1. O Lord, hasten my recovery without fatigue,
According to my wishes, making me happy.
١. يَا ربِّ عَجِّل شفائى دُونَمَا تَعَبٍ
على مُرَادِى واسعَا في وإسعَادِى
2. And remove from my body all illnesses,
For the sake of the best of creation, the Chosen Guide.
٢. ونَحِّ عَن جسمىَّ الأسقَامَ أجمَعَها
بِجَاهِ خَيرِ البرايا المصطفي الهادِى
3. For the sake of the best of men, for whom worries ceased,
And the best of those who sat in an assembly of calling.
٣. بِجاهِ خيرِ امرئٍ نَاءَت بِه قُلُصٌ
وخيرِ مَن ضَمَّهُ في مَجلِسٍ نَادِ
4. For the sake of the one who ascended the seven heavens,
On the back of Al-Buraq, and Gabriel is his guide.
٤. وجاهِ مَن رَقِىَ السّبعَ الطباقَ عَلَى
مَتنِ البُرَاقِ وجبريلٌ هُو الهادى
5. And the best one whose sign emerged and showed
Those who opposed him clear falsehood and misguidance.
٥. وخير من ظهرت آيته وأرت
من عاندوه الطراط البين البادى
6. Muhammad, the elite of the two worlds, their light,
Guiding the misguided from misguidance to guidance.
٦. مُحمدٍ صَفوةِ الكَونَينِ نُورِهِمَا
هَأدِى أولِى الغَىِّ مِن غَيٍّ لإرشَادِ