
She visited me, at midnight, in an obscure place,

طرقتني نوار عند دكار

1. She visited me, at midnight, in an obscure place,
And stirred a latent passion in my wary heart,

١. طَرقَتني نَوَارِ عِندَ دَكَارِ
فَأثَارَت بَلاَ بِلِى وادِّكَارِي

2. She contacted me, though she'd often barred me before -
Absence of guardians allowed our secret flirt

٢. وَصَلَتني وَطَالَمَا مَنَعتني
وَصلَها غَيبَةَ الرَّقِيبِ نَوَارِ

3. While she shunned me, my love for her grew ever more intense,
Like glowing embers lodged inside my chest

٣. دَابُهَا الهَجرُ لِى وَدَابي هَوَاهَا
فَهوُ في القَلبِ مثلُ جَذَوةِ نَارِ

4. I could not exercise patience to forget her
My resolve to forget her was a hopeless quest

٤. لَستُ اسطَاعُ عَن نَوَارِ اصطِبَاراً
خَانني عَن هَوَى نَوارِ اصطِبَارِي

5. The more I longed for her, the more she displayed
New irresistible charms before my sight

٥. كُلَّمَا ازدَدتُ في نَوَارِ اشتِيَاقاً
أظهَرَت لِى زِيَادَةً في النِّوَارِ

6. Cloaked by the blackness of night she came to see me
After the slumber of weary caravans took flight

٦. طَرَقَتني والليلُ دَاجٍ كَلَونِ
القَارِ مِن بَعدِ هَجعَةِ السُّمَّارِ

7. Radiant as a glittering pearl, an exquisite rose
On a moonlit night, atop a lofty dune

٧. فَأرَتني لاَلئاً ونُضَاراً
في لالٍ أنِيقةٍ ونُضَارِ

8. With pure complexion, tender limbs, and graceful poise
Adorned with jewels in plenty, a precious boon

٨. وأرَتني لَيلاً عَلَى بَدرٍ تَمٍّ
فَوقَ خُوطٍ عَلَى كِثيبٍ هَارِ

9. Relaxed, as if the sweetness on his lips was from
The repose gained after hard day's toil

٩. وبَنَاتِ النَّقَى بَنَاناً خَضِيباً
وَنَقِيًّا أغَرَّ مِلَء السِّوَارِ

10. How did she find me, when I was lost and wandering
In barren deserts of endless, arid soil?

١٠. وشتِيتاً مُنصَباً كَسَيَالٍ
وأقَاحٍ وَطيلَسَانٍ وقَارِ

11. I roamed amidst formidable seas on a decrepit boat
With feeble oars, devoid of marked trail

١١. مُستَلَذًّا كَأنَّ رِيقَتَهُ في
أثَرِ النَّومِ قُلَّةُ المُشتَارِ

12. I'd known her to be discouraged by censure and disdain
From visiting the sacrosanct convent's veil

١٢. عَجباً مِن نَوَارِ كَيفَ اهتَدَت لِى
بَعدَ ما جُبتُ مِن نِيَاطِ القِفَارِ

13. When she left me, sleeplessness and tears became my fate
Cascading or sporadic, weeping was my veil

١٣. وتَبَطَّنتُ مِن بِحَارِ مَهِيبَا
تٍ عَلَى ذَاتِ اضلُعٍ ودِسَارِ

14. Like the dew drops of Mustafa, the blessed heir
When rains were scarce and hot winds did prevail

١٤. كُنتُ عَهدِى بِهَا يُثبُطُها دِعصٌ
رُكَامٌ عَن زَورِدَارِ المَزَارِ

15. It was not the lightning, but the clouds' heavy downpour
That brought relief, without a lightning trail

١٥. فَارَقَتني فَأرَّقتني فَدَمعِى
بَينَ مَا هُوَّ سَافِحٌ أوجَارِ

16. You need not fear any bitterness or regret
From his gifts, though some may impugn and assail

١٦. كَنَدَى المُصطفي الخٍِليفَةِ في الأُز
مِ إِذَا أخلَفَ الغيوثُ السَّوَارِي

17. Come to him assured of safety, peace and comfort
Where fountains of grace and mercy prevail

١٧. لَم يَكُن خُلَّبَ البُروقِ وَلَكِن
هَاطِلُ البَذلِ دُونَ بَرقٍ سَارِ

18. Where reverence, dignity, generosity and grace
And wisdom, obedience and virtue avail

١٨. لا تَخَف في نَوَالِهِ كَدَراً مِن
كَدَرِ المَنِّ أو مِنَ الأَكدَارِ

19. Where intelligence, contentment and purpose abide
And meaning, endeavor and carpentry detail

١٩. فَإِذَا جِئتَهُ نَزَلتَ بِأمنٍ
وأمَانٍ وصَيِّبٍ مِدرَارِ

20. Where auspicious birds and kneeling men worship
Prostrating before God, from dusk to dawn without fail

