1. You refused imprecation though the shepherd - whenever
The flock is left to the wolves - finds his wealth dispersed
١. أَبَيتَ اللَعنَ وَالراعي مَتى ما
يَضَع تَكُنِ الرَعِيَّةُ لِلذِئابِ
2. And turns to its former glory and sharpness.
Our excuse is that You punish us for a sin
٢. فَيُصبِح مالُهُ فَرسَي وَيُفرَش
إِلى ما كانَ مِن ظُفرٍ وَنابِ
3. Then why does the son of A'idh the afflicted suffer?
Did he sin or gain or were You unjust
٣. عَذَرنا أَن تُعاقِبَنا بِذَنبٍ
فَما بالُ اِبنِ عائِذٍ المُصابِ
4. To him, finding no security in Scripture?
Had we feared You, You would not have won it
٤. أَأَجرَمَ أَم جَنى أَم لَم تَخُطّوا
لَهُ أَمناً فَيوجَدَ في الكِتابِ
5. With Ubaid's son, on coursers racing the hill-tops.
Were we in Yamaamah or were we
٥. فَلَو كُنّا نَخافُكَ لَم تَنَلها
بِذي بَقَرٍ فَرَوضاتِ الرُبابِ
6. Of those who pour down the hill-sides?
Deluded when the King made a raid against us -
٦. أَكُنّا بِاليَمامَةِ أَو لَكُنّا
مِنَ المُتَحَدِّرينَ عَلى جَنابِ
7. An attainment, and tents matching with tents -
Punishing the son of A'idh the son of a slave,
٧. أَغَرنا إِذ أَغارَ المَلكُ فينا
مَنالاً وَالقِبابُ مَعَ القِبابِ
8. While we were his peers in striking the foe.
We had agreed to lay low the roaring warriors
٨. عِقاباً بِاِبنِ عائِذٍ اِبنِ عَبدٍ
وَكُنّا في العَدوِّ ذَوي عِقابِ
9. And make the forbidden ghada trees their burial-ground
In a torrent wherein Balqaa is made desolate
٩. تَواعَدنا أُضاخَهُمُ وَنَقراً
وَمَنعِجَهُم بِأَحياءٍ غِضابِ
10. With no survival, and men call for mounts.
There she remained twisting for a long time
١٠. بِمَجرٍ تَهِلكُ البَلقاءُ فيهِ
فَلا تَبقى وَنودي بِالرِكابِ
11. Towards ruins, bending over with vulture-like neck.
We took vengeance on the branded slaves
١١. فَظَلَّت تَقتَري مَرخاً طِوالاً
إِلى الأَبياتِ تُلوي بِالنِهابِ
12. Of terrible appearance and fearful cries.
١٢. أَخَذنا بِالمُخَطَّمِ مَن عَلِمتُم
مِنَ الدُهمِ المُزَنَّمَةِ الرِعابِ