1. When their caller summons them with his voice
As a lover responds to the voice of his beloved
١. إِذا دَعاهُنَّ اِرعَوَينَ لِصَوتِهِ
كَما يَرعَوي غيدٌ إِلى صَوتِ مُسمِعِ
2. Their young ones spend the night devoted around him
In vigil like virgins around a bereaved corpse
٢. تَبيتُ أَوابيها عَواكِفَ حَولَهُ
عُكوفَ العَذارى حَولَ مَيتٍ مُفَجِّعِ
3. They have grown so fat that their pregnancy
Seems to have split their ribs though they're not pregnant
٣. وَقَد سَمِنَت حَتّى كَأَنَّ مَخاضَها
تَفَشَّغَها ظَلعٌ وَلَيسَت بِظُلَّعِ
4. Neighbors of the subdued, and whoever is
Forced to be their neighbor cannot look up
٤. مُجاوِرَةً عَبدَ المَدانِ وَمَن يَكُن
مُجاوِرَهُم بِالقَهرِ لا يُتَطَلَّعِ
5. A people who if a dog disowns its owners
They protect their neighbor from every vicious transgressor
٥. أُناسٌ إِذا ما أَنكَرَ الكَلبُ أَهلَهُ
حَمَوا جارَهُم مِن كُلِّ شَنعاءَ مُضلِعِ
6. And if the living become paralyzed their elderly
Remain in good state, secure, undisturbed
٦. وَإِن شُلَّتِ الأَحَياءُ باتَ ثَوِيُّهُم
عَلى خَيرِ حالٍ آمِناً لَم يُفَزَّعِ
7. But if alarmed they flee to every swift-footed
Stout-ribbed, wide-chested, hump-backed horse
٧. فَإِن فَزِعوا طاروا إِلى كُلِّ سابِحٍ
شَديدِ القُصَيرى سابِغِ الضِلعِ جُرشُعِ
8. And every squint-eyed, snub-nosed, vulgar
Approaching she-camel, hired or burdened
٨. وَكُلِّ طَموحِ الطَرفِ شَقّاءَ شَطبَةٍ
مُقَرَّبَةٍ كَبداءَ سَفواءَ مِمزَعِ
9. They come at dawn with horsemen gloomy-faced
Masked, attacking every head covered
٩. تَجيءُ بِفُرسانِ الصَباحِ عَوابِساً
مُسَوَّمَةٍ تَردي بِكُلِّ مُقَنَّعِ