1. I will reward Usaymah for what her hands have offered me,
Or else I'll reward her effort as generously as I can.
١. عُصَيمَةُ أَجزيهِ بِما قَدَّمَت لَهُ
يَداهُ وَإِلّا أَجزِهِ السَعيَ أَكفُرِ
2. She rescued me when my own scheming had left me stranded,
With the rope of a man, who, when a neighbor sought passage, made way.
٢. تَدارَكَني وَقَد بَرِمتُ بِحيلَتي
بِحَبلِ اِمرِئٍ إِن يورِدِ الجارَ يُصدِرِ
3. To free myself I would give up my dear steed, though she showed
In taut ropes on her flank, signs of one who could yet gallop and race.
٣. أُفَدّي بِأُمِّيَ الحَصانِ وَقَد بَدَت
مِنَ الوَتِدات لي حِبالُ مُعَبِّرِ