
For whom is a ruined abode in an ancient encampment

لمن طلل بذي خيم قديم

1. For whom is a ruined abode in an ancient encampment
Appearing as if the rest of it is tattoos

١. لِمَن طَللٌ بِذي خِيَمٍ قَديمُ
يَلوحُ كَأَنَّ باقِيَهُ وُشومُ

2. As if overcome by the lions of a meadow of roses
A grim man leads away its fleeing prey

٢. كَأَغلَبَ مِن أُسودِ كَراءَ وَردٍ
يَشُدُّ خِشاشَهُ الرَجُلُ الظَلومُ