1. My she-camel carried me to you, O good fortune,
Through the dusty paths, though lame and weak.
١. إِلَيكَ سَعيدَ الخَيرِ جابَت مَطِيَّتي
فُروجَ الفَيافي وَهِيَ عَوجاءُ عَيهَلُ
2. Disheveled by the long journey, still she struggled on,
Bearing me to you, though tired and worn.
٢. بأَشعثَ مِن طُولِ السُرى عَسَفَت بِهِ
إِلَيكَ عَلَنداةٌ مِنَ العَيسِ عَيطَلُ
3. You'll find her not lacking, though she's no palace,
For you she's equal, be you in hut or hall.
٣. تَرى أَنَّهُ لا قَصرَ عَنكَ وَما لَها
سَواءَكَ مِن قَصرٍ وَلا عَنكَ مَعدِلُ
4. No mortal's reach has grasped the heights of glory,
Save only where your hand has grasped their all.
٤. فَما بَلَغَت كَفُّ اِمرِئٍ مُتَناوِلٍ
مِنَ المَجدِ إِلّا حَيثُ ما نِلتَ أَطوَلُ
5. Those who praise you, though sincere, can't match you;
Only you yourself are best qualified.
٥. وَلا بَلَغَ المُهدون نَحوكَ مِدحَةً
وَلَو صَدَقوا إِلّا الَّذي فيكَ أَفضَلُ
6. You, the chosen among Quraysh, are a pillar
For those who seek you - salvation, refuge, shield.
٦. وَكَم مِن ثَناءٍ صالِحٍ كُنتَ أَهلَهُ
مُدِحتَ بِهِ تُجزى بِذاكَ وَتَقبلُ
7. The sands of Mecca know that you alone
Possess its glory, its ancient rights upheld.
٧. وَإِنَّ المُصَفّى مِن قُرَيشٍ دِعامَةٌ
لَمَن نابَهُ حِرزٌ نَجاةٌ وَمَعقِلُ
8. When Quraysh's clans all spread their lofty branches,
Yours is the highest, your glory is extolled.
٨. وَقَد عَلِمَت بَطحاءُ مَكَّةَ أَنَّهُ
لَهُ العِزُّ مِنها وَالقَديمُ المُؤثَّلُ
9. Brother of generosity - your cauldrons
Are ever brimming and shared with young and old.
٩. إِذا ما تَسامَت مِن قُرَيشٍ فُروعُها
فَبَيتُكَ أَعلاها وَعِزُّكَ أَطوَلُ
10. When the destitute come to warm themselves around,
You see the fires lit, the meaty stewpot rolled.
١٠. أَخو شَتَواتٍ لا تَزالُ قُدورُهُ
يُحَلُّ عَلى أَرجائِها ثُمَّ يُرحَلُ
11. You hear the loud babble as the crowd gathers,
Like camels' grunting when their milk is pulled.
١١. إِذا ما اِنتَحاها المُرمِلونَ رَأَيتَها
لَوَشكِ قِراها وَهِيَ بِالجَزلِ تُشعَلُ
12. You see the noble she-camels vying in splendor,
Young, robust, their saddle-cloths still unsmeared.
١٢. سَمِعتَ لَها لَغطاً إِذا ما تَغَطمَطَت
كَهَدرِ الجِمالِ رُزَّماً حينَ تُجفَلُ
13. Plump waterskins, fully distended bellies
Pressed down in their middles, still unpierced.
١٣. تَرى كُلَّ دَهماءِ السَراةِ نَبيلَةٍ
شُماخِيَّةٍ في يافِعٍ لا تُزَمَّلُ
14. Like the elderly camels, snorting in their stalls
When they sneeze in the cold and their noses drip.
١٤. تَرى البازِلَ الكَوماءَ فيها بِأَسرِها
مُقَبَّضَةً في قَعرِها ما تَحَلحَل
15. When the waves surge, they're like frightened camels
Huddling for shelter from the night's harsh chill.
١٥. كَأَنَّ الكُهولَ الشُمطَ في حَجَراتِها
تَعاطَسُ في تَيّارِها حينَ تَحفِلُ
16. When the cooking pots boil, it's as if they'd spill
With the fierce rocks and bubbles fit to burst.
١٦. إِذا التَطَمَت أَمواجُها فَكأَنَّها
عَوائِذُ دُهمٌ في المَحَلَّةِ قُيَّلُ
17. Such are cauldrons that will always remain
To sustain those who seek them - their food, their thirst.
١٧. إِذا اِحتَفَلَت أَوشازُها فَكَأَنَّما
يُزَعزِعُها مِن شِدَّةِ الغَليِ أَفكَلُ
18. Your neighbor is guarded, secure from all harm,
Safe from injustice, with dignity preserved.
١٨. فَتِلكَ قُدورٌ لا تَزالُ مُقيمَةً
لِمَن نابَها فيها مَعاشٌ وَمَأكَلُ
19. You refuse to give in to anger's whim,
But gently calm it, with friendship well served.
١٩. وَجارُكَ مُحفوظٌ مَنيعٌ بِنَجوَةٍ
عَن الضَيمِ لا يُقصى وَلا يَتَذَلَّلُ
20. Of the people, one who suffers oppression
Is like a snake whose hole is laid bare - beware!
٢٠. وَتَأبى فَلا تُعطي عَلى الخَسفِ دِرَّةً
مُبِسّاً وَلَكِن بِالتَوَدُدِ تُخبِلُ
21. A fierce lion who attacks the protected,
With his den in the woods and his cubs in his care.
٢١. مِنَ القَومِ مَغشِيُّ الرَواقِ كَأَنَّهُ
إِذا سيمَ ضَيماً خادِرٌ يَتَبَسَّلُ
22. Brother to honor, you honor faith and bounty,
Bonded while fragrance lingers and roses bloom.
٢٢. ضُبارِمَةٌ لَيثٌ مُدِلٌ مُؤارِبٌ
لَهُ في عَرينِ الغابِ عِرسٌ وَأَشبُلُ
23. You've reveled joyfully in glory's abundance,
Exalted, towering over valley and dune.
٢٣. أَخو العُرفِ مَعروفٌ لَهُ الدينُ وَالنَدى
حَليفانِ ما دامَت تِعارٌ وَيَذبُلُ
24. I saw a rift between us, and mended it
Gently and tactfully, as a tear can be sewn.
٢٤. تَبَحبَحتَ في بَحبُوحَةِ المَجدِ مِنهُمُ
بِرابِيَةٍ تَعلو الرَوابِيَ مِن عَلُ
٢٥. رَأَيتُ اِنثِلاماً بَينَنا فَرَقَعتُهُ
بِرفِقي وَإِحيائي وَقَد يُرقَعُ الثلمُ