1. After gray hair, you weep for the abodes
And separation grieves you from the lights
١. أبَعدَ الشَّيبِ تَبكِى بالدِّيَارِ
وَيشجِيكَ التَّنَائِى مِن نوَارِ
2. And shows in the wilderness a desolate love
With a branch over the high sands
٢. ويُورِى في الحَشَا بُرَحَاءَ وَجدٍ
لها زَندٌ عَلَى العِلاَّت وَارِ
3. And sleep is driven away by the winking of lightning
And the atmosphere covers you, the sobbing of gamblers
٣. وتَجفُو النَّومَ مِن تَعتَابِ بَرقٍ
وَيكسُوكَ الجَوَى نَوحُ القَمَارِي
4. And you cry for friends over ruins
With which the neighborhood was more beautiful than maidens
٤. وتستَبكِى الرِّفَاقَ عَلَى طُلُولٍ
بِهَا أحلَولَى الجِوَارُ مِنَ الجَوَارِي
5. Their chastity mourners of ostriches or gazelles
Circling their braids, both tight and loose
٥. عَفَتهَا نَائِحَاتُ المَورِ إلاَّ
أثَافي كَالحَمَائِمِ أو أوَارِي
6. My lamentation became incessant with grief
As if the bangles had confined them and the bracelets
٦. وآنَاءً وأرمِدَةً وَوَدًّا
شَجِيجاً بَتَّ أمرَاصَ اصطِبَارِي
7. And the maidens' weeping in the morning
With it the skills of the dexterous flow like maidens
٧. كَأنَّ مُرَجَّعاتِ الوَشمِ ما
أسَارَت منها الغَوادِى والسَّوَارِي
8. And it kindles the dormant passions
As if the heart is a worshipper with fire
٨. وَتسبِيكَ الجواري بَاكِرَاتٌ
بِها بُزلُ المَهَارَى كَالجَوَارِي
9. Yes, the enemies on the day they turned
Upon sorrows provoked my commemoration
٩. وتُذكِى خَامِدَ الأشجَانِ حَتَّى
كَأنَّ القَلبَ مَصلِىٌّ بِنَارِ
10. Does the light of tears from your eyes visit
At the pilgrimage of the tomb?
١٠. بَلَى إنَّ الظَّعَائِنَ يَومَ وَلَّت
عَلَى الأحدَاجِ هِجنَ لِىَ ادِّكَارِي
11. And your breath a mass of sighs in agony
And your heart confused with the intention of lights
١١. أأِن زَارَت عَلًى شَحطِ المَزَارِ
نِوَارُ الدَّمعُ مِن عَينَيكَ جَارِ
12. And your eyelid is permanent in devotion out of longing
And your night gloomy, evident in vigil
١٢. وَنَفسُكَ جَمَّةُ الزَّفراتِ شَجواً
وقَلبُكَ هَائِمٌ لِنَوَى نَوارِ
13. Your morning nap is a tender gazelle appearing
The freshness of her face is like vegetation
١٣. وجَفنُك دَائمُ التَّسهِيدِ شَوقاً
ولَيلُكَ مُظلِمٌ بَادِى إعتِكَارِ
14. She has a mouth, its sprouts therein
Far from sleep, mixed with perfume
١٤. سَبَتكَ خَرِيدَةٌ حَورَاءُ تَبدُو
نَضارَةُ وَجِهَهَا مِثلَ النُّضَارِ
15. It reminds me of the radiance of acacias
And the scent of its aroma the scent of sweet basil
١٥. لَهَا ثَغرٌ شَتِيتَ النَّبتِ فِيهِ
بُعيَدَ النَّومِ مَمزوجٌ العُقَارِ
16. A twig dripping and flowing
And the eye of a tender and delicate gazelle
١٦. يُذَكِّرِنِيهِ نُوَّارُ الأقَاحِى
ورَيَّا عرفِهِ رَيَّا العُرَارِ
17. Her braids are twisting
Both tight and loose, and her ringlets
١٧. وفَرعٌ مُسبَكَرٌ مُسبَطِرٌ
وعَينُ وجِيدُ خَاذِلةِ الصُّوَارِ
18. A smooth, gentle, and waving tendril
Pure in color, full of bracelets
١٨. غَدَائِرُهُ مَضَلاتٌ
مُثنَّاهَا ومُرسِلُهَا المَدَارِي
19. O you who makes the chaste women white, leave the chaste ones
For you have no share among the chaste maidens
١٩. وَقَدٌ لَينٌ رَخصٌ وغَيلٌ
نَقِىُّ اللَّونِ مُمتَلِىءُ السِّوَارِ
20. Does the peerless one in the law tend
To the chaste maiden making the chaste white?
