1. Convey my greetings when you come to the young beauty
And tell her that she has seduced me into loving her madly
١. بَلِّغ سَلاَمِى إِذَا جِئتَ البَتُولَ لَهَا
وقُل لَهَا إِنَّهَا أَغَرَت بي الوَلَهَا
2. Since she left me yearning, forlorn
I cannot rest or settle, for she occupies all my thoughts
٢. وأنني مُذ نَأتني مُغرَمٌ دَنِفٌ
لَم أسلُ لَم ألهُ إِن غَيرِى سَلاَولَهَا
3. I hope that she will return to me
For I am destined to long for her as long as I live
٣. إني أُؤَمِّلُ منها أَن تُنَولني
لأنَّ مُنيَةَ نَفسِى أَن تُنَوِّلَهَا
4. Oh how I wish I knew, now that she is gone
And has cut the ropes that bound us, if she misses me still
٤. يَا لَيتَ شِعرِى هَل لِىَ بَعدَمَا بَعُدَت
وَصَرَمَت مِن حِبَالِ الوَصلِ أَحبُلَهَا
5. The deer remind me of her eyes when I see them
The sun, her radiant face at dusk
٥. إِلمَامَةٌ بِنَوَاحِيهَا وجِيرَتِهَا
حَتَّى أُعَلِّلَ نَفسِى أن أُعَلِّلَهَا
6. Wine, the sweetness of her lips; milk, the softness of her skin
The stars, her gaze; the night, her tresses
٦. إِنَّ البَتُولَ لَهَا في القَلبِ مَنزِلَةً
مَن حَلَّها قَبلَهَا مَا حَلَّ مَنزِلَهَا
7. The one I love has shunned you, keeping her distance
And broken away, prolonging her disdain
٧. فَالظبي يُذَكِّرني إِن يَرنُ مُقلَتَهَا
والشَّمسُ أشنَبَهَا الألمَى وقَيهَلَها
8. Why do you still pine for her when she has poisoned you with love
Forcing your soul to surrender and kneel before her?
٨. والخَمرُ رِيقَتَها وألبَانُ مَيسَتَهَا
والسِّحرُ نَظَرَتَها واللَّيلُ أَلَيلَهَا
9. I said intentions bring people closer, yet when I approached with nothing to offer
She saw me as a fool and turned away
٩. قَالَ العَذُولُ البَتُولُ عَنكَ نَأَت
وصَرَمَت وأطَالَت فِيكَ عُذَّلَهَا
10. If she distances herself from me, I am indifferent,
Her rejection does not bother me, nor do I tire of her coyness
١٠. هَلاَّ تَسَلَّيتَ عَنها إِذ سَقَتكَ هَوىً
قَد حَمَلَ النَّفسَ قَسراً أن تَذِلَّ لَهَا
11. I persevere and continue to work hard to win her
It is my burning desire to earn her love and make her mine
١١. فَقُلتُ إِنَّ النِّوَى تُدني النَّوَى وأَنَا
إِن جِئتُ بِيداً أرَتني البِيدُ مَجهَلَهَا
12. Until I can bring her close so my eyes can feast on her
And look into her eyes and ask her directly
١٢. إن تَنأى مني فَإني غَيرُ مُكتَرِثٍ
بالعَذلِ فِيهَا ولَم أسأم تَدَلُّلَهَا
١٣. أنضِى وأعمِلُ فِيهَا نَصَّ يَعمُلَةٍ
حَرٍ أن أنضُيَهَا فِيهَا وأُعمِلَهَا
١٤. حَتَّى أُقرِّبَها كَيما أُرَّ بِهَا
عَيني وأنظُرَ عَينَيهَا وأَسأَلَهَا