٢٠. وهُمَامٍ ذِى هَيبَةٍ وحَيَاءٍ
وسَخَاءٍ وعِفَّةٍ وَوَقَارِ

21. Remembering God in perpetual prostration
Never tiring of repeating litanies and tales

٢١. وَذكاءٍ وسُؤدَدٍ ومَعَالٍ
وَمَعَانٍ ومَحتَدٍ ونِجَارِ

22. They drank from the wine of mystical knowledge
And became intoxicated with that sublime grail

٢٢. وطُيُورٍ مَيمُونَةٍ ورِجَالٍ
خُشَّعٍ سُجَّدٍ لِوَجهِ البَارِي

23. Ever worshipping God before his noble gate
Both youthful maidens and wise elders hail

٢٣. أبَداً في سُجُودِهم يَذكُرونَ اللهَ
لَم يَفتَرُوا عن الأذكَارِ

24. The Abode of Peace is the home of bliss and tranquility
Where rest and comfort and joy will never curtail

٢٤. شَرِبُوا مِن عُقَارٍ معناهُ كَأساً
فانتَشَوا مِن شَرَابِ العُقَارِ

25. It lies next to the land of the gazelle's sunset
The noblest neighborhood, without equal or parallel

٢٥. فَهُمُ عِندَ بَابِهِ يَعبُدُونَ اللهَ
عِندَ الآصَالِ والأبكَارِ

26. It gathered nature's scattered boons into a perfect whole
Excelled in every boon, nothing left to unveil

٢٦. إنَّ دَارَ القُدُوسِ دَارُ نَعِيمٍ
وَسَلاَمٍ وقُرَّةٍ وقَرَارِ

27. Adorned with most fragrant blooms and charming scenes
Providing every guest a place to rest without travail

٢٧. جَاوَرَت مَغرِبًَ الغَزَالَةِ في مطلَعِهَا
فهى في أعَزِّ جِوَارِ

28. Knowledgeable, honorable, and kind to the destitute
Sheltering the poor who have nothing, not even a pail

٢٨. جَمَعَت طارف الفَخَارِ إلى التَّلدِ
فَجَاءَت على جَمِيعِ الفَخَارِ

29. Bearing the burden of all neighbors equally
With hands overflowing with gifts, leaving no one to flail

٢٩. وَتَحَلَّت بِأروَعٍ أريَحِىِّ
قَارِ لِلكِتَابِ للضيف قَارِ

30. Holding back the neighbor even in dire straits
Giving gold coins and wealth without pause or fail

٣٠. عَارِفٍ بالعلوم عَارِ من العَا
رِ شَفَيقٍ عَلَى الضَّعِيفِ العَارِي

31. Not making this abode an eternal resting place
Thus preparing for the Afterlife, the most special grail

٣١. حَامِلٍ كَلَّ كُلِّ جَارٍ وَفَيضَا
تُ يَدَيهِ عَلَى الجِوَارِ جَوَارِ

32. Suckling from his mentor's breast blessings galore
Advancing his merits over competitors without flail

٣٢. مُمسِكٍ الجَارَ في اشتِدَادِ الدَّوَاهِى
بِاذِلٍ لِلدِّرهَامِ والدِّينَارِ

33. Do not fear the schemes of those jealous of you
The ocean is not extinguished by lighting of a frail flame

٣٣. لَم يَكُن جَاعِلاً ذِهِ الدَّارَ دَاراً
وكَذَاكَ الدَّارِى الذي هُوَ دَارِ

34. You are like a servant, lofty in rank and knowledge
A shining star, a priceless pearl of exquisite pedigree

٣٤. إنَّما هُو مستعدٌّ لِعُقبي الد
دارِ يَشدُو لَنِعمَ عُقبَى الدَّارِ

35. Your sublime traits are wondrously arrayed
Your hands are open wide in remarkable generosity

٣٥. مَكَّ مِن ثَدِى شَيخِهِ بَرَكَاتٍ
قَدَّمتُهُ في الشَّأوِ والمِضمَارِ

36. You upheld the Prophet's Way, luminous and pristine
And did not stray into the path of unmindful glee

٣٦. لاَ تَخَف أن يَنَالَ شَأوَكَ مَن نَا
وَى فَلَيسَ الإِضَاءُ مثلَ البِحَارِ

37. Draw me closer, for I am soon to depart
When the staff of support grants no comfort or bail

٣٧. إِنَّمَا أنتَ كالخَدِيمِ عُلُوًّا
وعُلُوماً وأَنجماً وَدَرَارِي

38. I am casting off all burdens when summoned
To meet my Lord, leaving behind every possession and veil

٣٨. فَمَعَالِيكَ في انتِظَامٍ عَجِيبٍ
وأيَادِيكَ في عَجِيبٍ انتِثَارِ

٣٩. وتَقَّفَيتَ منهجَ السُّنَّةِ الغَرَّا
ءِ ولَم تَغتَرِر بِنَهجِ إِغتِرَارِ

٤٠. قَرَّبُوني فَإِنني طَارِحٌ
عندَ مَجِىءِ لكم عَصَا التَّسيَارِ