
My body passed by the wineshops

برى جسمي المرور على المغاني

1. My body passed by the wineshops
And the cooing of doves to songs

١. بَرَى جِسمِي المُرورَ عَلَى المَغَاني
وتَردَادُ الحَمَائِمِ لِلأَغَاني

2. And an apparition, whenever I wavered weakly
Came to me from the rosy-cheeked slopes

٢. وَطَيفٌ كُلَّمَا هَوَمتُ وَهناً
أتَاني مِن مُخَضَّبَةِ البَنَانِ

3. She has a cheek rivaling the full moon in beauty
Leading the grazing camels with silken reins

٣. لَهَا خدٌّ يُضاهِي البَدرَ حُسناً
يَقُودُ المُرعوي سَلِسَ العِنَانِ

4. Sickness is in hearts smitten with love
And fate led me while passion made me crave

٤. ولِبَّاتٌ عَلَى الأَلبَابِ دَاءٌ
وقَدٌّ قَادني وهَوًى هَوَاني

5. I said to her: Umaamah, what makes me sad
Other than the son of succor, refuge of all jinn

٥. فَقُلتُ لها أُمَامَةُ مَا شَجَانِي
سِوَى ابنَ الغَوثِ مَأمَنِ كُلِّ جَانِ

6. Noble, his lineage pure, and his dignity intact
Surpassing the highest of all hopes

٦. كَرِيمٍ طَابَ عُنصُرُهُ وطَابَت
سَرِيرَتُه وفَاقَ ذُرَى الأمَاني