٢٠. أمُبيَضَّ العِذَارِ دَعِ العَذَارَى
فَمَالَكَ مِن نَصِيبٍ في العَذَارِي
21. So you have no excuse regarding her or
Your transgression, frightening the young women
٢١. وهَل في الشَّرعَةِ المُثلَى تَصَدَّى
إلى العَذَرَاءِ مُبيَضِّ العِذَارِ
22. Nor in your wandering the wild plains however much
The eyelids of the night were darkened with kohl
٢٢. فَلَستَ بِمُعذِرٍ فِيهَا ولاَ في
تَعَسُّفِك المَخَاوِفَ بِالبَرَارِي
23. Nor your union with the slender gazelles
In the presence of gazelles overcome by hunting
٢٣. وَلاَ في جَوبِكَ الفَلَواتِ مَهمَا
جُفُونُ اللَّيلِ قَد كُحِلَت ِبِقَارِ
24. We did not excuse the guided one to us
After declaring war with insult
٢٤. ولا إنضَائِكَ القُلَصَ النَّواجِى
حَيَالَ قَلاَئِصٍ غُلبِ الدِّفَارِي
25. And after his crying from their affront to him
And after the crying of the bereaved women of shame
٢٥. كَمَأ لَم يُعذَرِ المُهدِى إِلينا
هِجَاءً بَعدَ إعلاَنِ الجُؤَارِ
26. And after the standing of his caller for a time
His tears on his cheeks neighbors
٢٦. وَبعدَ بُكئه مِن هَجوِ نَاهُ
وبَعدَ بُكَا أرَامِلَةِ العُوَارِ
27. I followed insulting us painfully
To distinguish between your night and day
٢٧. وَبَعدَ مُقامَ نَادِيهِ زَمَاناً
على خَدَّيهِ أدمُعُه جوار
28. And you appear in singing wherever we leaned
To poetry, you were a brother in hiding
٢٨. اتَبعتُ بِالهِجَاءِ لَنَا ألَمَّا
تُمَيِّز بَينَ لَيلِكَ والنَّهَارِ
29. So you have no helper from your tribe
To strengthen your intoxicated unstable side
٢٩. وَتبدُو في الغِنَاءِ وَحَيثُ مِلنَا
إلَى الأَشعَارِ كُنتَ أخَا إستِتَارِ
30. Leave poetry, you have a tribe
Of eloquent and articulate people with honor
٣٠. فَما لَكَ مِن قُبَيلِكَ مِن مُعِينٍ
يُقوي طِرفَكَ الجَمَّ العِثَارِا
31. Oh House of Ahmad, awake, awake
For we are the family of Ahmad like warriors
٣١. دَعِ الأشعَارَ إِنَّ لَكُم قَبَيِّلاً
مِنَ الفُصَحَاءِ والبُلغَاءِ عَارِ
32. In the severity of confusion, they are saviors
At the curves a lighthouse to all the elite
٣٢. ألاَيَا ألَ حُمَّوهَ استَفِيقُوا
فَإِنَّا آلَ أحمَدَ كَالدَّارَارِي
33. There is aloofness and fortitude towards people in us
Our resolutions are soft like glass
٣٣. لُيُوثُ في لَظَى الهَيجَا غُيُوثٌ
لَدَى اللاوَى مَنَارَةٌ كُلِّ سَارِ
34. Our natures are loyal and Euphrates
So no dust stuck to them
٣٤. لَنَأ في النَّاسِ اعرَاضٌ صِقَالٌ
عَزَائِمُنَا مَوَاضٍ كَالشِّفَارِ
35. We besiege with rhymes those who reviled us
And we are the foremost in competition
٣٥. قَرَائِحُنَا صَوافٍ وَفِرَات
