرَ لَستًَ مِن أهلِهِ
وَلَم تَستَطِع عِندَ التَّحَدِّى التَّحَدِيَا
33. Be warned by those I warned before you, so they slunk away
In defeat and fled in retreat, warned
٣٣. تَأَسَّ بِمَن نَاوَيتُ قَبلَكَ فَانثَنَوا
خَزَايَا وَوَلَّوا مُدبرِينَ تَأَسِّيَا
34. And everyone who agreed with you came as one honored
With congratulations, and now comes consoling
٣٤. وَكُلُّ امرِئٍ وَافَاكَ أَمِن مُعَزِّزاً
بِتَهنِئِةٍ فَالآن يَأتِي مُعَزِّيَا
35. You are nothing but stinginess, ignorance and coldness
That is why you lived with the cold-hearted and the foolish
٣٥. فَمَا أنتَ إِلا البُخلُ والجَهلُ والجَفَا
لِذَلِكَ سَاكَنتَ الجُفَاةَ والأَغبِيَا
36. By God, you have never been the polished one in the period
Nor if you raced were you the winner
٣٦. فَواللهِ مَا كُنتَ المُجَلَّى في المَدَى
وَمَا كُنتَ إِن رُمتَ السِّبَاقَ مُصَلِيَا
37. You were created deviant in deviance, rhyming
Deviantly in the method of the deviant, rhyming
٣٧. خُلِقتَ غَوِيًّا في الغَوَايَةِ قَافَياً
غَوِيًّا لِمِنهَاجِ الغوي مُتَقَفِّيَا
38. And you tied the ropes of fools in foolishness
And broke the rope of saints and the pious
٣٨. وَصَلتَ حِبَالَ الأَغبِيَاءِ غَبَاوَةً
وَصَرَّمتَ حَبلَ الأَولِيَاءِ والأتقِيَا
39. And you allied with layered ignorance and wickedness
And bad morals, pride, arrogance and pretentiousness
٣٩. وَحُزتَ مَعَ الجَهلِ المُرَكَّبِ وَالخَنَا
وَسُوءَ الطِّبَاعِ العُجبَ والكِبرَ والرِّيَا
40. And you substituted for the path of guidance the path of passion
And frivolity, and replaced decency with shamelessness
٤٠. وَأبدَلتَ مِن نَهجِ الهُدَى مَنهَجَ الهَوَى
وَهَوناً وأبدَلتَ الوَقَاحَةَ بِالحِيَا
41. And you were compensated for gaining loftiness with begging
And seizing the wealth of Muslims came to you
٤١. وَعُوِّضتَ مِن كَسبِ المَعَالِى تَطَفُّلاً
وَأخذَكَ مَالَ المُسلِمينَ تَعَدِّيَا
42. You clung to the anti-Christ aspiring to advancement
While it is far from him that you should gain advancement
٤٢. تَعَلَّقتَ بِالدَّجَالِ تَرجُو تَرَقِياً
وهَيهَاتَ مِنهُ أن تَنَالَ تَرَقِيَا
43. You attained only misery, heresy,
Open sinfulness, sorcery and singing
٤٣. فَمَا نِلتَ إِلاَّ شِقوَةً وَضَلاَلَةً
وَفِسقاً عَلَى جَهرٍ وسِحراً وسُغنِيَا
44. You were never one adorned with the finery of sublime traits
Nor one free of the shame of disgrace
٤٤. ومَا كُنتَ مِن حَلىِ العُلاَ مُتَحَلِّياً
وَمَا كُنتَ عَن خِزىِ الخَنَا مُتَخَلِّيَا
45. So you woke up despised, not free
Of the ignoble, nor adorned with the excellent
٤٥. فَأصبَحتَ في المَخزَاةِ لاَمُتَخَلِّياً
عَنِ العَارفي آنٍ وَلاَ مُتَحَلِّيَا
46. You never saw fasting a day in your lifetime
Nor praying one day in time
٤٦. وَلَم تُرَ يَوماً طُولَ دَهرِكَ صَائِماً
وَلَم تُرَ يَوماً في الزَّمَانِ مُصَلِّيَا
47. You did not busy yourself but with your stomach always
And you do not fulfill what makes men real men
٤٧. وَلَم تَشتَغِل ِإلاَّ بِبَطنِكَ دَائِماً
وَلَستَ لِمَا أدَّى الرِّجَالُ مُؤَدِّيَا
48. It distracted me from lampooning the despised one, that I
When I compose poetry articulated in binding
٤٨. عَداني عَن هَجوِ المُذَمَّمِ أنني
إِذَا حُكتُ شِعراً رَائِقَ الحَوكِ مُندِيَا
49. And I present it like necklaces, organized,
Abundant in meaning, lucid, evident
٤٩. وأَهدَيتُه مِثلَ الجُمَانِ مُنَظَّماً
جَزِيلَ مَعَانٍ وَاضِحاً مُتَبَدِّيَا
50. He babbles it in ragged melody, though I presented
What I presented, it appeared presented to him
٥٠. تَفَيَهقَ بِاللَّحنِ الرَّكِيكِ وَخَالَهُ
كَمِثلِ الذي أهدَيتُ أصبَحَ مُهدِيَا
51. And that if I am excessive in dispelling his lampoon
And tear him apart from his source, I would be showering
٥١. وأني إِن بَالَغتُ في صِرفِ هَجوِهِ
وَمَزَّقتُه مِن أصلِه كُنتُ مُطرِيَا
52. Refined, in which I perfected refinement
Send back an answer free of clumsiness
٥٢. فَهَاكَ رَوِيًّا رَائِقاً وقَصِيدَةً
مُنَمَّقَة ً أحسَنتُ فِيهَا التَّمطِيَا
53. And poor composure, and make the ode, O you
٥٣. فَارسِل جَواباً سَالِماً مِن رَكَاكَةٍ
وَسُوءَ اتَّزَانٍ واجعَلَنَّ الرَّوِىًّ يَا