1. I knew Layla between the remains of an abandoned camp,
In dwellings stronger than summer resort or square building.
١. عَرَفتُ لِلَيلى بَينَ وَقطٍ فَضَلفَعِ
مَنازِلَ أَقوَت مِن مَصيفٍ وَمَربَعِ
2. Towards the bent road from Wasit, nothing was apparent to us
Except the ribs of the plucked ostrich.
٢. إِلى المُنحَنى مِن واسِطٍ لَم يَبِن لَنا
بِها غَيرُ أَعوادِ الثُمامِ المُنَزَّعِ
3. And smooth ground where fire was kindled around, as though
Coated with tar or polished bitumen.
٣. وَسُفعٍ صُلينَ النارَ حَولاً كَأَنَّما
طُلينَ بِقارٍ أَو بِزفتٍ مُلَمَّعِ
4. And a young, brisk she-camel with swollen udder that looks as if
It were the paws of a dead beast whose skin was not peeled off.
٤. وَعِجلِ نَضِيٍّ بَالمَثاني كَأَنَّها
ثَعالِبُ مَوتى جِلدُها لَم يُنزَّعِ
5. My heart insisted on loving her, though she is a Harithi woman
Neighboring my enemies while her enemies are with me.
٥. أَبى القَلبُ إِلّا حُبَّها حارِثِيَّةً
تُجاوِرُ أَعدائي وَأَعداؤُها مَعي
6. Just as the hyena of Balqaa showed its canine,
A foul looking striped hyena with dyed fur.
٦. كَما اِنكَشَفَت بَلقاءُ تَحمي فُلُوَّها
شَميطُ الذُنابى ذاتُ لَونٍ مولَّعِ
7. The foul striped hyena has hollow flanks yet is corpulent
With a silky robe and shredded raiment.
٧. شَميطُ الذُنابى جُوِّفَت وَهيَ جَونَةٌ
بُنقَبَةِ ديباجٍ وَرَيطٍ مُقَطَّعِ
8. My camels refused the water of ponds and befriended
The percolated drink of Sami and twisted hillocks.
٨. أَبَت إِبِلي ماءَ الحِياضِ وَآلَفَت
تَفاطيرَ وَسمِيٍّ وَأَحناءَ مَكرَعِ