فَلَم يَعلَق بِهَا رَينُ الغُبَارِ
36. We spurned pottery and those seeking money did not blame us
From seeking pottery
٣٦. نُطوِّقُ بالقَوافي مَن هَجانا
ونَحنُ السَّابِقُونَ لَدَى التَّبَارِي
37. And during peace our love was not permitted
While we are of tranquility and dignity
٣٧. تَرَدَّينَا الفَخَارَ وَمَا عَدَانَا
طلابُ المَالِ عن طَلبِ الفَخَارِ
38. So this is it - you broke the covenants
And you won with every betrayal and shame
٣٨. وعِندَ السِّلمِ لَم تُحَلَل حُبَانَا
ونَحن ذوي السَّكِينَةِ والوَقَارِ
39. Prayers on the Guided one will not cease
From the sobbing of the short embracers
٣٩. فَهَذَا والعُهُودُ نَقَضتُمُوهَا
وقَد فُزتُم بِكُلِّ خَنىً وَعَارِ
40. Yes, between the enemies that day they turned
Upon sorrows, my recollection was provoked
٤٠. على الهَادِى صَلاَةٌ ما تَلَظَّت
نِيَارُ الوَجدِ مِن نَوحِ القَصَارِي
41. It is as if you are denied meeting the Intercessor
The father of lights, the gatherer of honor
٤١. نَعَم بَينُ الظَّعَائِنَ يَومَ وَلَّت
على الأحدَاجِ هَاجَ لِىَ ادِّكَارِي
42. So repent O servant, you carry the mark
Of your ancestors, so it is disgracing warriors
٤٢. كَانَّكَ قَد حُرِمتَ لِقَا المُفَدَّى
أبَا الأنوَارِ مُجتَمَعَ الفَخَارِ
43. Yes O servant, you carry the mark
Of your ancestors, so it is disgracing warriors
٤٣. فَتَانَا عَبدُ إِنَّ عَلَيكَ سِيمَا
جُدُودِكَ فَهىَ مُخجِلَةُ الدَّرَارِي
44. A clear light shines on your bright face
Inherited from your great elders
٤٤. أَلا يا عَبدُ إِنَّ عَلَيكَ سِيما
جُدودك فهي مُخجِلَةُ الدَّراري
45. So if your envious envious neighbor harmed you
And insulted you with humiliation and pettiness
٤٥. يَلُوحُ بِوَجهِكَ الوَضَّاحِ نُورٌ
تُوِوِرِثَ عَن أكَابِرِكَ الكِبَارِ
46. And wanted your highest, most valuable position
With the severity of hatred and declared harm
٤٦. فَإِن جَارَاكَ مِن حَسَدِ حَسُودٌ
وَسامَكَ بِالمَذَلَّةِ والصَّغَارِ
47. Then do not blame, for you are the adornment of plains
A lighthouse for every confused and elite one
٤٧. وَرامَ مَقَامَكَ ا لأعلَى وأغلَى
لَظَى الشَّحنَا وأَعلَنَ بِالضِّرَارِ
48. My father of injustice whose traits are scattered
The dear neighbor, protector of the vile
٤٨. فلا تَعتَب فَأنتَ حَلىً النَّوَادِى
مَنَارَةُ كُلِّ حَيرَانٍ وَسَارِ
49. The state of affairs says about you to whoever intends
And examines your distinction in competition
٤٩. أبي الضَّيمِ مَبثُوثُ المَزَايَا
عَزِيزُ الجَارِ مَحمِىُّ الذَّمَارِ
50. My rival O servant, did you not know
Whom you compete with or rival?
