
May Allah reward Ja'far, when our sandals

جزى الله عنا جعفرا حين أزلفت

1. May Allah reward Ja'far, when our sandals
Nearly slipped from our feet as we climbed.

١. جَزَى اللَّهُ عَنَّا جَعْفَرًا حِينَ أَزْلَفَتْ
بِنَا نَعْلُنَا فِي الْوَاطِئِينَ فَزَلَّتِ

2. They confused us with the masses and forced
Us into heated, shaded rooms.

٢. همُ خلطونا بالنفوس وألجأوا
إلى حجرات أدفأت وأظلت

3. They refused to bore us, though if our mother
Met what we meet from them, she would be bored.

٣. أَبَوْا أَنْ يَمَلُّونَا وَلَوْ أَنَّ أَمَّنَا
تُلاقِي الَّذِي يَلْقَوْنَ مِنَّا لَمَلَّتِ

4. And they said, "Come, the house, so you may see clearly
And the clouds over what is seen may disperse."

٤. وقالوا هلمَّ الدارَ حتى تبينوا
وتنجَلي الغَمَاءُ عمَّا تجلَّتِ

5. After we were for Salma and her people
Strangers, the lands filled us and we filled them.

٥. ومن بعدما كنا لسلمى وأهلها
قطيناً وملتنا البلادُ وملتِ

6. We will repay with kind deeds of hands that have passed
For us exalted and made worthy.

٦. سنجزي بإحسانِ الأيادي التي مضت
لها عِندنا كبَّرَت وأهَلّتِ