
Our gathering today was for the memory of happiness

طبتنا اليوم عن ذكرى سعاد

1. Our gathering today was for the memory of happiness
Cups came to us from afar

١. طَبتنَا اليومَ عن ذِكرَى سُعَادِ
كئوسٌ قد أتَتنا مِن بِعَادِ

2. The stars were aligned for it so it prospered
Scattered coins for the country

٢. مَنَاطَ النَّجمِ كَانَت فَاطَّبَتهَا
خَطَاطِيفَ الدراهم للبلاد

3. When the wine skin was soaked with water
And its horn brought, blazing

٣. فَلَمَّا أُترِعَ المِغراجُ مَاءً
وجِىءَ بِقرنِهِ ذَاتِ إتِّقَادِ

4. And the seat of the wine skin was prepared in it
And voices of companions, chatting

٤. وَبُوِّىء مِقعَدُ المِغراجِ فِيهَا
وَصَوَّتَ شِربَ أذوَادٍ صَوَادِ

5. The cup bearer brought out a measure
Of matured wine, generously pouring

٥. وأبرَزُ سَائِسُ الكاسَاتِ كِيلاً
مٍنَ المَفتُولِ جَادَ بِعَرفِ جَادِى

6. And legs of frozen snow calling out
That no legs had told its story

٦. وسَاقاً من عِتَاقِ التَّلجِ نادَى
بِأن لم يَحكيهِ سَاقٌ مُنادِ

7. And a lamp and glass that held it
A bottle that brightened the darkness

٧. وقِندِيلٍ وحَسكَةٍ اعتَلَتها
زجاجةٌ أقمَرَت سُودَ الدَّآدِى

8. It had a lighter like an added hand
To another in expansion and contraction

٨. لَهَا شَمَّاسَةٌ كَيَدٍ أُضِيفَت
لأخرَى في إنفرَاجٍ وانعِقَادِ

9. And a disk in which intimacy thrived
With a halo that shone like a full moon

٩. وطَابِلَةٌ أُجِيدَ الوَشىُ فِيهَا
لها بُرَةٌ بَرَت بِرَّ النوادِى

10. And around it stars like gems
Sprinkled in it, diffusing light

١٠. وبدراً في جَوانَبِه نُجُومٌ
مِنَ البَنَّارِفِيهَا الرَّقمُ بَادِ

11. That moon was clouded with saffron
Like a professor robed in splendor

١١. وذَاكَ البَدرُ مُعتَّمٌ بِزيفٍ
كَأستَاذٍ يُزَمَّلُ في بِجَادِ

12. The cupbearer made its leg smooth
As the wine skin inflamed with passion

١٢. وصَيَّرَ سَاقَهُ السَّاقِى جُذَاذاً
وإِذَا المِفرَاجُ مُلتَهِب الفُؤَادِ

13. And a caller called out softly
Fearing harm and corruption

١٣. وناداةٌ بآج فجاء يجري
وشَلّلَ خشية الدا والفسادِ

14. He seasoned the pots of his cups and sweetened them
Dressing them in the clothes of mourning

١٤. وعمّر قدرَ أكؤُسهِ وحلّى
وألبسَها بها ثوبِ الحِدادِ