
You, the son of the sister of truthfulness, on the day when our houses

وأنت ابن أخت الصدق يوم بيوتنا

1. You, the son of the sister of truthfulness, on the day when our houses
Were all small, when the tribes marched against us,

١. وَأَنتَ اِبنُ أُختِ الصِدقِ يَومَ بُيوتُنا
بِكُتلَةَ إِذ سارَت إِلَينا القَبائِلُ

2. In a district, if it were said 'Be ready,' would stand, with no cartridges returned against them.

٢. بِحَيٍّ إِذا قيلَ اِظعَنوا قَد أُتيتُمُ
أَقاموا فَلَم تُردَد عَلَيهِم حَمائِلُ