٥٠. تَقُولُ الحَالُ فِيكَ لِمَنَّ يُنَاوي
ومَن يَأتَمُّ شَاوَكَ في التَّبَارِى
51. Do you not know that he has traits
Before which even the honorable fall short?
٥١. مُجَارِي عَبدُ كَنتَ ألَستَ تَدرِى
مَحامِدَ مَن تُسَابِقُ أو تجَارِى
52. The humility of a pure mystic knowing God
More chaste than modesty and honor
٥٢. ألَم تَعَلَم بِأنَّ لَهُ خِصَالاً
تَوَانَت دُونَهُنَّ أُولُو الفَخَارِ
53. The ally of generosity, the radiance of his hands
Upon his visitors and neighbor a neighbor
٥٣. تَوَاضُعَ عَارِفٍ بالله صَافٍ
أَغَرَّ مِنَ الخَنَا والعَارِ عَارِ
54. He succeeded in the position of his father in truth
A reader, reciter, residing, and dignified
٥٤. حَلِيف المَكرُمَاتِ نَدَى يَدَيهِ
عَلى زُوَّارِهِ والجَارِ جَارِ
55. He abandoned politeness walking politely
And appeared with tranquility and dignity
٥٥. تَخَلَّفَ في مقَامِ أبِيهِ حقًّا
قِرىً وقِرَاءةً قَارٍ وقَارِ
56. So if he does not stop, it is sweeter and more beloved
Than pleasure highlighted with perfume
٥٦. تَرَدَّى سُندَسَ الآدَابِ دَاباً
وظَاهَرَ بالسَّكِينَةِ والوَقَارِ
57. And he is bitterer to the enemy, a resistant bite
So he is intimidating to the brave
٥٧. فَإِن لاَيَنتَهُ أَحلَى وأشهَى
مِنَ المَاذِىِّ شُعشِعَ بالعُقَارِ
58. A young man whose nature and origin are delicate
So he became with praiseworthy traits arrayed
٥٨. وَهُوَّ عَلَى العَدُوِّ أمَرُّ صَابٍ
وصِبرٍ فَهوَ مَرهُوبُ الشِّفَارِ
59. And his carpenter improved so he increased in goodness
And the goodness of the branch is from the goodness of the carpenter
٥٩. فَتىً رَقَّت طَبِيعَتُه ورَاقَت
فَأصبَحَ بالمَحَامِدِ ذَا ائتزَارِ
60. He smiles when delegations come to him dispersed
And he honors with his right and left hand
٦٠. وَطَابَ نَجارُهُ فازدَادَ طِيباً
وطِيبُ الفَرعِ مِن طِيبِ النِّجَارِ
61. May God reward him with the best recompense
With which he rewards the elite of the elite
٦١. يَهَشُّ إِذَا الوُفُودُ أتَتهُ شَتَّى
ويُكرِمُ بِاليَمِينِ وبِاليَسَارِ
62. And appoint him obeyed, straightforward
Upon the enlightened upright religion
٦٢. جَزَاهُ اللهُ أحسَنَ مَا يُجَارِى
بِهِ غُرَرَ الخِيَارِ من الخِيارِ
63. By the status of the Chosen Best of Creations
And the status of the Household and noble comrades
٦٣. وَعمَّرَهُ مُطَاعاً مُستَقِيماً
عَلَى الدِّينِ القَوِيمِ المُستَنَارِ
64. Upon him from the Throne prayers
As long as the waves of the seas surge
٦٤. بِجَاهِ المُصطفي خَيرِ البَرَايَا
وجَاهِ الآلِ والصَّحبِ الدَّرَارِى
٦٥. عَلَيهِ من العَرشِ أَسنَى
صَلاَةٍ مَا أرتَمَى مُوجُ البِحَارِ