
And I have not seen one perish from the people of Najd

ولم أر هالكا من أهل نجد

1. And I have not seen one perish from the people of Najd
Like Zur'ah on the day the lances stood erect around him

١. وَلَم أَرَ هالِكاً مِن أَهلِ نَجدٍ
كَزُرعَةَ يَومَ قَامَ بِهِ النَواعي

2. Having perfected his youth and grieved deeply over loss
Of the Master, and was most generous in his efforts

٢. أَتَمَّ شَبيبَةً وَأَعَزَّ فَقداً
عَلى المَولى وَأَكرَمَ في المَساعي

3. And most abundant in gaining for whoever came to him
Of the prosperous and the starving paupers

٣. وَأَغزَرَ نائِلاً لِمَنِ اِجتَداه
مِن العَافينَ وَالهَلكى الجِياعِ

4. And most oft journeying on the path of glory
On the guidance of stars and hours

٤. وَأَكثَرَ رِحلَةً لِطَريقِ مَجدٍ
عَلى أَقتَادِ ذِعلِبَةٍ وَساعِ

5. And I say to her who raised up her sons
And who saw the early morn regard no more

٥. وَأَقوَلَ لِلَّتي نَبَدَت بَنيها
وَقَد رَأَتِ السَوابِقَ لا تُراعي

6. Indeed the horsemen on the day of Najd
Felled a youth un fortress-like in his wares

٦. لَقَد أَردَى الفَوارِسَ يَومَ نَجدٍ
غُلاماً غَيرَ مَنّاعِ المَتاعِ

7. So there is no joy in any goodness that came to him
Nor any grief from events that have slipped by

٧. فَلا فَرِحٌ بِخَيرٍ أَن أَتاهُ
وَلا جَزِعٌ مِنَ الحَدَثانِ لاعِ

8. No stillness while the horses charge
Nor empty-handed as the water-skin pourer

٨. وَلا وَقّافَةٌ وَالخَيلُ تَردي
وَلا خالٍ كَأُنبوبِ اليَراعِ

9. Bear witness, O clans of Bakr and Hayy, sons of Rawa'

٩. شَهيدي بِالَّذي قَد قُلتُ فيهِ
بَنو بَكرٍ وَحَيُّ بَني الرَواعِ