
The youth visited us, so we welcomed him with smiles,

زرنا الفتى دود فال المقتفي الكرما

1. The youth visited us, so we welcomed him with smiles,
As he entered the house, wandering around to pick some fruit.

١. زُرنَا الفَتَى دُودُ فَالَ المُقتفي الكَرَمَا
فَصَارَ لَمَّا قَرَعنَا الدَّارَ مُبتَسِمَا

2. If one who is ill tastes it, it would cure all sickness,
Red, rounded by the Creator, illuminated.

٢. وجَالَ في الدَّارِ حتى اختَارَ فَاكِهَةً
إن ذَاقَ ذُو السُّقمِ مِنهَا تُبرِىءَ السَّقَمَا

3. Its taste makes you forget the bitterness of medicine mixed with poison.
Those who picked it were truthful in their protection,

٣. حَمرَاءَ دَوَّرَهَا البَارِى ونَوَّرَهَا
تُنسِيكَ طَعمَ عُقَارٍ خَالَطَت شَبما

4. Not fearing the turning of fate's nights, if they come.
Look at the embroidered images, the sides adorned,

٤. قَد صَانَهَا قَاطِفُوهَا في حَشَا صَدَقٍ
لَم يَخشَ صَولَةَ صَرفِ الدَّهرِ إِن هَجَمَا

5. On its edges, Arabs and non-Arabs become clear.
It turns to young maidens in it, smiling,

٥. حَمِّ التَّصَاوِيرِ مَؤشِىِّ الجوانبِ في
حَافَاتِهِ تَستَبِينُ العربَ والعَجَمَا

6. Watered, like rose buds, by the dew and rain.
You can see the sea in it, stormy,

٦. تَرنُو إِلَى فَتَيَاتٍ فيهِ بَاسِمَةٍ
عَن كالأقَاحِى المُسَقَّى الطَّلّ والدِّيمَا

7. How beautiful it was, if it was stormy.
Horses prance with the brave, unruly,

٧. وتَلمَحُ البَحرُ فِيهِ وهوَ مُلتَطِمٌ
مَا كَانَ أحسَنَه ِإن كَانَ مُلتَطَمَا

8. Pulling the reins, their bridles jingling.
It brought out the sun for us from under the canopy,

٨. والخَيلُ تَمزعُ بالشُّجَعَانِ عَاصِيَةً
جَذبٍ الأَعِنَّةِ مِنهَا تَعلُكُ اللُّجَمَا

9. And the stars appeared in a constellation that rose and reached the heights.
Its yellow color pleases those who see it, when

٩. وأبرَزَ الشَّمسَ مِن تَحتِ الخِبَاءِ لَنَا
والأنجُمَ الزُّهرَ في بُرجٍ عَلاَ وسَمَا

10. Its sun rises between the stars it protects.
In a clearly decorated room, in it upholstered furnishings,

١٠. مُصفَرِّ لَونٍ يَسُرُّ النَّاظِرِينَ إِذَا
مَا شَمسُهُ بَزَغَت بَينَ النجومِ هَمَى

11. Elevated, reaching its sky, however high you take it.
It ascends and descends, no matter how high you are,

١١. في غُرفَةٍ مُستَبَانَاتٍ بِهَا فُرشٌ
مَرفُوعَةٌ مِن سَمَاهَا قَد سَمَا لِسَمَا

12. The ultimate bliss, averting harm and difficulties.
The maidens run to us with goblets, displaying

١٢. تَرقَى وتَسفُلُ مهما كُنتَ عَالِيَهَا
طِبقَ المُنَى وتَذُودَ الأَينَ والسَّامَا

13. A beauty that stirs up pain.
On our sides are varied gardens,

١٣. تجري الجواري عَلَينَا بالكُئُوسِ ومَا
يُبدِينَهُ مِن لَمًى قَد هَيَّجَ الألَمَا

14. Swaying in dance at the whispers of the passing breeze.
The branches sing, and the leaves sing, we trembled

١٤. في جَانِبَينَا بَسَاتِينٌ مَنَوَّعَةٌ
تَهتَزُّ رَقصاً لِتَصفِيقِ الصَّبَا نَسَمَا

15. In rapture, and the melodies became beautiful.
An eye flows from the eye of a maiden,

١٥. غني الغَوَاني وغني الوُرقُ فَاضطَرَبت
أعضَاؤُونَا طَرَباً واستَحَلَتش النَّغَمَا

16. Watering rose gardens on cheeks with blood.
In a sitting we desire what it desires,

١٦. والعينُ جَارِيَةٌ مِن عَينِ جَارِيَةٍ
تَسقِى بَسَاتِينَ وَردٍ في الخُدُودِ دَمَا

17. It gathered us in intimacy and reverence.
Picking bouquets for its picker, as if it

١٧. في مَجلسٍ يَشتَهِى مَا نَشتَهِيهِ عَلى
أنَّابِهِ قد جَمعَنَا الحِلَّ والحَرَمَا

18. Had made a vow to kiss the one who picked the bouquets.

١٨. دَاني القُطوفِ لِجَانِيَها كَأنَّ لَهُ
نَذراً بِتَقبِيلِ مَن رَامَ القُطُوفِ فَمَا