
May God reward the Khans for me, they

جزى الله عني آل خاقان إنهم

1. May God reward the Khans for me, they
Lengthened my tongue with praise and thanks

١. جزى الله عني آل خاقانَ إنهم
أطالوا لساني بالثناء وبالشكر

2. They interceded with fate for me, and fate was angry
So it pardoned me for its spite and disdain

٢. هم استعتبوا لي الدهرَ والدهرُ ساخطٌ
فأعتبني بالكره منه وبالصعر

3. And they extolled my name, and raised
My hands to the Most High, and revived

٣. وهمْ نوّهوا باسمي ومدّوا إلى العلى
يديَّ وأحيوا كلّ ما مات من ذكري

4. All that had died of my memory
And they showed me the value of myself, and magnified

٤. وهم عرَّفوني قدر نفسي وعظّموا
بأحسابهم ما صغّر الناسُ من أمري

5. With their calculations what people made small of my affair
The servant of God has sufficed me, he still suffices

٥. كفاني عبيد الله لا زال كافياً
به الله همّاً كان ضاق به صدري

6. With him God worries that straitened my heart
He sufficed me, and I did not suffice him willingly

٦. كفاني ولم استكفه متبرعاً
فتىً غير ممنوع العطاء ولا نزر

7. A young man not forbidden from giving nor mean
A young man who wants money only to spend it

٧. فتى لا يريد المال إلاّ لبذله
ولا يتلقى صفحة الحق بالغدر