1. Upon Allah alone reliance in purpose is placed
And He alone grants success to him of purpose possessed
١. عَلَى اللهِ في القَصدِ المَعَوَّلُ وَحدَهُ
وهُوَّ الذي يُولِى المُؤمِّلَ قَصدَهُ
2. He it is who guides to the paths whereby
Man attains the right guidance he sought to possess
٢. وَهوَّ الذي يهدى إِلى الطُّرُقِ التى
يَنَالُ بها مَن يَبتَغِى الرُّشدَ رُشدَهُ
3. He leads astray and guides with justice in His decree
And each He makes attain the destination He assessed
٣. يُضِلُّ ويَهدِى عَادِلاً في قضائهِ
ويُورِدُ كُلاًّ في المَشِيئَةِ وِردَهُ
4. We accepted Him as Lord who guided us to guidance
Through the best Messenger after whom none progressed
٤. رَضِينَا بِهِ رَبًّا هدانَا إلى الهُدَى
بِخيرِ رسولٍ لارسالةَ بَعدَهُ
5. So this, though a man's relating what
Benefits the benefited diminishes not his worth
٥. فهذَا وإِنَّ المَرءَ إخبَارُه بما
يَفِيدَ مُفِيداً ليسَ يَنقُصُ مَجدَهُ
6. I came to Abraham near a town
To revive after separation our friendship of old
٦. لَقَد جئتُ إِبراهيمَ عِندَ مَدِينَةٍ
لأحيَىَ مِن بعدِ التَّبَاعُدِ عَهدَهُ
7. And enjoy veneration, hospitality fine
And fulfillment of promises made of yore untold
٧. وأحظَى بِإجلاَلِ وحُسنِ ضِيافَةٍ
وَينجُزَ مِن سالفِ الوَعدِ وَعدَهُ
8. So I came from Kaulakh, of dwellings the most plush
And learned of that locality the distance remote
٨. فَأقبلتُ مِن أسخَى مَنازِلِ كَولخٍ
وتَعلَمُ مِن تِلكَ المَحَلَّةِ بُعدَهُ
9. Abode of the trusted, chosen best of lords
Whom people's flocking to him did not inhibit or choke
٩. مَحَلِّ الأمينِ المُرتَضَى خيرِ سيِّدٍ
مِن الناس مَن لاَ يَمنعُ الناسَ رِفدَهُ
10. I yearned for him while torrents around him rushed
And valley streams overflowed with coursing flood
١٠. تَيَمَّمتُهُ والوَبلُ يَنهَلُّ صَوبُهُ
وسيلُ مَجَارِى الوَهدِ أَفعَمَ نَجدَهُ
11. Through streets' deep mire I waded to reach him
None but Allah knew what I braved in that neighborhood
١١. وقَد خُضتُ خَضخَاضَ الشوارِع دُونهُ
ولم يدرِ إلا اللهُ ما خضتُ عِندَهُ
12. But when I came he showed not joy for my sake
And it would not have harmed him to show pleasure untold
١٢. فأطلعَ لَمَّا جئتُه غَيرَ سَعدِهِ
وما ضَرَّهُ لو كَانَ أَطلَعَ سَعدَهُ
13. He talked till I tired of his talk
And revealed my contrary intent and aim as I was told
١٣. فَحَدَّثني حتى سَئِمتُ حَدِيثَهُ
وَبيَّنتُ عكسض القصدِ مِنهُ وَطَردَهُ
14. Then I bade him farewell as one who cares not
When such unwanted conversation he did behold
١٤. فَوَدَّعتُهُ توديعَ مَن ليس هَمُّهُ
إِذَا جَاءَهُ ذاك التحدثُّ وَحدَهُ