
May God repay 'Auf among the generous with nobility

جزى الله عوفا من موالي جنابة

1. May God repay 'Auf among the generous with nobility
And ingratitude with good - each neighbor takes leave.

١. جَزى اللَهُ عَوفاً مِن مَوالي جَنابَةٍ
وَنَكراءَ خَيراً كُلُّ جَارٍ مُوَدَّعُ

2. They allowed us the tribe and plains of 'Alij
And Khabat; is there a Khabat owned by us with pillars?

٢. أَباحوا لَنا قَوّاً فَرَملَةَ عالِجٍ
وَخَبتاً وَهَل خَبتٌ لَنا مُتَرَبَّعُ

3. We split well-knit pacts - they were not obeyed before us -
As a constitution is split with a drawn sword.

٣. نَشُقُّ الِعهادَ الحُوَّ لَم تُرعَ قَبلَنا
كَما شُقَّ بِالموسى السَنامُ المُقَلَّعُ

4. When they were terrified, they flew by the sides of their banners
In thousands and troops of horse that bolted.

٤. إِذا فَزِعوا طاروا بِجَنبَي لِوائِهِم
أُلوفٌ وَغاياتٌ مِنَ الخَيلِ تُقدَعُ

5. They knew we'd go to our lands,
So they watched over Iraq's passages, and we rose high.

٥. وَقَد عَلِموا أَنّا سَنأَتي دِيارَنا
فَيَرعَونَ أَجوازَ العِراقِ ونَرفَعُ

6. They were cautious of what the neighbor and guest tell
When each parts - for that he has passion.

٦. وَقَد حاذَروا ما الجارُ وَالضَيفُ مُخبِرٌ
إِذا فارَقا كُلٌّ بِذَلِكَ مولَعُ

7. I am not one who denies separation; I
Have long been aggrieved by those of gentle neighborhood.

٧. وَما أَنا بِالمُستَنكِرِ البَينَ إِنَّني
بِذي لَطَفِ الجيرانِ قِدماً مُفَجَّعُ

8. I am worthy of them - wherever I settled I befriended them;
When I had comrades they consoled me and cracked apart.

٨. جَديراً بِهِم مِن كُلِّ حَيٍّ أَلِفتُهُم
إِذا أَنَسٌ عَزُّوا عَلَيَّ تَصَدَّعوا

9. When I dwelled I embedded my hands in the abodes,
And no destruction was found at my side.

٩. وَكُنتُ إِذا جاوَرتُ أَعلَقتُ في الذُرى
يَدَيَّ فَلَم يوجَد لِجَنبِيَ مَصرَعُ

10. I see my camels - they do not flinch from the meadows out of fear
When a people in the neighborhood became addled and clamored,

١٠. أَرى إِبِلي لا تُنكَعُ الوِردَ خُضَّعاً
إِذا شُلَّ قَومٌ في الجِوارِ وَصَعصَعوا

11. The animals graze the pasture, until it is as if
When they spied a human form, they startled.

١١. تُراعي المَها بِالقَفرِ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
إِذا أَبصَرَت شَخصاً مِنَ الإِنسِ تَفزَعُ

12. The likes and equivalents of them pasture for a tender one
When he pours onto a dusty ground, turning them back.

١٢. نَظائِرَ أَشباهٍ يَرِعنَ لِمُكدَمٍ
إِذا صَبَّ في رَقشاءَ هَدراً يُرَجِّعُ

13. Like the chicks of the Kumiya at the door of the tent -
Their bleating and he carries them with his finger.

١٣. كُمَيتٍ كَرُكنِ البابِ أَحيا بَناتِهِ
مَقاليتُها وَاِستَحمَلَتهُنَّ إِصبَعُ

14. My young camels lounge about - nothing startles them
When the settlements in the sands take fright.

١٤. تَرَبَّعُ أَذوادي فَما إِن يَروعُها
إِذا شَلَّتِ الأَحياءُ في الرَملِ مَفزَعُ

15. The clan of Sa'd protected them, and the sharpness of their spears,
And left them alone in fright - a skull and foreleg.

١٥. حَمَتها بَنو سَعدٍ وَحَدُّ رِماحِهِم
وَأَخلى لَها بِالجِزعِ قُفٌّ وَأَجرَعُ

16. They grew fat until their birthing is like
The wrangling of a builder, twisting and rising up.

١٦. وَقَد سَمِنَت حَتّى كَأَنَّ مَخاضَها
مَجادِلُ بَنّاءٍ تُطانُ وَتُرفَعُ

17. They dread the easy road - thinking it
Rugged, muddy, when it is open and desolate.

١٧. تَهابُ الطَريقَ السَهلَ تَحسِبُ أَنَّهُ
وَعورٌ وِراطٌ وَهيَ بَيداءُ بَلقَعُ

18. When the wealthy herder drives them, you would think them
Steeds of an Iraqi, spirited and ridden.

١٨. إِذا ساقَها الراعي الدَثورُ حَسِبتَها
رِكابَ عِراقِيِّ مَواقيرَ تُدفَعُ

19. Of milk, until every joint
Was caked - like chunks carried on camels.

١٩. مِنَ النَيِّ حَتّى اِستَحقَبَت كُلَّ مِرفَقٍ
رَوادِفَ أَمثَالِ الدِلاءِ تَنَعنَعُ