1. We rode our steeds towards the enemies
Attacking vigorously with valor and determination
١. سَمَونا بِالجِيادِ إِلى أَعادٍ
مُغاوِرَةً بِجِدٍّ وَاِعتِصابِ
2. We terrified them with dread and dismay
With a battalion whose spears peered out from their robes
٢. نَؤُمُّهُمُ عَلى رُعبٍ وَشَحطٍ
بِقَودٍ يَطَّلِعنَ مِن النِقابِ
3. Their muscular arms brandished swords
Whose blades shone like meteors
٣. طِوالُ الساعِدَينِ يَهُزُّ لَدناً
يَلوحُ سِنانُهُ مِثلَ الشِهابِ
4. Had we feared you, we would not have shown weakness
With wooden sticks we discipline even dogs
٤. وَلَو خِفناكَ ما كُنّا بِضُعفٍ
بِذي خُشُبٍ نُعَرِّبُ وَالكُلابِ
5. We killed their horsemen openly
And returned with captives and plunder
٥. وَقَتَّلنا سَراتَهُمُ جِهاراً
وَجِئنا بِالسَبايا وَالنِهابِ
6. Captives from Tayy' we brought out by force
And turned their palaces into simple huts
٦. سَبايا طَيِّءٍ أَبرَزنَ قَسراً
وَأَبدَلنَ القُصورَ مِنَ الشِعابِ
7. We led them, some complacent, some resentful of their fate
Captives from every Tayy' clan
٧. فَسُمناهُم فَمُصطَبَحٌ قَليلاً
وَآخَرَ كارِهٌ لِلمآبي
8. Neither were their daughters made captive
Nor taken as concubines, as desirable as they were
٨. سَبايا طَيِّءٍ مِن كُلِّ حَيٍّ
بِمَن في الفَرعِ مِنها وَالنِصابِ
9. Nor was their blood shed
As retaliation we exacted
٩. وَما كانَت بَناتُهُمُ سَبِيّاً
وَلا رُغباً يُعَدُّ مِنَ الرِغابِ
10. With a torch as bright as the rising sun
Behind the veil of dawn
١٠. وَلا كانَت دِماؤُهُمُ وَفاءً
لَنا فيما يُعَدُّ مِنَ العِقابِ
11. They tried to snuff it out, but it terrified them
With its wide and leaping flames
١١. وَمَشعَلَةٍ تَخالُ الشَمسَ فيها
بُعَيدَ طُلوعِها تَحتَ الحِجابِ
12. Calling "Come forth! Attack! Woe to you! Begone!"
١٢. وَكادَت تُستَطارُ فَأَرهَبوها
بِأَرحَبِ وَاِقدُمي وَهَلا وَهابي